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Everything posted by lorddahl

  1. http://www.torparse.com/a/512224/time/1386201146/1386201451/0/Overview littledahl 36-3-7 3466.55 used the arrmor debuff and the 1000000 health items still need a main hand
  2. 3315.41 http://www.torparse.com/a/502426/time/1385283934/1385284235/0/Overview still dont have a 78 main hand still rocking a 72 one have all 78 mods and 2 78 enhancments rest is 72s
  3. Hatred strong pve guild on the harbinger is recruiting 1 powertech or jugg tank to fill its Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday raid at 7pm. Must have completed HM SV, TFB, Have NIM EXP, and have done bosses in the new HM ops. Be mostly geared in 78s and ability to listen and learn. If interested apply at the hatred website http://hatred.sithportals.com Good luck hope to hear from you soon. Dahl
  4. new parse same gear http://www.torparse.com/a/476475/time/1383175004/1383175307/0/Overview 3211.16
  5. got a 78 off hand still mostly 72s with a few 78 mods underworld ear and implants. - http://www.torparse.com/a/465835/time/1382507967/1382508268/0/Overview 3179.83
  6. 8man WH http://www.torparse.com/a/422292/time/1379140299/1379140656/0/Overview 3243 littledahl sniper 36-4-6
  7. I swear half this stuff is set up
  8. Come on boarder get on the ball hopefully nothing will be mathematically impossible this time XD
  9. As long as the cool down isn't something ridiculous like 3-5 mins i feel it would still be viable.
  10. lets be honest guys half these records are set ups
  11. i guess he had some personal issues come up
  12. heres a parse you guys can look at 36-3-7 http://www.torparse.com/a/376340/time/1376038621/1376038920/0/Overview 3133.7
  13. http://www.torparse.com/a/376340/tim...920/0/Overview littledahl 36-3-7
  14. lol you have both the main hand and off hand XD
  15. if you are nice it will be 3133.7 http://www.torparse.com/a/376340/time/1376038621/1376038920/0/Overview
  16. littledahl sniper 36-3-7 3124.5 http://www.torparse.com/a/376340/time/1376038621/1376038921/0/Overview
  17. Got a kell dragon off hand http://www.torparse.com/a/376340/time/1376038621/1376038920/0/Overview 3133.7
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