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Everything posted by Tickletime

  1. I would love to see a Server Forum introduced to the community, while reading everyones opinion of the game is fun *sarcasm intended*, building some server structure in the forumd was one my favorite pastimes especially in the early days of wow. Not only does it create some opportunities for guilds and players alike to join and recruit for PVP and PVE content, it also creates a sense of competition with the people we are going to be playing with *giggles* each time we log on.
  2. most addons are created by the community, they will definitely come will just take a lil time
  3. ,some COMME SENSE, im fully stocked and looking to dump some to the swtor community. so many garbage threads, "omg this game sucks", "I waste my days away in my parents basement and stole their credit card to pay FOR THIS!?" "so many bugs this is unplayble!"... neither BW or the rest of the community that has experienced at least A SINGLE Mmo launch cares. Offer some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback rather than complaining how this game offers so much less than WoW. Here is an example of constructive feedback, ability delays - after casting an ability, frequently the game activates it twice before seeing the effects of said ability. Definitely a major and i understand the frustrations, this is something BW will definitely fix, but with so many different abilties/classes/races, it will take time. There are some out there but that list is very short and with most having temporary workarounds i.e fps issues fixed after turning off shadows. TLDR version: if you have nothing to say other than "this game sucks" leave the game for a while come back in 6 months - year when BW has corrected most bugs, added more content, and some addons developed to give the game some more depth and customization KUDOS to all those who already know what to expect and not complaining endlessly
  4. in my opinion, the way i see missions is an easy way to raise a tradeskill without having to go farm. you are spending money for the convenience, slicing was making a ton of money in addition to that which was a little ridiculous and BW did the right thing
  5. stop asking for everything that wow has, swtor is a completely different game, it took blizzard 4 years before they built in dual spec, people SURVIVED 4 years without dual spec ,once blizz was comfortable enough with balance and design changes going forward, they implemented it. There are ALOT of other things bioware can put its resources towards rather than slipping in a dual spec so everyone migrating from wow can feel "at home"
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