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Posts posted by scorions

  1. I just sent the useless millions I had accumulated to friends and called it quits with this game. I actually have 19 more days to play before my card expires but have no desire to keep on playing anymore. Why?


    When I hit 50, I hit warzones, did the dialies, crafted Syth gear and then shifted to BioChem to get +Will Power for my sorcerer. I quickly realized there was not much to do b/c the server population (Thana Vesh) was not that great anymore (used to be standard became light after i joined)...


    I have had several issues with HMs and buggy game play but will leave that aside b/c I mainly enjoyed PvP in this game.


    1) Warzone Q's took forever. No improvements with 1.2


    2) I greatly enjoyed the burst hybrid sorc build, which fit my style well but saw it ruined with 1.2. Many posts about this in sorcerer forums... and to date I have not seen 'communication' from BioWare about the concerns which were raised long before 1.2 became live.


    3) New Commendation system sucks! We play against pre-mades in my server during 'busy' evening hours and now get very little out of it, if any. I see people stop trying now more than ever.


    4) I've finally got 2000 commendations after a week of play and found out that I cannot upgrade my BM gear b/c I had changed the mods on them previously and trying to putting back the old mods did not help either.


    That was the final straw for me. I lost my desire to play this game. I wanted it to succeed but in my eyes this game fails miserably in many many accounts.


    WoW has been out there for years. BioWare should have learned the good lessons from them and apply here what worked day 1 E.g. guild banks, combat logs, functional Auction House, interface customizations,macros, addons. Dungeon Finder, achievement system (although I was never big on that), community forum interaction etc. etc.


    Instead, it looks like they wanted to start from scratch and make the same mistakes others did. So be it. Let's see how it ends up for you. Bye!

  2. I just found out to my horror that although I had all the original mods and enhancements and put them back I can not upgrade to War-Hero!


    OK I am gonna be nice. ARE YOU **ING KIDDING ME?


    I worked my *** off to get that BM gear and max it. No way I am going to buy it again and then upgrade it. You want my money? Try pleasing me instead of frustrating me!

  3. Same here, until they fix it it'll stay so, hope it's before the free time runs out otherwise it's highly unlikely.


    I have about 20days or so left. I doubt that it will be fixed by then and that means I am not renewing my sub either.

  4. In my server, Imperial side pretty much has no premade and republic side is almost always premade. After the patch it became absolute nightmare for a couple of reasons:


    1) We are going against premades all the time and ending up losing. I personally feel frustrated b/c although I am full BM, it is taking forever to pile up commendations now even if I do very well.


    2) Population of servers are small. PVP Q's are taking forever. Sometimes 1 game in an hour, if that.


    3) Everyone knows everyone else which was supposed to be a good thing (and in some cases yes) but it also means I personally almost always have 2-3 people on me, b/c I used to be able to 'hurt people' before 1.2 and they already know me.


    All in all, PVP is much less fun!

  5. 3/7/31 is in no way a "Dps improvement" vs the pre 1.2 hybrid spec. It is very comparable though, and I was even out performing hybrid spec'd Sorcs because of my throughput. I would survive longer, thus ultimately doing more damage, scoring more kills, etc. I also did not need big groups of people clumped together to get the most out of the spec.


    My numbers as hybrid were astounding. My numbers as Madness are really good, but like I said, not exactly the same. My killing blows are up though, and I feel much more "comfortable" in combat situations.


    I've played many warzones now, and initially thought well, I survive longer... good things kinda ended there for me. Everyone liked wrath build, some people like madness. That's the end of story.


    I do not like this 'new' way and I do not see it as viable for me. As majority of my time was in PvP, game is much much less fun for me.

  6. I was using a 3/31/7 build last night, to see how well it did in the new content. I think I may try out 3/7/31 on Sunday, then decide which of the 3 I really want to use. The DPS gap between the 3 is close enough that it'll honestly come down more to which is favored by current encounter mechanics than which actually does the best patchwerk dps.


    Edit: Damnit, another ninja PvP thread.


    I am too trying 3/7/31. Lack of viable AoE for a sorcerer does not feel natural. I do PvP mostly and just played a couple of games. Did not see a dps improvement compared to hybrid (in general my numbers are way down since 1.2 I can barely break 300K (full BM).


    Please report back what you find out. It would be helpful if you can compare them please.



  7. I totally understand the guy above and his frustration. I hit 50 and hit Warzones. There was not much to do other than stupid dailies anyway. I mean how many times you can do the BT HM. That's what everyone does to get the daily HM anyway.


    I loved the Warzones. I loved the hybrid build and that's all that kept me playing. I hit valor 75 and in two weeks my 2month paid subscription is ending. I am hearing madness is not bad, so I will try it and try to enjoy warzones again.


    If that does not work, then I am not gonna keep on paying for something that I do not enjoy. Maybe I will be just a drop in the bucket, but maybe it will help BioWare realize how much they upset the sorc. community with this (and this was coming) and it will help the remaining folks enjoy the game more.

  8. I have no problem at getting medals but they do not seem to do much. I got 11 medal last game for example but only 53 commendation. Valor does not mean anything anyway.


    DPS is way down with hybrid. I used to break 300K when the fight was on (full BM gear btw) now, well I am lucky if I can break 250K

  9. I was doing this in HM today. Last boss at 10% I got kicked out of the platform. I did not touch anything, screen went blank and I saw a game loading page. Found myself outside the instance. On the vent, I hear we downed him yet, I could not go back in.


    So, I could not go back in, could not loot, daily is not done and when I opened a ticket I hear from DEVS that 'this is by design'. Really?


    Any sensible person would see that something is not quite right about this 'design'?


    For example, why did not the daily get done as the final boss is downed?


    If you do not think this is not a bug or design mistake then you do not get it! You do not attract users by frustrating them with your design decisions. Have you not learned anything from successful MMOs?


    Still fuming and frustrated!

  10. its because someone burst you down in the 4 seconds they had after the match ended so you had to rez after you left the wz. it happens a lot and on a smash jug its fun to do it to people you dont like :)


    Yeah... As someone suggested, if you re-Q instead of rezzing, you are back to life when yyou get in the PVP

  11. b/c pvping is harder than pveing


    i think i get what your saying. fyi open world (ie anything outside of a warzone) isnt called pve. pve is when you are in combat against computer controlled characters, just like pvp is when you are in combat with player controlled characters. so what you basically said was that you died while in a warzone and then you left a warzone, started attacking some mobs and proceeded to die again. you see how this is confusing when you use the wrong terms


    Well, when I left the warzone, I was transported back to where I was before joining, but 'still' dead and needed to click the only option to rez @imperial post.

  12. so you died in pvp and then died in pve? if youre dying in pve you probably shouldnt be pvping


    No, but for the record, yes I die in PvE yet I don't see your logic of connecting that to somehow a no-no for PvP'ing??


    In this case, I was dead when the game ended. I clicked exit, and I am dead in PVE, suggesting me to rez in imperial blah blah. That should not be the case. All dots etc should drop and you should be back to full HP when you exit PvP.


    Someone suggested a 'workaround' by first rezzing yourself in PvP. Still this is a bug and not the only bug as it happens re-queue'ing did not actually work when I DC'ed.

  13. Happened to me twice today...

    First I die in PvP, game ends, I find myself dead in PVE.

    2nd time I die in PVP, game DCs, I immediately connect back, dead in PVE.


    Please fix these issues.


    Also, when I reconnect, you should put me back into the PVP I was in. I lost all the medals and valor and etc. etc. These are pretty frustrating usability bugs.

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