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Posts posted by OpenConflict

  1. so i tried out this talent instead of subjugation and i can say that its not really worth it. 30% vs 50% snare is huge difference, even if you initially save up 2 rage. also with the 30% snare, i feel that targets still move too fast plus it doesnt last long. i also felt the extra 2 seconds in disruption means either a kill or a stalemate when fighting healers.


    i wish theyd change out this talent, maybe add a chance to proc crippling slash instead.


    offtopic: vicious throw - wish this was passively added to deadly throw



    Yeah that's what I been thinking a whole lot about lately. 6s 30% slow for 2 rage just really doesn't seem to be worth it. Even though is makes rotations pretty smooth imo.


    Thinking about about doing the same and just get used to using Crippling Smash


    @ the VT -- This would be nice, hate using both of em. Just combine it! Waste of 5 Rage I could get 2 VS's outta that!

  2. Has anybody messed around with mixing the pve and pvp gear together. Going 10% expertise and then the rest PvE gear to maximize your main stat.


    Not sure if it would be really worth it. Being full BM is like what 700 expertise ~15% or something.


    Main focus is getting more damage w/o losing a lot of defense capabilities in PvP Ilum and/or WZs

  3. Half BM/Half Champ, with Champ Power Relic and the Strength T5 Cube


    Voidstar I can do 350-450k with over 100k healing


    Huttball depends really 250k-400k


    Civil War is usually my lowest due to alot of running back and forth from Snow to Grass but I can usually pull in 250k-350k


    My highest has been 485k in Voidstar w/ 100k+ healing. Can't wait to break 500k

  4. When you can't run through me, I'll give up auto turn.......


    Why should you be able to run through me and negate my attack......


    Sounds like you just want an auto-win button against ranged.


    Because I out moved you. Have you ever even seen any good ranged mouse turners? Obviously not.


    I beat ranged quite a big regardless of auto turn

  5. IMO (In my opinion). Welcome to all criticism/l2p jokes/flame


    Coupe things that I think are not game breaking per say, but def should be looked at



    I really think that they should enable knockbacks when getting hit on. It's pretty stupid IMO that a healer or any ranged can sit there and spam a skill w/o consequences when being hit on. Yes I know there is plenty of interupts and what not, but they do have CDs.


    Auto Turn

    Really??? I think this is something that should never be enabled in any mmo. I understand there are noobs out there that can't take the time to learn to swivel the mouse in the direction that your opponent is going in. Yes I do play a melee and I consider myself pretty good at circle strafing. It should depend on skill, cause what good are melee then if they are moving around and getting hit regardless. We should all just go play some ranged/tanky class


    Tank Mits and/or DPS

    I do think something is wrong here, a tank class should not be throwing out 5-6k+ crits, your a tank. Your supposed to be hard to kill not hard to kill and spike half my health in 1 hit. Either cut their mits to make up for their damage, or cut their damage. lol really BW??


    CC Breaks

    With the amount of CC that is in this game, Unleash or what ever your CC break is. It shouldn't be on a 2m Timer. Or at least add some sort of CC immunity to stuns/mezzes etc. for 10s after it.


    I am sure there is plenty of other stuff, but this is some of the stuff that I really think needs to be toned down or reworked.....

  6. Sigh. This is what I mean. You're probably the 1,000th person to come in here and try to make fun of people for complaining about the "flashy lights" when that's not the true problem.


    With the previous UI, abilities would only grey out if they were unusable (conditionals not met, insufficient resources, incorrect range to target, etc). Therefore, when they were on CD, you would know if they'd be usable after CD. This is especially critical for a class like the Warrior, since you often want to know what abilities you have sufficient rage for before the GCD ends so you can plan.


    Now abilities grey out when on cooldown as well; the GCD greys everything out and you don't know in advance whether some abilities will be usable or not.


    Edit: what's worse is the people saying "go back to the first UI!", since that shares the same problem as this one. The only issue with the second was that you couldn't tell at a glance whether abilities with long CDs were available or nearly available.


    Which I can agree with


    If people are TRULY having health issues it should be looked at. Most def. But I am sure a lot of people are using that excuse just to get it rolled back.


    A option to change it back and forth would be nice just so people who do like it can use it. Maybe a option for rage/heat/focre/etc dependent class's let them be grey'd out and open up for use when you have the select amount of rage for that skill be open. So it does give you the option to see your choices with the select amount of rage/heat/force/etc that you currently do have. Add timers also to each skill so that it correctly does show the CD so people don't waste time spamming skills that aren't correctly shown, for those that really do care about their rotations and etc

  7. How hard is it to read a couple of posts and understand the true problem. You don't know if an ability with conditionals on GCD will be available after cooldown or not. It's seriously not that hard to exercise a tiny bit of intelligence, you know.


    What are you talking about? I was talkin about the flashy lights not some CD issue. Its pretty easy to tell if a skill is off CD after playing alot

  8. I mean..now that there is 72 pages you guys will get your way, especially since people are claiming health as the main cause. But I can guarantee when they fix it with whatever they decide, in will come another 70+ page topic complaining about the change..


    hahah so true


    half the people are probably just making stuff up to get it rolled back


    Seriously, you dont like flashy lights. What about all the Sorcs and the lightning spam

  9. Rage spec is not bad, but it is super easy to counter when people actually think about it.


    When your in a WZ or Ilum and you know that there is a rage spec'd Marauder and/or Jugger. All you have to do is spread out so that the marauder/juggers don't get the full impact of the damage. Not saying it's the best idea but spreading out so that you minimize the damage output of the AoEs pays off in the long run.


    The repubs on Swiftsure are always piled up and when I am leading the group I make sure that my ops group drop the AoEs when they are group'd up and they just melt when you get in there and let loose the AOEs and slow. But when they are putting up a fight I make sure that we spread out so they are pretty much wasting their time with it.

  10. Rank 63! Gonna push for 70 here soon. Changing a few things up on marauder before I do


    Cool thanks. I probably should have tested this before looking dumb, but what ever to lazy. Def wouldn't want to lose the rage and fury.

  11. Was just wondering if its viable in pvp. I know in some of the games you were able to do that and use it to your advantage.


    Example: Swapping from Juyo Form to Shii-Cho Form for the added 3% defense when your being Focus Fired and trying to live and/or in 1v1 situations when your close to dieing


  12. Marauders are very strong. Only thing I think that needs to be fixed is the CD on Unleash 2m in this CC heavy game makes it useless pretty much


    and you shouldn't be getting kited on marauder if you are half good, so many ways to counter it


    Broke my record today 429k damage, and I am nothing like some of these marauders I have been hearing about

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