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Posts posted by Gustehbus

  1. I'm seeing people suddenly flick from one position to another. Like just now: a player just suddenly moved from the corner of the top ramp to the middle of the middle bottom ramp. No way is that a glitch! I've also been seeing a lot of other moves that look like position hacking: people suddenly darting forward over obstacles, for instance. I guess huttball is a good target since position hacking can really help. No more huttball for me. And how pathetic and small do you have to be to want to cheat in a video game?


    Not a hack. You can thank this game's wonderful engine for that.

  2. Hey Everyone.


    Name is Jim, play on the Darth Malgus Server. I am fully geared and augmented. I've recently starting doing team ranked again, after not playing it since pre-season and s1. I'm not terrible *(current rating is 1503), some say I'm actually alright! But I'm not amazing nor that notable imo. I'd like to improve, but the guides out there don't really cover specifics on how to improve at the higher level.


    I have a question for the sorc healers out there.


    My current situation is that i am reasonably good at playing against hard switch compositions presuming I have a decent tank with me who can switch guard etc.


    However -The current Meta is obviously going full cleave/dotageddon with PTs, Snipers etc. What I find is that I am completely unable to keep up with the healing required, against bad teams that play this comp I am fine, as they do no cc me and let me freecast and heal the crap out of my team. However when I am cc'd constantly, I completely fail. Then I get the usual "buff your hps", "Healer ***" etc etc.


    I know that against the best teams playing this spec its unlikely I'll win as it is not possible to keep up with 2 DPS and a tank going full derp aoe. But I want to know after the game that I did everything I could to succeed and we didn't lose due to my 'badness'.


    So if any of you have any top tips to help improve my game I'd be very greatful!


    (FYI- I'm not looking for Dulfy links, or basic guide videos)


    1850 ranked sorc heals here.


    I feel your pain. Time is your enemy against a decent cleave comp as a sorc healer; especially if you are running a hard swap comp. You have to cycle through 2-3 soft CC hard switches with little to no mistakes to start catching people without their breaks. I can usually manage 2-3 minutes, but then its struggle bus healing with your entire team at less than 20% health.The honest truth is healing through cleave is an op healer's game. They are much better at standing in the middle to avoid being soft CC and can very easily pull 10k hps +. I've seen upwards of 12-13khps from ops healing cleave.


    I realize pvp is such a big thing and there are allot for complaints of yavin 4 , i have to admit its a bit different than the the other. But allot of player are not targeting healers, healers aren't targeted and nobody goes for them and when they do maybe one of two go for them. there are the odd few groups i have been in where the group listens and ganks the healers. healers in pvp are the first to go and I can't understand why thats so impossible for players to understand it.


    That's because we where ghillie suits and hang out on the jungle side.

  3. It's not gonna be like a merc where you can face tank half the damage. If you want to play dps sorc in any kind of pvp scenario you will need to learn how to become annoying with your kiting. Because as a player, if I see a sorc that can not kite, you will be the first I tunnel.


    ^ This 100%. Your best defensive is to be the most inconvenient target. You'll find that the better players out there would rather beat up on a target more conducive to topping the charts than chase you around all game.

  4. These highly skilled players do one BIG mistake : They mix mechanical stunning with psychological stunning.


    Yes, regarding mechanics, they are right, but wht about the psychology of stunning ? They don't care [anymore] because to them it doesn't matter at all [anymore]. They either don't notice the psychological effewct of stunning anymore (and perhaps have never noticed it at all due to their personality), or they have simply forgotten it when they wer playing as a Newbie.


    Yes, I say, on a psychological level, it IS possible. Yes, it is.

    And that even ALTHOUGH pure, sheer mechanics say it is not.


    What's the duration of a psychological stun? How long the spawn door lasts after getting curb stomped?

  5. I have literally been stunned 5 times in a row before...in a row. ( I realize this doesn't involve "power" per se, but it is still relevant.)


    A) Not possible

    B) Sorc/Sage has 3 ways to get out of a stun... they are one of the least stun lockable classes...

  6. Sorcs are definitely slippery and good ones will be very careful with positioning when they dont have access to both force speed (or at least soon) or a major escape (barrier or phase) because the truth is, we go down super quick outside of those.


    But even if they are guarded and you are making them run all over creation and you can't kill them, you're still doing good work. That greatly lessens the HPS that is outgoing and gives the rest of your team opporunities to get kills.


    It only take 1 competent, persistent melee dps to keep a sorc on the run. Then it becomes a game of catching them without an escape mechanic; which takes a long time and can be frustrating.


    "Good" dps are usually trying to maximize their up time (hitting the best target, i.e. unguarded with no defensives rolling) for the entire duration of the warzone; which is the opposite of chasing a sorc around the map. Typically, people just give up and hop on a target more conducive to topping the scoreboard.


    A sorc's best defensive is being the most inconvenient target.

  7. Played bout 100pvp matches and the one thing i've noticed is that sages and sorceres healing is way to op, they are immune to stuns/interrupts for bout 3 minutes (yes whole 3 minutes) bout 30 of those 100 matches I played I grped up with several others just to be a bit more coordinated and tactical in general, when we face sage/sorc they are running and healing themselves and others without any problem and we are talking at the same time so we dont throw stuns and interrupts at the same time. Just now I finished a pvp match with a sage healer having 6.5k hps and during that match we were 5 v 1 and 4 of us had over 3.3k dps and last one had 2.5k dps yet the sage wouldn't drop below 70%hp and his force never went belof 60% sometimes we did stun him and interrupt but that didn't do anything at all.


    I play sith assassin max lvl pvp


    So hopefully some1 out here in the forums can educate me and learn me something that I perhaps doesn't know. "special people" (to put it nicely) who just wanna lash out crying like kids can just keep it to themselves i'm here asking for tips/explanations in hopes of learning something.




    Drop some 6 sec cc's on a sorc/sage if they are kiting your group like that. They are probably phasing out of the fight and away from the action. Easy target for a long cc without worrying too much about teammates breaking it.


    Sorcs have insane mobility + 3 stun breaks. Good ones will run circles around you. They only have to stop to cast Dark infusion; everything else can be done on the move. A sorc can stay alive for days, but you catch them in a few long cc's it will screw their team.

  8. Pyrotechs without a doubt give me the most trouble of any class. The fact that i can't cleanse tech abilities on my sage is crippling. They have more than enough tools to close the gap on me while try to slowly creep away nearly perma slowed. Then some of the top end pyrotechs literally melt me in 2-3 GCDs.


    I just wish i could cleanse their slows :(; I feel like then I would have a fighting chance.

  9. Pyrotech x10. I can kite a marauder all day on my sage, but pyrotechs destroy me. I can cleanse just about everything a marauder does, but I am helpless against tech abilities.
  10. It really doesn't help. Assuming you use the speeder for the full duration, you saved 16 seconds over running with sprint (35%). An average person will save less than a minute total on Nar Shadaa by using them, since they are only available in one of the sectors.


    I am pretty sure it sacks with sprint. If you ever used your normal speeder to run through mobs, you might notice your speed drops a tad and increases back up when you leave and enter combat due to sprint :)

  11. The OP's point is that the lvl 20-24 planet (right before speeder @ 25) for imps has nice little speeders laying around to help get from point A to point B. Nar Shaddaa isn't really that big so it doesn't seem like much.


    Taris is horrible for pubs. Its huge, and the travel time there sucks. I know me and my entire guild pvp 20-25 just to skip that place.


    It would be nice if we were granted the luxury of temporary speeders like imps, at least we would appreciate them.

  12. 2nd imperial planet is actually Balmorra. Those "speeders" on Nar Shaddaa add barely anything to your speed and are only in few places. However, even then the benefit is minimal as they despawn from a single hit and the corridors are filled with mobs. I don't even use them unless I finish a quest right next to them, not worth the time to click it lol.


    They aren't that big of a deal, but it still seems like a slap in the face to pubs that loath taris. taris sucks major on pub side. It is lvl 20-24 and is a pain in the *** with no speeder. If you guys don't like the speeders we'll take them.

  13. I am not very familiar with BH/op healing mechanics, but the changes to sorc healing makes the aoe a lot more costly than it is now.


    It will be much more difficult to cast the aoe heal with the proc bonus, meaning that it is going to be used at 100% force cost more often.


    With the consumption nerf, sorcs are going to be much more hesitant to just throw the aoe heal down at their convenience as well. Force management is going to be a struggle; we won't be able to afford to knock off 15% chunks of our health every time we want to aoe heal.

  14. I am sorry but the sage/trooper healers on lord calypho want a word with you these guys on the rep side are unstoppable and its the way they combine their pre mades and props to them they know how strong that combination is and are using the op healing mechanics to great effect so dry your eyes easy mode has finished for you well done GZ and BW:p



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