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Posts posted by Deveron

  1. guess I shouldn't have recruited all my friends back during beta. For doing it using word of mouth etc and having them pre order before launch I get nothing. Thanks Bioware glad to see you forget about the loyal customers.


    You, me and possibly a few thousand others are in the same boat. We have to convince complete strangers to be our "friends" to accept an invite to something they can get easily just on their own. There needs to be an incentive for the new subscriber to go down the referral road.


    I can understand you feel left out and I must admit that I feel the same. Even more so since I own two CE, gave away copies of the game as Christmas presents and now don't have much of a chance to get this collectible. But all of this could be easily fixed with adding a perk for the newcomer.


    Even a lesser perk will make the referral more attractive than just the trial, but without a "bribe", this just won't work. You only have to take a look at the refer-a-friend thread at sites like mmorpg.com. It's dead.

  2. This isn't meant to be a reward for your friend, it's meant to be a reward for existing customers.

    If your friend wants something, they'll need to subscribe and then refer someone else.


    As with the car analogy, your friend who bought the car gets nothing but a new car.


    Yeah, but you can get the exact same thing without a referral, so why should any one want to be invited or wait for an invitation, if you could just pick it up whenever you like.


    Now I know they want to generate box sales with this and more specifically want to raise subscription numbers, but I believe this would work a lot better if you add some perk for the new subscriber as well. It would definitely convince quite a few people to open up an additional account, if this perk was tradable and not BoP, even.

  3. The goal is to encourage you to get your friends to play.


    From a business standpoint, it's MUCH cheaper to get your existing customers to bring in new subscribers than it is to "spray & pray" with advertising and other promotions.


    So as a reward for generating new business for them, they give you a speeder.

    Think of it as a sales commission.

    Sure, you could just walk into a car dealership and buy a car but if I'm the one that gets you to buy that car, the dealership will give me money.

    Pretty much the same thing here.


    Well, thanks. I do know what I get out of the deal. But what does my friend get?


    What's in it for him to wait for an invite rather than just going to the website and start his free trial right away?

  4. Maybe I've missed it, but what's the incentive to accept a friend trial over just downloading the game and start the free trial right away?


    Wouldn't it generate a lot more sales and subscriptions if you just add the speeder to the new account on first subscription payment, as well? Or at least some kind of item exclusive to the referral program?


    Right now it's just the same as if you just went straight for the free trial, except for somebody else getting something nice out of the deal and you won't get anything. Sounds like a bad deal to me.

  5. We wanted to clarify the current situation with the European RP-PvP servers Lord Calypho, Jen'jidai, and Huntmaster. Our goal for SWTOR players with these free character transfers is to be able to offer a destination server for players to have the best gameplay experience possible. As such, due to the unique nature of having only one European RP-PvP server per language, we wanted to give the three aforementioned servers the choice to transfer to a destination PvP server. As of right now, Lord Calypho characters can transfer to Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Jen’jidai to Jar'Kai Sword, and Huntmaster to Darth Nihilus.


    You have 0 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


    You really like to go to the limit, don't you? Really wonder what took you so long. Anyways, one account resubbed thanks to your just in time decision.


    Oh the second account? Well, let's see...



    1. Transfer everyone to a PvP server of same language - Check!
    2. Close the RP-PvP servers
    3. Wait for the mega-servers balancing out
    4. Open up a new international EU RP-PvP server called "Corosian Phoenix"
    5. Allow free transfers from all remaining servers
    6. Allow free name change of characters and legacy
    7. Profit


    With more green lights on this list, I'll think about it. The name is not negotiable! :p

  6. wenigstens habt ihr noch ne flotte. Bei uns sind so wenige, das es nicht mal mehr ne flotte gibt ;)


    passender, aktueller Titel zu unserem Thema:



    Ehrlich gesagt ein wirklich toller Artikel. Um nicht zu OT zu werden wäre es toll wenn du dir die Zeit nimmst und nen eigenen Thread draus machst.


    In der Tat. Wenn Ihr's nicht macht, mach ich's.

  7. Ok, I had a big spoon full of wisdom and came up with the solution, singlehandedly! :cool:


    1. Transfer everyone to a PvP server of same language

    2. Close the RP-PvP servers

    3. Wait for the mega-servers balancing out

    4. Open up a new international EU RP-PvP server called "Corosian Phoenix"

    5. Allow free transfers from all remaining servers

    6. Allow free name change of characters and legacy

    7. Profit


    This will give everyone the same chance at getting their old and beloved names back and won't make the waiting in exile so hard, as there's really something worth waiting for.


    Additionally, a healthy RP-PvP server will attract more customers.

  8. Daher meine Empfehlung Transfers von allen Servern auf RP-PvP zu ermöglichen, um, von den wenigen wirklich an RP-PvP Interessierten, die meisten zu bündeln.


    Viele von uns, die noch spielen, sind ja schon abgewandert. Aber wenn ein positiver Trend erkennbar wäre, durch Zusammenlegung z.B., kämen sicherlich auch viele wieder zurück, sofern eine kostenfreie Lösung zur Verfügung stünde.

  9. Das mag zutreffen und ich begrüße sowas, aber da es sich quasi um Zusammenlegung von "Public"-Servern handelt und keine Gilde in der interne Regeln herrschen und sowieso ein anderes Klima ist das kein Vergleich.


    Ich gehe von den /1 gespamme, der allgeminen Haltung uns gegenüber und auch den Aussagen im Forum aus.

    Ich fand internationale Spiele normalerweise auch immer besser als national abgegrenzte. In solchen Genre's wie Shooter oder MOBA's mag das auch Ok sein und man kann darüber hinweg sehen.


    Aber in einem MMORPG wie hier will ich nicht einloggen um direkt "Blitzkrieg" oder "Panzer" zu lesen.

    Das trifft wie gesagt längst nicht auf alle zu, aber auf einen großen Teil.


    Ich kann nur für mich selbst sprechen, aber ich habe derartiges, seit Release und mit zwei Accounts auf Lord Calypho, weder beobachten, noch erleben müssen.


    Generell habe ich in den vergangenen Jahren, mittlerweile deutlich über zehn, in denen ich meiner MMO Passion nachgehe, keine Anfeindungen auf Grund meiner deutschen Abstammung erfahren müssen. Und ich habe immer auf internationalen, englischen oder amerikanischen Servern gespielt.


    Vielleicht befinden wir uns da auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten des Erfahrungsspektrums.


    Zusätzlich sei gesagt, auch wenn ich es für richtig und wichtig halte, dass wir Deutschen ernst- und gewissenhaft mit unserer Vergangenheit umgehen, wir nicht Gleiches von anderen Nationen erwarten dürfen. Vielerorts wird dieses Thema, leider, nicht genug behandelt.


    Somit wird vieles im Scherz gesagt, über das wir nicht lachen können. Nur sollte man dies nicht überbewerten und wenn auch Aufklärung von Nöten ist, sich bewusst machen, dass ein Spiel weder ein guter Ort noch Zeitpunkt dafür ist. In diesem Falle ist es kontraproduktiv, den Finger zu heben oder sich in die Defensive drängen zu lassen.


    In diesem Sinne; Stahlhelm auf und tapfer bleiben!

  10. Ich glaube er meinte fr+en+de auf einen Server.

    Das stell ich mir übrigens gerade bei den Franzosen extremst schwierig vor. Das Land in dem jeder Anglizismus nen französisches Equivalent bekommt soll freiwillig lieber englisch als seine Muttersprache sprechen.

    Dazu bin ich ja nur unter äußersten gebrummel auf dem PTR bereit und das auch nur, weil ich da nicht jeden Tag drauf spiele ;)


    Alle anderen nicht englischsprachigen Nationalitäten kommen wunderbar auf den EU Servern klar, nur wir Deuschen und die Franzosen sollen dazu nicht fähig sein? Und das noch nicht mal, obwohl wir wenigsten einen lokalisierten Client zur Verfügung haben, der uns alles übersetzt. Ein ziemliches Armutszeugnis stellst Du uns da aus.

  11. Transfer other French and German RP-PVP servers to LC.;


    Terrible idea.

    Coming Soon - Automated group finder. A pick up group created by an in-game tool that could partner two people that cannot speak to the rest of the group at all is a bad idea. There are different permutations. Two Germans with a French and Englishman, none of those players players speak the others languages to any acceptable degree, so on and so forth. Very possible, very bad.


    There are over 200 different languages spoken in the EU region. I don't think that these particular two - that happen to have localised version of SW:ToR - will cause any more trouble than the others.


    And even though most of our governments try really hard to dismantle our education systems, so they can finally sell education to the rich and have a comfortable mass of poor and dumb to exploit, English is not only taught everywhere, but spoken and understood by quite a lot of people. Especially those that are younger and have an internet gaming hobby.


    Transfer people to LC;


    It may be too late. A lot of transfers have gone ahead. The simplest of ones granted. Someone mentioned seven servers left awaiting transfers but this still seems unlikely, even if tomb is pretty full.


    Not everyone has transferred already. And opening up transfers from other servers, even if not many people use it, would at least be a sign for Bioware having an interest in keeping the service of a RP-PvP server. This certainly would raise the spirits and encourage people to roll on a RP-PvP.


    From Biowares current inactivity one would rather take this service is to be terminated.


    Transfer to NA servers;


    While I did try it out briefly and didn't suffer any major lag, that is not to say other connections won't. Too difficult scenario to technically gauge correctly.


    I have ~200 ping to east coast servers. In PvE this is almost not noticeable, thanks to the combat and skill delay that's coded in. In PvP it may be different. You can compete, but you'll be at a slight disadvantage and for ranked WZ this might be too big.


    On a RP-PvP ranked rating shouldn't matter that much to most, but we don't have to stray so far anyways, as I've pointed out that if we just squeeze two additional non-english communities on one server, we all can stay in Éire.


    Multiple server choice;


    So far every server transfer has only had one option. This may be technically related. I'm only guessing. Still they seem to have had generally a good technical success rate with the transfer of characters (names being the issue.)


    Transfer to PVP server only;


    Those that RP would feel aggrieved. Whether RP is active or not is irrelevant. Some would feel the additional maturity of those that choose an RP server is greater than the need for open PVP.


    Transfer to RP server only;


    Those that want PVP would feel aggrieved. It seems that many feel PVP is a personal choice whether it is very available in the game or not.


    I'm pretty sure when Bioware stops offering RP-PvP servers, they will allow transfers and making more options available for transfers will be reimbursement for the preferred server style lost, especially since there's people with different playstyles. That's the nature of the hybrid beast.



    My suggestion;


    Staggered transfer. Not necessarily the best solution. Week one, offer transfer to PVP server. Week two, offer transfer to RP server. This however proclaims that there pretty much will be NO RP-PVP server in Europe. Sounds like a failure. Which they do have to look at. Also they have the logistics of making it well publicised so that people can make the right choice.


    Yep, for some strange reason I still won't let go, even though I do not have that much to lose ( A Legacy 7). Which is why I'm against transfers off the servers and rather see a RP-PvP destination server for all others.


    Conclusion ;


    It's really not as simple as people make out. They need to make the right decision. The right decision generally is not a quick one. People scream for answers, the answer was they are discussing the possibilities. It is not a decision that should be taken lightly. There is no quick fix. Just read this thread, see the back-biting and hate and realise that whatever solution will cause people complaining.


    Actually it is. It boils down to either close the servers and manage the refugees or recreate one viable RP-PvP that fits their "mega-server" concept. Discussing does not help at this point. They have to solve the problem now.


    Criticism fine. As it should be, be constructive if you want to actually continue playing the game. If you are unsubbing, fine, have a little dignity to go with it. Explain rationally why and then do it or don't. The 'I'm unsubbing unless x happens by date y' makes things look a little childish. Get a grip.


    People were constructive, polite and very, very patient. But being left outside and in the unknown for this long time is disrespectful and an easy to comprehend reason for all the anger.


    Maybe it would not have been so bad, if they actually had interacted and lead a discussion with everyone here instead of behind closed doors. If they don't let anybody in on their reasoning and thoughts, how can you expect people to understand there's no result from all those secret meetings.


    So everyone has got to be under the impression there's noone who really cares.


    TLDR. Then don't bother commenting . If you haven't read it and only read a sentence then you are taking out of context.


    Rational thoughts people.


    I concur.

  12. Hi folks, as promised, I have a bit of an update. We are still examining this unique situation with the three European RP-PvP servers and we are working on various possible scenarios and what their impact will be. Rest assured that we will communicate to you as soon as we have the most optimal scenario. Thank you for your continued patience with this.


    As everything has been said apparently and we're all now waiting for the knacker to deliver us some tasty sausages, I'd like to allow a few others to have their say on the matter.


    A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.


    I must have a prodigious amount of mind; it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up!


    Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.


    In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.


    Act accordingly. At least they knew what they were talking about.

  13. OK Joveth I decided to make some effort and did a bit of work for you. I counted people's opinions from posts 501-759 (from your yellow text post to most recent post). Here are the results:


    1) Give us choice of PVP/RP-PVE : 52 posters

    2) Merge different language RP-PVP servers: 7 posters

    3) Make us a destination server: 7 posters

    4) Offer us a transfer to PVP server: 13 posters

    5) Several solutions / posters that don't mind either way / other solutions including giving us transfers to all server types and all of the above: 29 posters


    1 poster is on my ignore list and 1 poster wanted Spice Girls back.


    Can you now say that the debate is over please and start acting?


    Guess we're in for a Spice Girls reunion on monday, eh?

  14. I think what Reenox was saying was that if they merged the English (LC) RP-PVP server with the French and German ones, you'd have more people on a single server but mostly acting as three distinct groups due to language issues etc meaning that organising groups might be quicker but they may be less effective due to communication issues etc


    Don't think that poses that much of a problem. Even though we're trying hard to dismantle our public school system so we can sell education to the rich and have a comfortable amount of dumb people to exploit, English is pretty common as a second language nowadays.


    And there were a multitude of language communities on LC and all did well with another. At least I haven't seen any harm done and enjoyed the diversity. The more the merrier!

  15. Cancling sub yet again

    The lag - between 88ms and 156ms - on the Fatman makes it unplayable for me. I want to transfer my 50 off of the Fatman to a west coast pve server, perferably the Harbringer where the lag is around 19ms - a big difference!


    I have decided to unsub next week because of the lag issue (This week I updated my graphics card, changed internet service providers, added more ram and a better processor and took it to a computer place to re-install Windows-- all to no avail). The computer people said the lag isn't my fault, that it is the Fatman.


    If sometime in the future you allow me to "freely" consolidate my 4 level 50 characters onto the Harbringer, then I would consider resubbing.


    I really wonder how you all get so lost. And the emu is that way!

  16. Who cares tbh.


    Neither you nor me, to be perfectly honest. And in honesty Bioware should just step forward and tell us if they care or not, if they see any gain in keeping this service.


    If so, they must get people to join the RP-PvPs instead of spreading them out further. And if not, just provide transfers to each of the remaining server types. Doing nothing, telling nothing and staying vague won't help at all.

  17. The only way I see to actually save a RP-PvP server for the EU region is not to allow transfers from these servers, but to one of the RP-PvPs and just reassign it as multilingual. Since The Huntemaster is the strongest of the three it should be the destination for the others.


    Transfers from RP-PvPs to any other server type will just kill them for good and you can discontinue offering this service.


    Additionally I'd open up The Huntmaster as destination for all other origin servers, on top to their current destinations. So even if they may be far and between, people that want add RP to their PvP or vice versa or want to try something entirely new would have the chance to do so on The Huntmaster. So you'd have people with genuine interest in RP-PvP transferring.


    Otherwise let everyone transfer to RP or PvP servers and shut them down afterwards.

  18. A group finder that doesn't port me back to where I were doesn't help me that much. I had no problems finding FP groups, when and if I went to the fleet and spammed a bit for them. Probably got those groups faster going than with the finder anyways.


    The convenience should lie in being able to go out questing and queue up for FPs to do them additionally to one's solo endeavours. If I have to travel back and forth, I won't bother doing them if I don't have business on the fleet anyways. This leaves me in the exact same situation as before. It's either the fleet and FP or planets and questing.


    I'm sure I'm not alone with this and since there's no x-server queue this will thin the player base the finder can draw from. What's so complicated of storing the player location? This really should come with 1.3 not later.


    Another downer for me is the lacking planetary mission support. This is where I had the most trouble getting groups and finished most planets with just +2 missions done or none at all. Trying to get groups together for all heroics at the end of the planet's quest lines worked sometimes, but when I'm finished with a planet, I don't really see a point of staying any longer, especially since just doing the solo content suffices to move on to the next.


    The group finder should help here to battle the design flaws. Even if it's just a cure for the symptoms, at least planetary heroic content would have been more accessible. But it just doesn't cut it in it's current state and how you've planned it to be for 1.3 and not only for me essential feature will be missing.


    Yes, I know, in some future update you'll add them in. I just don't have the patience to wait for it anymore.

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