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Everything posted by SasuChan

  1. I can't decide whether I'm in favour of a system like that or not....on the one hand it feels like it fits better with a single player game such as ME + as you said, it's a bit unreasonable to expect people to grind those ranks on every.single.alt. for an X amount of time before moving forward. On the other hand....as someone mentioned.....goodbye Koth Anyway, would be good if we actually knew, seeing as loosing companions might be quite permanent.
  2. To be fair, you can pretty much get until the end of Chapter IX and not worry about it, as it's only in Chapter IX that the Alliance comes into play. There's no new chapters past that yet. Seeing as nobody really knows what's going to happen, I think I'm gonna stick to plaing on one, maybe two toons only, and see later on how this whole Alliance influences the game further on. Would hate to ignore it and then loose some of the companions that I waited so long for
  3. Thanks for the answers. Time to grind then.... Although I suppose it's not so bad, as with the class story changes there's not much point to have a lot of alts anymore, at least from the personal story POV.
  4. So...what's the actual in-game benefit from this whole Alliance? What's the point of raising the ranks with companions and the specialists? I know that the higher rank you have with your actual companions the faster they do things/the more effective they are in combat, I supoose that's it? Doesn't look like it affects conversation choices anymore? But what about the specialists like Sana-Rae and others, anything at all beside some loot we get from the crates? Anything?? Don't tell me it's going to be like ME2/ME3, where our standing with companions/groups etc. affects what kind of options/outcomes we get in the later chapters... Did they ever say anything like that (I wasn't really following the news about KOTFE)? I sure hope that, say, having low influence with Sana-rae doesn't mean that Theron will die in later chpaters.... So I suppose my question is this....what are the benefits of higher influence ranks with specialists etc.? Has there been any news about it? If not, what do people think? It makes the difference whether I'm gonna grind it on all toons or just one Cheers guys!
  5. I couldn't find any info on this so here's the post: Did anybody notice if being married/locked in a relationship with one of your companions influences the possible romance choices you get in SoR with Theron/Lana? I know that you can romance them regardless, what I mean is, is there a difference between the romances you get. So, for example, if my JK is married to Doc, but romances Theron anyway, do I get (slightly?) different dialogue/outcome options, as opposed to if she wasn't married to him? Just curious Might actually start a new toon if there is
  6. On a different note....is it one per account or one per toon??
  7. Also: I enjoy jumping puzzles (even if sometimes I want to throw my computer out of the window).
  8. Hello! I saw a similar thread on MMO-Champion regarding WoW and thought it was pretty interesting. What are yours unpopular opinions about SWTOR i.e. something that most people wouldn't agree with? Please share (and be nice!) Here are mine: 1. I loved Taris (It's one of my favourite planets - if not the favourite. In the same trend, I also enjoyed Tatooine and Hoth). 2. I don't think that Imperial Agent storyline was that incredible (I thought it was alright but have at least 4 other classes that I would class higher - JK, SW, SI and BH). 3. I enjoyed BH class storyline (especially CH3, but CH1 and CH2 were also good).
  9. Hello A few suggestion from me: 1. Long Imperial desks/tables 2. Imperial styled library/"book" shelves (like the ones on Korriban near trainers) 3. Coloured lights (that for example, give your room a red shade, like the ones in the Dark Side Vendor quarter) 4. Generally more Empire/Republic styled furniture (taken from Korriban/DK and Tython/Coruscant) 5. More artefacts/artefacts wall decorations 6. Training dummies 7. Seething Sith apprentices/ meditating Jedi Padawans 8. More rug (style/colour) combinations and better accessibility 9. Emperor's guards and the biggest of all: Please PLEASE increase the NPC limit.
  10. Thanks for all the suggestion, I'll definitely check them out! Cheers guys!
  11. Hello, Is there a website for SWTOR news (aside from official forums) like there is MMO-Champion for WoW? Can you guys recommend anything? Cheers!
  12. What I would like to be able to add is the ambient sound from the Cartel Bazaar on The Fleet. Would be great for a similar kind of space, with a bunch of NPCs and whatnot. Gives you that feeling of a crowded and busy market place.
  13. Just wanted to point out that yes, they all vowed to release the content faster and yet WoW has been saying that since WotLK and, as you said yourself, we're seeing one of the longest raid tiers in WoW's history. Rift is lightyears behind most MMO's when it comes to player base and Wildstar, well, not doing so well either, for the moment anyway. What they vow to do is one thing, the reality, well... But that aside, personally I don't think we need lots of fast content, we need a PROPER (not like RotHC) expansion that actually gives you an incentive to level all of your alts (like a separate class story), with proper planet that actually takes you all the way through all the new levels, keeps you interested and gives you things to do at max level...which in turn, gives them more time to work on additional content and keeps the money coming. TL;DR not quantity but quality, there's nothing wrong with longer breaks between content (since let's face it, most players need that time to actually see the content) as long as they actually deliver.proper.content. to fill the time in the first place. But that's just my opinion
  14. This ^ 13 toons and finished Makeb twice.... I would rather run Kuat Drive Yards 150 times than level on that planet.
  15. If that's true, for me it is the best thing to look forward to this year game-wise (or any year so far, probably). Hopefully BW realized that unique class stories and companions are their major selling point and are ready to develop them further. Here's hoping as well!
  16. Hello! As the title says, I think it would be awesome if they made Rakata Prime into a leveling planet with a proper quest line. The planet is simply amazingly looking and there is no tropical/jungle planets like this in the game + tons of lore to be used. Also, think about possible GSH in the future, would be amazing! What do you guys think? Would you like to see more of the Rakata Prime in the future?
  17. Hello! Some time ago Rift introduced a feature in their ingame store where you can buy (what would be in SWTOR) Tradeable Cartel Coins bundles and then sell them to other players for ingame credits. It's basically a way for people to directly make money/credits and a way for people who have lots of credits and want to buy stuff from Cartel Market but don't want to spend real money. I know that we can "kind of" do it now by buying stuff from CM and then selling it on GTN. I'm asking for your opinion about the direct method of trading CC for ingame credits this feature offers (obviously it's still trading since what you ask for the CC is up to you). I think its a good way to eliminate gold/credit sellers and possibly help with bloated prices for some things on GTN. On the other hand it eliminates, to an extent, the whole point of farming credits and cripples trade. Still, personally, I would be for such an idea as running the same content all the time to earn credits is fine, but only or so long without a proper content update... What do you guys think? Would you like to see a feature like that in SWTOR or is it a bad idea? (PS. Wasn't sure if this belongs to the Suggestion Box or the General Forums, I'm sorry if it's in the wrong place).
  18. Thus the "optional". If you don't want people to see any of it, you don't enable it. Nothing changes for you. People that don't mind and/or are more into RPing can. Again - optional, like the legacy surname.
  19. Hello! As the title says, it's a bit of a shame we cannot view other people's family trees, especially given how many alts some people have and the story behind them as well as the uniqueness/importance of the whole legacy system. I think it would be pretty nice if we could have an option to enable other people to view our legacy trees. Additionally, some space to write and display each characters and/or the family's background story would be pretty cool, especially (but not only) for the sake of RP. Obviously, all optional. What do you guys think Would you be interested in inventing and sharing your characters' story in such a way/at all?
  20. Great idea! As someone suggested, they could dived them between "PVP" and "PVE" races - PVP when you compete against other players/teams, PVE for solo challenge modes with difficult to complete and tricky tracks (etc etc). /signed!
  21. I agree, name followed by a surname sounds a lot better, I just added it at the end more as an after thought - just to include it. Anyway, having optional prefixes, suffixes and surname would be pretty awesome Hopefully smth to consider for BW!
  22. Hello! Not sure if this has been suggested before as I couldn't find anything but how about three part titles - and I don't mean titles including the legacy surname as a third part. What I mean is being able to set your titles to look smth like this (based on a sith class): "Acolyte/Apprentice/Lord/Darth [Your Character Name] the Revanite/Throne Breaker/any other title you obtained through flashpoints/gtn etc etc" ...and then possibly your legacy name at the end (which would technically make it 4 part titles, I know). There' so many great titles in the game but I never really want to get rid of my Darth title - hence the suggestion. What do you think? If this has been suggested before, I'm sorry for posting it again.
  23. Any idea *how" Light Sided you have to be to be able to join the council at the end? Is there some minimum requirement (like for example, you have to be at least LS III) or you can go DS but have to make LS key choices (like saving the Jedi masters or making the LS choice during the final battle) ??
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