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Everything posted by Qilz

  1. I fail to understand your logic on winning. Each side has the same amount in any given battle, therefore, they are better than you. If you are complaining that they have more 50's, nothing can help you there until your side goes and levels. I personally rolled a Commando, got it to 50 and was bored to tears with the Republic side. Low population, boring armor, etc. Switched to a different server and made a Sith. Much more fun with a much larger player base.
  2. This will be my last answer to you as you just want to continue to whine to make everything in the game accessible in a day. It's bad enough that leveling is a joke, let's not make everything else so easy. I grouped, you did not. My time was IN group, your time was OUT of group. I put more time IN group = I have higher social. Get it? Good.
  3. I put time into the group. You did not. There's your answer and I cannot be more clear that that. SOCIAL = group.
  4. LOL - You skip the MM and you expect social points? That says it all. Good luck with that..."sweetie". Not really wanting to knock your playstyle as everyone can certainly do as they please. However, you are asking for a multiplayer benefit to be given to a solo player. Not really sure why you think you would be entitled to it.
  5. Are you being serious or are you a real bad troll? Instances, raids, dailies....all of which will keep adding to the bar. You plan to solo at 50 for the rest of your playtime? If so, you have no need for the social bar anyway.
  6. So basically, you want something for free that others put time into? Gotcha. That's all you had to say. Do you plan to do HM instances? Do you plan to raid? You'll fill up the social plenty fast once you do. Group up for your daily quests at 50. The whole point of the bar is to encourage grouping. I highly doubt you will ever see it be reduced.
  7. Says you. My level 50 Commando is social level 6. I leveled all the way to 50 with my wife. If you didn't solo 90% of the game, you would see the social bar works just fine.
  8. The mod system while leveling up is excellent. Sorry you actually have to think what to use for gear instead of blindly rolling on everything that says Heavy, Medium, or Light.
  9. Crying over loot that will be replaced in 2 levels is kinda pointless.
  10. Hey, jackwagon, which post above you is in any way a whine? Crawl back under your rock.
  11. Put it back on the bar On a serious side, no, I have not found or heard of any workaround.
  12. Funny, I make 10x the amount of money with Underworld Trading than I do with Slicing. Slicing may have needed toned down, not gutted.
  13. Wrong. I have a 50 Commando and a 42 Guardian. The Commando in every way is easier all the way through. Nothing changes. In fact, I made the Commando when my Guardian was 37. It took me less than 1/2 the time played to reach 50 that it took my Guardian to reach 42.
  14. The ore goes for 10k on my server. I used 10 last night, gathered 14 more. If these went for 60k on my server I'd be filthy rich.
  15. Biochem. Make the unlimited use Medpack and Stim and then drop it and take 3 gathering professions.
  16. Make the speeder, make the grenades, make an earring and drop the skill. Crafting is useless beyond the gathering skills once you have the BoP items that don;t even require the skill to use.
  17. Part of the story. Go do the runaround and they will be back.
  18. Maybe it's your attitude, maybe it's your server. In my 47 levels I have been thanked every single time except for 1. I have had others stay and kill the mobs , dance, clap, and thank me all the time.
  19. When 70% of the server is going Biochem for the overpowered, reusable stims at endgame, of course you are going to see less materials available. Common sense.
  20. Wrong. Get your facts straight before you post nonsense.
  21. Can you be this dumb? Do you even understand what BOP is? You can't trade them when you make them. Nice try. I've highlighted some words in your original post that apply. Edit: Just in case you were even trying to compare the junky reusable ones to the ones that are no-trade, no other craft anywhere in any profession gives an essentially permanent buff of the significance that Bio does.
  22. Biochem will get nerfed. It's quite obvious it's way over the top with their permanent bonuses and the fact that you don't even need to keep Biochem once you make the items.
  23. Not to be rude, but this may be the easiest class I have played in any MMO to date. This to me feels even more OP and easy than the original EQ druids. I put my 37 Jedi Guardian on hold to make one of these and it's already 45. I have had no issues whatsoever soloing. Most of the time I don't even bother to look at what I am shooting. I have duo'd pretty much most x4's with another Commando who specs in healing. Keep your gear up to date. I do have a slight advantage there since I make my own armorings, mods, and earrings. Keep your companions gear up to date (I use the healer) Get a rotation that works for you. It may not be the most optimal end game rotation but if it works for you for leveling, use it. Do what feels comfortable. There has not been a fight yet that I could not beat. The only times I have died is when I rely on others. Sure, that will be needed end game, but not for leveling.
  24. Cybertech here as well. Every 2 levels, I have the most up to date Armoring and every 4 levels I have the most up to date Mods. Also have the best earrings for the level. As a bonus, I do the droids armor, ship upgrades, and I make my own speeders. 400 skill comes very fast and easy while making your mods and armoring.
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