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Everything posted by scorions

  1. @Kantoro: OK. That's commonsense. I thought maybe there were things that I had to do so that she can hold aggro but I guess that's b/c you are a healer. As sorc. dps, I almost immediately get aggro when I start hitting mobs. In fact, this is why I am using Xalek more now. He is as squishy as others but holds aggro for a bunch just fine and no matter how hard I dps I do not have mobs coming all over me. I guess I understand the point of Xalek better now. He is not Kem, but he is just fine if I need an OK tank (tank = holds aggro), with some dps (I will provide the rest). It's kinda unfortunate that we cannot really measure who is doing how much dps... Game is too young for fine-grained tools WoW provided for min/maxing
  2. So, what exactly 'knowing how to use her' means? Can you please expand on that?
  3. I'm a recent convert from WoW which I played for about 5 yrs. For our class you do not need tons of bindings to be honest but a couple are necessary IMO. As everyone suggested, I would get used to WASD for moving (mouse for directions). LAYOUT Next I will tell you about what I found working for me best. I have 2bars up and 1 bar on the right. Right bar is not necessary for game play, it's mostly for stuff like vehicle, buffs, quicktravel etc. Bottom CENTER bar I map from 1 to 6 1-> Force Slow 2-> Shock 3-> Lightning Strike 4-> Force Lightning 5-> electrocute 6-> Force Speed 3 is almost above 'W', and it's the spell I click the most (your filler spell). Now above those I have my the exact same numbers with CTRL keys. I cannot use shift or alt, I tried but did not feel comfortable. However, CTRL is easy for me. so here is the layout of of regular BAR (above middle bottom) CTRL+1 -> Heroic Moment: ... (difficult to reach and rarely used) CTRL+2 -> Jolt (to interrupt) CTRL+3 -> Recklessness CTRL+4 -> Chain Lightning CTRL+5 -> Force Storm I cannot comfortable reach CTRL + anything else, so I dont use them. Instead I map the next keys to F keys, which are very easy to jump to, oncey ou have your left middle finger on '3' (so 2-3-4 the most commonly pressed ones) F1 -> Choose companion (to quickly throw a heal, shield etc) F2 -> Choose myself (to quickly throw a heal) F3 -> Polarity Shift F4 -> Relic for alacricity F5 -> Dark Heal I fill the rest of the bar on the right side with the stuff mapped to mouse buttons and I also use '-', '+', '*' keys - -> Seethe + -> Medpac (like + HP) * -> Dark Infusion Mouse wheel up -> Crushing Darkness (my opening at fights) Mouse wheel down -> Affliction (my send spell in rotation) Mouse button 3 (press down wheel ) - > Whirldwind Mouse button 4 -> Overload Mouse button 5 -> Shield Also have a binding for putting you companion to passive mode (to give up fighting and follow u) I use '7' on the right side of the keypad. GAMEPLAY I have all companions at this point, and already have a thread about which one to use when, you can check that out and learn what people find useful. At your level, Kem is da man. Make sure you turn on options that show the HP of the mob (and yours). That way you get used to seeing what you can take down easily and which ones are difficult for you. To give you an example. I ave 10K HP, my companions also have around that and I can take down elites that are about 25-27K HP (a bit more than our total). Make sure you have Full HP before fighting. Shield and send your companion to your target (if group, choose the strongest one that you do not CC), and start casting (mouse wheel up), (mouse hweel down), then use 3,4,5 accordingly. Once you get higher, you will usually send your companion and use AOE spell (Force Storm). If you feel that fight is not going well, you will die, sprint away. let your companion keep fighting. When (s)he dies, do not resurrect. Dismiss and call back (comes back as full HP). Watch your enemy's cast bar. Interrupt whenever you can (CTRL+2/Jolt and '5'/Electrocute in my case). Never wait for your spell to finish before casting the next. I.e. Do not hit 3, wait it to finish and hit 3 again. Instead hit 3, half way there start hitting 3 repeatedly until the next spell starts (check out Game > Controls > Ability Action Queue Window and tinker with it) Well, there are tons of others things to mention but hopefully this gives you an idea... good luck
  4. Thanks for comments and insights folks. At this point, I am using Xalek if I do not want to be bothered with taking dmg. while dps'ing. That was one sore point with both Ashara and Andronikos for me.
  5. Thanks for comments. I have Xalek's shield up. I am getting used to his squishy nature. Ashara has been another disappointing companion for me. Andronikos seems much better at dps and seems to take less dmg. I've been using them both for quite a while now and if I want to quickly burn down groups I actually go with Andronikos. Khem is still my go to guy for single elite/champion tanking. Xalek does not make sense if the fight is going to be close. It's a weird situation right now that I am trying to figure out how to use them in fights... If there are, say 4 mobs, that have about 3K HP, I can easily take them down in two Force Storms. In such cases Andronikos provides the additional dps (There are no dps-meters but when I look at the flying numbers they are putting out in similar gear levels, that's what I see). If once of them has higher HP and will not die with Force Storm then it becomes a challenge b/c neither Andronikos nor Ashara can keep that mob on them. I can see how Xalek could be useful in such a case. Do you folks have a different view on that? ABILITIES I guess one last question is which ability options you choose for them? Xalek: Force Bomb | Consume Essence | Force Conduit = Off, everything else on. The reason I have consume Essence off is I thought it broke my CC (when fighting groups with a higher HP on the side that I CC) Andronikos: I have all abilities turned on. Depending on single target or group, I choose "Sniper Mode" | "Assault Mode" Ashara: All abilities are on except "Exsanguination". To be honest I am not sure if "Perforation" is better dps. Thoughts? Thanks!
  6. I am lvl 46 and got Xalek. I rushed class quests to get him. I put on the best gear I could find at AH and PVP doublebladed-lighsaber on him.. Now I am back to Belsavis trying him. First mob 10Khp, I sent him and start dpsing as usual. He nearly dies. I am surprised at how fragile he is as a tank. Is he supposed to be tougher later on? Am I missing something?
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