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Posts posted by OpenConflict

  1. Man, if you're positive that you weren't tripping on drugs and hallucinating the whole thing... then I want this too.


    That sounds awesome.


    Haha I swear. Seen it 3 times today and they won't tell me the secret. It's the most amazing thing in a game I have ever seen

    Proof that it exists

  2. lol that's so worthless


    I don't mind dying if I accomplish something, but killing a random scrub in pvp? I'd like to have a K/D ratio better than 1 XD


    What's the problem with all the guys bashing whoever says that marauder needs tweaking? It's true. The stuff the OP wrote, it's true. Why get so defensive over it? Does it make you rage, if someone points out the class limits?


    This isn't some kind of FPS game. I really don't think someone will really care what your K/D ratio will be at the end.


    I for one don't run with a 1 k/d. Usually it's 25+ kills and maybe 5 deaths.


    But who cares

  3. Who the hell likes dying? All that statement says is roll a class that isn't marauder because mara is needlessly tedious and complex to play competently relative to other classes.


    I don't mind dying cause 90% of the time something else is gonna die with me. So yeah.....


    He was complaining about the marauder being complex and hard basically. So I said go roll a ezmode class if you can't handle it

  4. Just curious how other Marauders maximize their dps output?


    Atm I can for sure do 300k in a WZ when trying. But do others try to spread their bleeds around to other people when they are up and your FF (focus fire) target has em on it.


    Like when Annihilation Procs and allows Rupture to come off its GCD?


    Just curious how people get 400K+. The max I have ever done was 399k, and that was some pretty intense gameplay on my part.



    ***another question***


    Would it be better to focus on Crit Chance rather than Power, being that in Annihilation it seems to depend on crits to get the heals back, and is there a crit cap?? Because, from what I have seen alot of the champion gear seems to be lacking on crit/surge?


    Open to all criticism and help

  5. I have 9 screenshots at the moment (used to have a lot more, but I just got a new computer) showing my Annihilation spec Marauder. I'm full Champion gear with a few pieces of Battlemaster. Currently valor rank 63.


    Here's your proof that Marauders are just fine:




    As far as damage goes, I am ALWAYS at the top 3 and usually #1 on damage unless there's a good Sorcerer on the team too, but even then I'll give em a run for their money.


    You sir are a beast! Hopefully one day I can put out 400-500k....can only do 200-300k atm



    *edit* just hit 399k and 78k healing ugh 1s more and my saber throw would have hit 400k

  6. 200-300k is still doable in WZs, esp in Voidstar and/or Huttball


    This is coming from someone who was struggling at marauder but now learned the ropes and putting out 2-3x more overall damage and kills than I was ever doing


    Marauder is def not underpowered, just takes a bit of learning on your part and keybinding or using a naga.


    Though I do think Unleash should have a lower CD being there are so many stuns, but eh what ever



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