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Everything posted by Bobinstein

  1. it isnt just my style, its the style of all true gamers. the people who will keep this game alive. the only reason so many people wz so much is because bioware has been lacking in its attention to pve, groups cant get formed, and the only thing to do is wz. once this is fixed i guarantee the number of people in wz will drop by at least half.
  2. exactly why i said bioware should come out with incentives to join groups instead of wasting time on wz
  3. i never said pve should be the sole focus, i said bioware should have its priorities straight. if it continues to throw time and money at an aspect of the game that caters to the 'weekend warriors" of the MMO world. the people who only play to get a quick fix of "action" with no plot or story line or real purpose instead of improving the parts that keep serious gamers in place, the entire game will crumble into a footnote on the pages of video game history. real gamers focus on the things that matter and if they are not catered to then they will leave. and the part timers, the wz lovers, they are fickle by nature and will leave no matter what once the next big thing comes around
  4. pvp server means that open world pvp is always on. it is designed for people who think like me. if all you want to do is wz then go play on a pve server where you get to pick and choose when you flag yourself. the server type does not affect wz
  5. if WZ were removed from te game completely tomorrow, absolutely nothing else would change.
  6. because PvE IS the game. without it the game would just be a poorly designed shooter
  7. they should be focused mainly on improving and expanding the PvE experiance. more ops, more HM's more class quests, fewer bugs, more incentive for groups to form, etc open world pvp should be their secondary. better rewards for illum kills and even more benefits for chancing across people while questing and beating the tar out of them. "organized" pvp warzones should certainly be the least of their concerns. wz serve no purpose other than to farm gear and unimaginative titles. it requires no skill whatsoever. you get ported to a place with a bunch of people and you run around casting till it times out. in open world pvp you have to know what youre doing. you have to know your class and theirs or you die, repeatedly, untill you have to port back to a med droid ashamed. and open world pvp gives you a sense of real accomplishment. the knowledge that you are a better player than the one you just killed. you know how to use your skills and the environment better than the poor fool you just merc'd. THAT is what MMO's were maid for. so to recap, PvE is most important, open world pvp is second. and those frilly little "war zones" deserve the least of biowares attention while the game is still developing.
  8. i saw a thread a few weeks ago with a list of all the conversation choices that give you affection with your companions from the illum dailies. anyone know where it went? i cant find it
  9. to hell with dots and dps, i am pure healz. that other stuff doesnt matter
  10. will we get a free respec after the patch? im going to have to rebuild my tree now
  11. but... the casting time reduction is the only reason i use resurge
  12. exactly what is changing for heal specs in 1.2
  13. whats better for heal spec? power, crit, or endurance?
  14. when leveling a warrior, who else stops when the low level bosses have low health just to make sure you can kill him with force scream?
  15. if i hit lvl 11 or higher before i pick my advanced class, do i still get the skill tree points when i finally get there? or are they just gone forever leaving me unusually weak at 50
  16. i just made a radiant blade (for the fun of it) if i RE can i get schems for something better? i dont want to waste it if there is no chance for improvement. also, i heard crafted items could crit for an augment slot, i have never seen this. is there something i need to do to make it happen?
  17. yea, i know there are quests before you can get in. i cant find the start point. been looking for an hour. searched all 3 ships. cant find it. tried looking online, all i can find are boss fights and where to get the quests where is the entrance
  18. why? the less i know about it the less time ill have to be disappointed and the longer the period of wonderful discovery after the patch comes out
  19. im already 50. have been for a while. there is no reason for me to go back to those lesser planets
  20. i have several missions that i cannot abandon and they are just taking up space in my mission log. i went and did most of them but they are so annoying and take forever. i stopped after spending 3 hours on a mission chain, i had to reset to fix one part of the mission i was on and it restarted the whole chain. is there a reason i cant abandon these missions? i just want them to go away
  21. how ill bound items be affected by legacy in 1.2? will bound items be legacy bound instead of toon bound? what about special items like crafting schems? my main has several artifact level schems for crew skills i dont have, but am working on alts for. will i be able to mail those to my alts when legacy is released? or is legacy just a huge waste of time?
  22. what is the difference between NiM and HM? are the bosses harder? do they have more hp? is it just the difference between 8/16 man groups? is NiM just a time limit? ive heard different things from different people
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