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10 Good
  1. Hello, marauder is not my main character, but the solution that offers Vitoliano make the game in this class more enjoyable. I support the author on this issue.
  2. Hello BioWare, when you realize idea with X-Server PvP? It would make a lot of variety and fun to the game, because on a server where I play (tofn), playing on the rep side I wait 10 minutes and basically playing against a team with 3 or 2 assassins, because of this it is difficult to collect rating and become boring to play against the same class all the time. Or now you are more concentrated introduction of new pink mounts, pets, crystals etc...
  3. Hello BioWare. After first season, pre-season was one week. Why now pre-season comes second week and how long wait new season?
  4. Hello Bioware, please make the top 3 class awards on each server, and let it be flying mounts.
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