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Everything posted by discoklaus

  1. dunno what is so hard about this. everybidy gets a q pop. you have to accept. but you stay outside of arena until all 8 people have accepted. arena loading screen only starts when all 8 have accepted to join the arena. if people leave then, they should get all -rating from the other 3 they left behind. the 3 people in the team shoulndt get any - rating. the winner team with 4 people gets all the rating the quitter lost
  2. as in any team based scenario if you get queued with randoms it is like evolixe said. you can hope for good teammates with decent gear and gameknowledge. but if you get them is just chance. yesterday i had 8 games in a row with at least one person on my team with 1700 expertise or less. the highlight was a sorc healer i had. he had 1447 expertise and when i asked him why he would q in pve gear he bragged about how high his critchance was. the moment the game started he died cause 2 smashmonkeys jumped him and instagibbed him before he could even use bubble yesterday i was 1 loss away from ragequitting from arenas and start playing normal warzones again. but then i had 5 wins in a row. as for shadow. you have good burst. but thats about it. i enjoy playing arena and enjoy the fast way they offer you ranked commendations
  3. right now i would advice you to go with one obroan serendipblabla assault and one conquerer serenblabla assault. cause right now these 2 stack again. it will most likely be fixed with the next patch. but if you dont mind wasting 700 regular commendations on the small power relic than it is totally worth it. if it gets fixed you have 3 other viable options. mainstat proc critproc matrix cube i think the mainstat proc isnt that good cause it has a 10 sec window of actual stat gain vs a 40sec cooldown. which means 1/4 of the time you got the bonus. then you got the critproc. it has a 6sec timer on a 20 sec cooldwon. which means you roughly have the statbonus for 1/3 of the time. thats definately better than the mainstat one. then you have the matrix cube. which gives you a flat amount of stats which you will have 100% of the time. it is rather a choice of your own playstyle. do you prefer getting a high amount of critchance for 1/3 of the time or do you prefer to have a little bit better stats. its up to you i would say. i personally would take the crit one when they fix that the power relics are stacking. sins sins are pretty reliable on crit it is always nice to have some more critchance
  4. i honestly dont know why they took away the 360 degree and changed it to 180 or whatever. i mean as assassin i am not so reliant on that knockback being 360 but i can agree that sorcs could need that little bit of quality of life improvement. hell mercs also have a 360 knockback if i remember correctly
  5. it honestly doesnt matter. i had a 24k hp marauder in my team the other day. sure it sucks to lose just because of this one person but whatever. at least as long as you dont get to super high rating you have constant q pops. a friend of mine is at 1800 solo rating. he has to wait 15 min for a q to pop
  6. may i ask whats your average fps is like? seems to me that you have godlike fps in warzones and dont experience frame skipping
  7. i got shadow and assassin so i can tell the story from both sides. and it really doesnt matter. when i log on my shadow imperial side always has 2 healer at least and 1 premade. so pub gets stomped. the moment i switch to my assassin republic has 2 healers and a group of min maxed conquerer while my teammates have 23k life and 1700 expertise i would say its 50/50 you have unbelievable dumb ******* on both sides.
  8. queues usually dont take longer than 5 minutes max. even if you play at 2am in the morning you will get pretty fast pops. thats something i really like about our server. the people that play warzones are a complete diffferent thing though. sometimes you just can leave the moment you joined and had a look at your mates
  9. warhammer online used gamebryo engine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_Online:_Age_of_Reckoning swtor uses hero engine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_wars_the_old_republic
  10. da f u k you had double the frames i had. HAXXOR!
  11. the amount of sages/sorcs using force speed while backpaddling is to damn high.
  12. how do i free up the ram after i closed swtor? when i close swtor my ram usage is at 60%, how do i free up the ram after using swtor?
  13. me and 2 of my friends did it yesterday in roughly 3-4 hours. was easy as hell
  14. does no one else want to see some improvements to the otherwise useless valor system? here we could have the ability to specialize our characters a little bit more. to not force pve player to pvp so they get these bonuses to, make it that they are only active in pvp areas.
  15. Hello fellow Star Wars-players, i have an idea, which maybe could put a little bit more depth into the game. In Warhammer Online was something similar to valor rank, it was the "renown rank". the cap first was rr 80 and later on it was upped to 100. now the thing in star wars is that valor is completely useless after valor rank 60. for some maybe even after 40 cause thats the valor rank you need to stack ranked commendations. in warhammer online the renown rank had another purpose. it gave you "renown points" which where similar to skill points. but you could not level up your normal skills with it you had a different skill tree only for renown rank points. this skilltree was for every class the same if i remember correctly. in this "skilltree" you could skill things that were not class specific rather than useful for every class. you could either skill +2/+4+/6 to your mainstat. you could skill a cc immunity. you could skill a little bit more defensive stats. you see where i am going here. maybe bioware could implement a system similar to the renown rank skill system where you could give your character a little bit more specilization. what sort of "skills" to add in this tree would have to be tested ofc and bioware should definately try out different things and stuff. but i would like to see a little bit more use in the valor ranking system. i hope you guys would enjoy that as much as i. thanks for reading and have an a1 day
  16. so what you are saying is that it is totally ok that you need 4-5 player to bring down a guarded healer? thats seems pretty balanced if it takes more than half the team focus firing one guarded healer. meanwhile the teammates of the guarded healer are standing by and watching ofc
  17. you dont need to be afraid that your concealment will underperform to sins. cause sins will be underperforming compared to any other ac. right now there is no place in arena for stealth classes. doesnt matter if it is a op or sin. both will underperform in arenas
  18. ok. i will give it a try. but none of my cores goes over 80% usage accourding to my resource monitor
  19. oh i always thought it is a good cpu. didnt expect that. is there anything i can do besides buying a new cpu?
  20. yeah would be nice if you mentioned what you did to fix it. i run 100fps in open world. but the moment i enter a warzone my fps ddrop under 30. and my graphicc ard usage drops to 30% amd fx8350 4,0ghz 8gb ram gtx 560ti normal 500 gb hdd
  21. and that is your answer why a dps should never kill a healer 1v1?
  22. yeah sure and i could be buying a lottery ticket every day and there is the possibility that i can win millions. but i wont do it cause i dont waste my money and i dont waste my time and play a warzones with 4 people having **** gear and probably play warzone cause there is no raid right now and hell why not they heard it is fun so lets see. no thx man. but i had to go through the same **** when i was farming for my partisan gear. i lost to many warzones cause gear matters to much. and now that i am finally geared i dont wanna go through the same **** again
  23. oh hell no. if i join a warzone and see that there are 5 people with under 2000 expertise and 24k life i want to leave without being punished
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