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Posts posted by BonnerFett

  1. I find it funny that people assume its a "barrier to entry" and not just that at least half but probably more than half of the remaning pvp population grudgingly tolerates arenas at best, or quits them and does something else for 15 minutes instead at worst.


    Its not a barrier to entry. Its just a game mode only a few players like that encourages the kinds of people that make players do something else with their time.


    My point is that you can play warzones all day, you can get really good at 8v8 but ranked arenas are a completely different game.


    If they offered unranked arenas for people to practice it might just get more people playing and learning which would increase the skills of the people who would like to que for solo ranked but don't want to get their teeth kicked in repeatedly by a gold player that has 10 years of experience.


    But none of this matters if there is only 8 people in the SR que.

  2. Now that 7.1 is finished, BioWare is probably brainstorming and drafting up changes to PvP in anticipation of 7.2 and the “PvP Revamp.” Maybe those changes are going to be extremely underwhelming and the bare minimum like PvP class balance, and maybe those changes are going to be large scale and actually revamp PvP.


    Let’s assume the latter, and the PvP revamp is actually going to be a “revamp”… What changes do we need most? What part of PvP sucks the most and why? What should BioWare do to fix it?


    Who knows, maybe BioWare is actually reading this. Keep your suggestions constructive and practical. Remember the BioWare team is small and not well funded. They aren’t going to change the engine, bring back ranked 8v8s, or implement cross-server PvP.


    Here’s my suggestion:




    • Change the amount of damage that gets transferred from the guarded to guarding target to 20% (down from 50%).
    • Create a PvP stat called “Guard Effectiveness.” Every X point of Guard Effectiveness increases the amount of damage that gets transferred to the tank.
    • Guard Effectiveness experiences VERY HARD diminishing returns at the 45%~50% mark, similar to the critical stat.
    • Guard Effectiveness is a tank stat and can only be found on tank gear.
    • Bring back guard for dps classes.



    • Forces tanks to take tank gear.
    • Allows diversity between tank gear and dps gear.
    • Brings back and balances offguard for dps classes.
    • Does not affect pve.


    Biggest issue is lack of players queing for pvp (especially ranked play). Half the time I que for solo ranked I can't get a que pop. I sit in que for 30 minutes get frustrated and log off. Fix that.


    Server Merge

    New maps

    Take some of the existing maps and change the game/mechanics of each map (like WOW did)

    more class balance - its stealth meta again.


    Encourage more players to participate.

    Promote pvp!

    Help curb the toxicity


    Huge barrier to enter solo ranked. To help people learn arenas offer an unranked arena que so people can learn.

  3. I was extremely excited at the idea that I could merge the Sith Marauder and Juggernaut, or one of the afor mentioned with the Assassin's abilities to mix DPS and Stealth. But nah, it really is quite the underwhelming release.


    All it did was make it so I didn't have to level both toons...


    But then I flip between specs using the loadouts and it screws up my ability bar every time. This is a joke.

  4. As the title says. I'm going to share my favorite ability. I would also love to hear about yours! My favorite ability is "Crippling slice"/Skank shot. Now if you don't know what it does. it is supposed to immobilize the target and prevent them from turning. Now I use this ability all the time PVP/PvE it doesn't matter I love it. But, the number of times someone. Or something has turned and looked at me in the face after I used it is astronomical. I'm not going to flame anyone or complain. It was like this in 6.0 and prior.


    Last night I had a sage, (I think it was a sage.) turn around and say, "Hello there." I lost it and fell over laughing. It's those small little moments that bring the most joy. I digress I would like to hear, or is it read? Tell me about your favorite abilities in 7.0.


    I'm just returning so I don't know, but have any abilities been added or animations changed in 7.0?

  5. Class stacking is a symptom of class imbalance. Although you are right it is a big problem in ranked, tbh it's a big problem in any form of pvp.


    Marauder class stack is probably one of of the worst class stacks along side merc net. Most people probably don't remember 5.0 fury marauder class stack... but it was bad. Unless fury marauder gets fixed, it's going to be the same thing in 7.0.


    Was there any class balance in pvp in all of 6.0? Asking because I played most of 6.0 and while playign there wasn't any class balance or tuning. Not sure if there was any while I was gone....

  6. Good stuff guys!


    I played IO Merc last night and it was fun. I also played around on my PT was pretty good also. I think I might just level my IO merc and add PT as my second combat style.


    I'll level my Deception Sin after and add Mara as my second combat style!

  7. I've tried playing some of my different classes since 7.0 launched. They all seem less fun and less exciting to play than in 6.0. Did any classes get anything new with 7.0? It just seems like everything was prunned and no "fun" abilities or anything was added. Just seems like I'm playing a watered down version of all of my classes.


    Which classes are you having fun with in pvp?

  8. Hey All,


    Long time fan of SWTOR. Took a break for 4-5 months at the end of 6.X back for 7.0 and want to get some opinions on a main PVP class. I like burst and mobility but more importantly having a fun. I do some casual solo ranked. Here is some of my classes that I like


    AP PT






    I hear Sniper is in a real bad spot... our of these classes which one would you recommend for pvp?

  9. I play a number of classes in pvp, but none of them are as much fun as my sniper. Definitely the highest skill cap of any class IMO, also most rewarding to play IMO. When I do regs with my sniper, I do really well, my damage is great while playing objectives. I always feel like I'm making an impact and helping my team. I feel I have a good handle on the class and starting to do well with it.


    Now, when I get into arenas I get slaughtered. I usually get focused and blown up while frantically using my DCD's and trying to get away.


    Any tips to help me improve my sniper play in arenas?


    Thanks all!

  10. i believe they should just put in pure deathmatch or team TDM maps, or even convert some of them to this.

    I am one of the few that enjoy objectives, i play to win not pad stats, but maybe if we give those who just want to play that way the chance they might actually play the other maps right?

    Doubtful i know but a guy can hope.


    At this point, I'll take any PVP change or improvement. Maybe even a balance patch sometime. Legit anything.

  11. Yes, pursue the path of your heart. Learn your tune and you will be prosperous. In pvp serenity/hatred should be used as a burst spec, build it that way. Spreading dots should be third on priority (burst, peel, spread). I already stated to much. Have fun!! La-irini


    Any tips on how to burst with hatred or deception?

  12. Hey All,


    I haven't played my sin in a while. Looking to pvp on Sin. I watched the videos which are pre-nerf to the DK set from Krea.


    My question is how do you maximize burst on Sin now? Ive heard that running Murderous Rev set with Alpha strike and two cloaks is the viable now. I have both sets/ What stats should I shoot for to maximize my burst?


    One more question - is Hatred garbage in pvp? I assume so, but if not let me know how to make it work.


    Thanks all!

  13. I think implementing these proposed changes for PVP (listed below) would really turn PvP around for the better in SWTOR:


    Regular Warzones (8v8)

    - 8v8 Objective & Hutball Warzone maps only (arenas removed from queue).

    - Solo or Groups of 2, 3 or 4 allowed to queue. (Same 1 tank 1 healer restrictions as live for groups).

    - NO deserter penalty

    - MATCH REWARDS: Gear Crates + Tech Frags


    Arenas (4v4) (currently ''Solo Ranked" on live)

    - 4v4 Arena's only

    - NO ELO rating tied to this game type anymore. Think of it as practice/scrimmages

    - Requires MAX gear rating

    - Solo or Group of 4 only allowed to queue. (No 2s or 3s grouping. Same 1 tank 1 healer restrictions as live for teams).

    - Deserter Penalty

    - MATCH REWARDS: Gear Crates + Tech Frags + 'Arena Tokens'.


    Ranked Arenas (Team 4v4s) (currently "Team Ranked" on live)

    - 4v4 Arena's only

    - ELO rating tied to wins/losses.

    - Requires MAX gear rating.

    - Only Group of 4 can queue

    - MATCH REWARDS: Gear Crates + Tech Frags + 'Arena Tokens' + Ranked Tokens





    ARENA REWARDS, (Arena Tokens):

    - PURCHASABLE: New Title for the season

    - PURCHASABLE: 1 new Armor set & Weapons

    - PURCHASABLE: Unique Flair (perhaps black/platinum with no fire animation, making it unique to arenas).


    RANKED ARENA REWARDS, (Ranked Tokens):

    - PURCHASABLE: Glowing versions of the armor and weapons above

    - PURCHASABLE: 1 Unique mount for the season (but 3 variations: Plain, Armored and Armored + Glowing...with prices based off likelihood of ELO tiers).

    - GIVEN, NOT PURCHASABLE: New unique Title given only to the 4 players on the top Team for the season.

    - GIVEN, NOT PURCHASABLE: Bronze, Silver, Gold Flair given out based off your best ELO for the season.



    So what I think this set up does, is gives all those who like 8v8s the chance to do so under the way things used to be. No arenas, no deserter penalty for warzones you may not like. Enjoy the game casually, while still getting gear and working towards the stepping stone of more competitive play: Arenas and Ranked Arenas.


    For 4v4 Arenas, this gets rid of the CHAOS of solo ranked. Now "Solo Ranked" turns into Arena Scrimmages. You can solo queue and get a feel for arenas, get rewards for wins and losses, and/or have the chance to PRACTICE as a team of 4s for actual ranked arenas. This gives you the chance to try out new team compositions to take into Ranked Arenas, while still giving you unique tokens and rewards for this game type.


    Team Ranked is then the top level of competition. It not only gives unique tokens/rewards but also regular arena tokens as well, to incentivize queuing for Team Ranked even more. It also will make the glowing season end flair more prestigious, as NOW, it will only be obtainable through Team Ranked. But, regular arena players who don't want to do team ranked can still get a unique flair themselves so they are not left out.



    I honestly feel this is a win win all around. /shrug

    Also, click the link in my sig to watch me stream PVP and NiM Raids in SWTOR :rak_03:



    It will give people a platform to learn and practice arenas before joining ranked play. I'm all for this.

    Great suggestion.

  14. Comes down to how you want to play.


    Marauder with the force camo reset tactical can get away and heal up, but you have to hope you can actually get out of combat to do it. Outside of that mara has zero self sustainability, though they have pretty decent CC immunities in fury spec.


    Merc on the other hand has 3 basically heal to full talents/skills with one of them tied to a pretty strong reflect shield, e-net, jetout etc....They have good burst, and a lot of utility.



    Great analysis. Thank you for posting this. IO Merc has just about everything and has a fun rotation that challenges me (at least more than Arsenal).

  15. I think the hate on Carnage is way overblown and people are just parroting each other.


    They are literally in the middle of the pack dps wise and only 3% below Annihilation and 0.75% behind fury which is not very much. http://parsely.io/parser/stats


    PVP wise they have a nuke every 10 seconds with Ferocity, and you can spec for more mobility. Carnage is in a better spot than Vengeance/Rage Jugg and defiantly viable. Charge> Crippling slash> Battering assault> Massacre> Ferocity>Furious Power>The Prosecution buffed Devastating blast > Gore > Vicious Throw. Scary burst.


    This sounds juicy.... Going to try it now.

  16. Great info! Thank you for your response.


    I'm giving up on Sniper. It's really down to Mara, AP PT, and maybe Merc....


    I'm now favoring Mara. Merc is solid also, and fun. AP PT just gets burned down too fast for me.


    So IO Merc or Mara... Pro's /Con's - I'd like to hear some thoughts on these classes in solo ranked pvp.


    Thank you all!

  17. So I'm at the level (valour wise) that I can que ranked. I know my class pretty well (Sniper Eng) and have done plenty of regs. My 1st match one of my team before we start puts in chat 'omg our sniper does he know cover' so I'm like mmmm ok this ain't good when we haven't even started yet.....but I stay on.


    The other team has 2 ops that pretty much global me soon as we make contact. I guess it's just me but I stay alive as long as I can using everything but eventually I succumb. So 2nd round more in the chat about how I can tech frags via PVE bla bla bla. I'm like great so this is a fantastic start to my ranked opportunity. We lose the 2nd round and lose the match obviously. Same person then sends me multiple whispers about staying out of ranked as am bad etc etc. Guy came across as a complete bully (I told him as much).


    My ranked story - which won't be progressing any further. I don't need that kind of bullying/aggro.


    Sorry more of a rant but I wanted to share my experience and how I won't be bothering with it anymore.


    I'm also fairly new to ranked. I'll chime in here and offer my opinion. Take it for what it's worth....


    Sniper is the most difficult class in ranked. IMO at least 5X harder than every other class. You are up against an incredibly difficult learning curve. Toxicity is all over the internet and gaming, don't let it bother you.

  18. Hey All,


    I've rerolled Pub - I have a VG and a Sent. Looking to play with people who like to PVP. Let me know if you have a guild with active pvpers. I have a great time PVPing and would like to join those that do also.

  19. I'll echo everyone else when I say marauder. It is one of the easiest classes to pick up. Pretty straight forward. Kinda hard to mess up really hard because of all the CC immunity. It will shine in most solo ranked games, but like you noted will flop in regs if you don't have a healer to premade with you.


    I know operative is not on your list, but someone mentioned it so I'll piggyback. Operative is also another good class to pick up. It is harder to learn though. Bad operatives show. Especially if you use your breaker at the wrong time. On the flip side though, operative has a high skill cap. So if you get good at it, you can be reallllly good. One of the best classes for solo ranked, also good in regs.


    AP PT is the strongest damage spec in the game, but is no means easy to play. High burst, low survivability. No one will blame you when you die, but you will die extremely fast if you don't play it right. In healer/tank, healer, or tank solo ranked games it can get a little complicated. Offguarding, offtaunting, cd usage, kiting and other advanced moves show. Strong in solo ranked, but without a healer in regs you might be in a rough spot.


    Don't play sniper. Very difficult to start learning. Don't recommend it for anyone but the highly experienced. I have never seen a new player go into solo ranked on a sniper and do well in my many years of playing solo ranked.


    Lastly... when you feel like you have mastered your class and have all your gear don't be afraid to que solos. Here are a couple of guides that can serve as checklists for when you feel like you're ready to que.

    And don't be afraid of toxicity. Toxicity is just a part of new solo ranked players. I can tell you with almost 100% certainty that you will experience toxicity at some point if you make a mistake. But as long as you keep learning you will be fine.


    Great info! Thank you for your response.


    I'm giving up on Sniper. It's really down to Mara, AP PT, and maybe Merc....

  20. Everything I say only applies to solo ranked...



    Most marauders take the Defel Spliced Genes tactical. It provides great survivibility, stealth out on a 30second CD, and can even be used offensively to chase and suprise people. With that said, the Fanged God Form tactical is actually not terrible for carnage marauders. If you can suprise the enemy team it has some good damage. Especially on enemy powertechs. Fanged God Form carnage marauders can rape powertechs through all of their CDs. It's busted. However, if the enemy team knows you're taking Fanged God Form and go you, then you are in trouble because you don't have the added survivability from Defel Spliced Genes.


    Perfect Form isn't good. It requires you to kill the enemy to get a buff. Might be good in questing where you can kill enemy NPCs rather quickly, but in solo ranked you won't kill anyone remotely fast enough to make the buff useful. The 5% buff to Massacre on the 4 piece is also not worth imo.


    I didn't realize that with perfect form. That makes it garbage.


    I do like Carnage Mara so much fun to play! I might have to play with this....

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