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Posts posted by Tairikoz

  1. I wasn't aware that it couldn't be done in duels actually. After I talked with you guys I met up with Evorsus and checked it out for myself... sure enough Force Pull + Force Lift completely fills Resolve outside of warzones. For whatever reason Resolve drains much quicker in warzones. Skyrodd, Rivik, and myself went over Scottguy's video probably 20x trying to figure out what exactly happened. It looks like Nadja's Resolve dropped by 50-100 points about 1 second after I pulled her, leaving me with just enough room for one last CC. I'm still not sure why it would work like that in warzones but not in duels.


    Regardless, they were really fun and intense games. It's great to be able to get in some ranked 8v8s before they're gone forever.

  2. I do apologize, What I said was uncalled for. I'm glad you guys had success over on The Bastion. Like I said I was friends with your core group back before Credit Shot was even formed. I know what it's like to be on a server/in a game wherein you don't have your close friends to play with. I don't recall being in a ranked group that chose not to queue because you guys were doing ranked and that won't be changing now. Whatever you decide to do, it would be very much welcome to see you all in ranked again. ;)
  3. You guys left for the Bastion for better competition and to be on a West Coast server. Where did Credit Shot get with that? Oh yeah, you're back on Jung Ma... Hmm. I was friends with the original core of CS long ago so don't get me wrong here... put the e-peen away.



    I forgive you.

  4. Yeah this mentality is hilarious. That used to be reserved for Immortal or Credit Shot premades. No disrespect intended to any of them, but the Regulators are no where close to that level. As I'm sure Galactuzz and Scott would agree. Any good pug group can beat any premade currently on the server.


    I totally agree with this. We're not shooting for that goal with Regulators. If we were we would be a small guild only playing select people. Immortal and Credit Shot killed the competition to the point where hardly anyone else wanted to queue up. What good did that do for our small community? Then they left for different servers and now there's a lot more guilds willing to queue and join in on the fun. Though lately I've been seeing some of the old Credit Shot guys and even some Immortals so... If they stick around then great! If not, well they've already left our community once.

  5. It really is unfortunate that people behave in such a manner. Most of the time I feel that people who trash talk are too egotistical that they can't allow themselves to take blame for things going wrong in their warzones. We can't control our guys from doing that, but it doesn't happen that often from us. We try to be polite and give the other team a "GG" at the end of a warzone. Oftentimes we're helping people from outside the guild get better too.


    Though Fuse does have a point, not gonna lie. You're not going to eliminate that kind of griefing in a PvP environment. I've been a PvPer for many, many years and I've found that you need to let it roll off you. If you take it personally then you'll lose focus and only play worse.


    There's a few tactics I use on warzone ragers:

    - Ask them to refrain from speaking in such a manner.

    - Flat out ignore what they are saying.

    - /laugh at them (sometimes that's enough to get them to leave the warzone and pick up a better pug :) ).

    - And my favorite, apologize to them. Tell them you're a baddie and you'll never do it again. Kindness takes all the bluster out of a rager SO quickly. Ex: I had a guy on the opposing team chew me out in a Huttball game ages ago and I told him that I'm sorry and complimented him for some of the things I saw him do in the warzone. He then called me a derogatory term and said he couldn't be mad because I was way too nice. I swear if he could he would have sulked away like Charlie Brown.


    Don't ever be afraid to call someone out on their BS. Even if it's a Regulator. I'm not a fan of how internet warriors treat people like dirt so make them feel stupid!

  6. We don't have a huge ranked community on Jung Ma. So as Regulators it's one of our goals to encourage the rest of the server to queue up. We all started at the bottom and worked our way to where we are now. I won't make any claims that we are the best PvP guild on Jung Ma. Heck, most of the time we aren't running the best team we can put together. We have a lot of good people that strive to not only be the best they can be but also help out their peers. It makes me very happy to see all these teams looking to run ranked. So if you can get something together, let us know and we'll try our best to get in there with ya! Also, if you need any advice just ask your nearest Regulator and they'll send you my way. :)
  7. lol this ss confused me so much because I thought it was done by the KC Shadow who took the screenshot.


    Secondly...from Varword's healing it looks like he was running Balance? So, what the hell. O.o Breaking my brain. GJ to him.


    He left before looking. I just happened to mouse over his damage to see the number so I got a screenshot of it to post up. I want to say he was Infiltration... I don't think it's possible to get a hit that high as Balance.

  8. There is a 8.1K differencial. However as I previously stated, this record has been question, as it is an inhouse ranked(?) we will have to take a further look into it.


    Apparently you're going to need to clarify what you believe is "in-house" because you and others are accusing people of running "in-house ranked" and not actually investigating. The screenshot posted by Rivv w/ Cptsaveajoe on the team was against Smell My Finger. Are we now saying that queuing against another GUILD is considered a staged game? Honestly, this is just silly now.



  9. That isn't what happened though. We had people from Project AND other guilds. By no means was that game "staged" to jack up our numbers. If you looked at the screenshot you'll see that we had two people that were obviously defending the side nodes. Why would we do such a thing and leave two people to defend the whole game? It makes no sense.


    I would never submit numbers from such a game nor would I even participate in it. It's not fun and the reward from getting those numbers would mean absolutely nothing in my eyes. Heck, this is the first time I've ever submitted anything like this on the forums and only because I thought this was a fun thread to participate in. I play PvP because it's challenging and I never play for top scores. When that game finished we were all happily surprised. Objectives, winning, and making sure everyone's having a good time. That's what I aim for. And by all means if you have concerns you can ask me so you don't have to assume anymore. I'm very friendly with just about everyone and have been respectful to all of you.

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