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Posts posted by Tairikoz

  1. As Aetrus said, Vicious/Shots Fired has transferred to the Ebon Hawk and plan to stay. We're already getting more ranked and the population is soo huge. Also, genchat is mostly pleasant. I've heard that some of the people that transferred to the Shadowlands are already talking about moving back to the Ebon Hawk as well. We've only been gone for a few days, but I have no regrets thus far. Overall this is going to be good for us.


    I really hope things turn out better for Jung Ma. It was my home since early access so it hurts to leave... but if we were to stay we'd slowly fall apart. Most of us in Vicious/Shots Fired have been together for over 2 years now and I'd hate to see what we built up die off because Jung Ma couldn't and hasn't provided us with the enjoyment that we want out of the game. I wish all those staying the best though. Good luck!

  2. Are you *********** crazy? 9 times out of 10? maybe lowbies WZs, What Jung Ma are you playing on or do all you pubs smoke drugs as well as constantly make really boring and stupid looking human toons... you guys (SF) and Guardians Dominate reg WZs constantly on a daily basis u must just not be very active..completely imbalanced? yah for sure it is but not the way you think in your demented mind


    This is interesting. You've quoted a post that was literally made over 2 YEARS AGO! Then proceed to call him demented? I'm not sure if you're aware of this but things change with time. It's how the world works.


    The next time you decide to make a post on the forums to basically call someone stupid, make sure you're not freaking out about a 2 year old post... or you just may look like a fool. Again.





    Awww! Thanks, Humble! I'll be sure to sing more Disney songs for you. I think the next one will be Go the Distance from Hercules.

  4. I think it's fair to say that this was a very competitive week and when it came down to the wire, guilds on BOTH sides used some shady tactics (GSF crashing, /stucking ranked games for quicker games, staying stealth to prolong ranked games, etc.) to win. Everyone should stop pointing fingers at each other and admit to themselves they dirtied their hands a bit so we all can move on... we have another week of Conquest coming up and it would be great if we didn't have to worry about other guilds performing underhanded strategies to get ahead.


    A whole lot of shade happened towards the end. We all know it so there's no need to argue about who was shadier. I would encourage you all to just let it gooo... and get psyched for this week's conquest.

  5. If you're including top-tier ranked arenas, then I have to disagree with your statement that shadow tanks are "fine." Shadow Protection lasts 12 seconds leaving you with plenty of time to build up 3 stacks of Harnessed Shadows in casual PvP, but what about all the frequent guard switching and CCs you have to do? And you have to worry about being CC'ed yourself (which will almost guarantee you won't have your stacks up). Then there's worrying about breaking Awes and Flash Bangs with a poorly timed Force Breach. I'm not sure how often all of you compete in arenas but having to focus on all that AND keep 4 stacks of Shadow Protection up is improbable. If your priority is keeping your stacks up versus making sure your teammates have the guard and peels they need then you're a detriment to your arena team. So people created hybrid builds like Dark Maul wherein they don't even take the Harnessed Shadows talent. The majority of top-tier players who tank as a shadow now only run Dark Maul because it can burst, it has better CC, and you don't have to be concerned with Shadow Protection stacks.


    Back when 8v8 ranked warzones were still in the game (I still can't come up with any GOOD reason why they removed them in the first place) I was our designated node guarder while our guardian tank was at mid with the group. Honestly, I LOVE to node guard. It could be extremely stressful when the games were really close but I didn't want to trust anyone else with the responsibility. We have so many great utilities for holding off enemy stealthers and give our team time to get over and help out if necessary. We used to be able to keep ourselves afloat and still efficiently kill the enemy stealther but now we're going to lose that 1v1 against any good infiltration shadow. I don't know who your best is on your servers but on Jung Ma you will lose to the top-tier players. Also, if your team is slow on their response time or simply unable to help, you're going to lose the node. So for node guarding I only run Infiltration. Even if I'm squishier it's 10x easier to 1v1 and stall at a node than Kinetic Combat.


    Now I'm not saying I want the self-healing returned because I know we'll never get it back. But honestly, the duration for Shadow Protection is simply too short for arenas and telling me I need to "tighten up my rotation" just tells me you don't play arenas competitively. If the duration of Shadow Protection could be increased by just 4 seconds it would help a tremendous amount to QoL for arena tanking. But even if that were changed Guardian tanks will still be leagues ahead of us as far as utility and defensive cooldowns. We simply can't compete with them there. Maybe if our Phasewalk gave us a better buff? Like someone said, the ideas are out there to help us. Bioware just needs to figure out what they're going to do.

  6. I just got here 3 days ago and those are the impressions your guild has made on me, that should really tell you something. I'm not stalker although I know who that is.


    We've had 4 different incarnations. We started out as a bunch of guys in Fellowship of Ancients who wanted to get into the ranked scene so we created Project Mayhem. There we were a rough, ragtag bunch that wanted to improve our skill in ranked. We held kickball teams like 4 nights a week that consisted of the people all across the server. Then we joined with ex-Immortal guys and Dark Legion's Empire to form REGULATORS. Now we are Shots Fired/Vicious. Through all of these guilds we've made it a goal to help people on both Impside and Pubside improve in PvP to become more competitive. We know what it's like to be at the bottom and grind through ranked to get better. Even though we are trying to help people improve, its up to them to go through the sludge to get better with themselves and the team they are running with.


    I'm sorry that your impressions after 3 days of ranked on our server have led you to believe that we just queue to farm ELO, but that's really not the case. We have multiple people in our mumble everyday that aren't even in our guild. If you want you can join us and discuss strategies and just have fun though.

  7. Honestly, you may not see such a massive amount of us in Solos if people queued for Group. The majority of us would rather do Group but if people just want to do Solos we're going to go where the competitive PvP is at. I do apologize that you have seen in influx of us on Pubside. Last season we were on Impside more often and Pubs just did awful. For some reason we're on Pubside more this season.
  8. I have a problem.


    Etzion told me if I don't give him my mother for a few good night he'll find me and hurt me. Also, he hack.


    Booting him would be a good resolution. Thank you.


    I will talk it over with the other GMs and come up with a solution... I should be removed from the guild by the end of the day.

  9. I think that is wrong on a few levels. We're a small server. We can't afford uncaring guild leaders who could give two ***** about our small community. I mean, if someone is reaching out to complain about a hack, trolling, ************, moaning it can be treated respectfully and diplomatically regardless of how absurd it is. Large guilds SHOULD set an example by not acting like ******s if someone wants to contact their guild leader.


    I've gotten silly complaints before since leading Jen'jidai (more with that guild than I ever do now. Haha). "Your members are dancing by us and we are RPing" AS my raiders are waiting to get into a raid instance. I can shake my head and laugh to myself about it because I know those RPers are putting themselves in that position but treating them like they have no place to complain and laugh at them? Hell no. I'm not saying we all have to get along, but take into consideration that our server is not in the best state compared to the others but we have a good community compared to them.


    Besides. We have mighty Zod and Sibek for trolling purposes. No one else needs to take their thunder.


    I *********** forgot where I was going with this.


    I think you're overreacting here. I may not laugh but most of the time I find it silly. It's become a near daily thing we go through. As one of the GMs of Regs, I try to do my best to be as diplomatic as possible. But after awhile the complaints just get absurd. "Omg Regs are sync solo-queuing." "Regs are queue-dodging!" "Rivik keeps exploiting in arenas!" It's just a game, people. Yeah, we had people that synced solo-queue ranked and we stopped. Now no one is getting solo-queue pops and I've gotten complaints about us NOT syncing so they can get their pops... it's ridiculous.

    Honestly, sometimes I do feel like laughing at the absurdity. We've been the only active PvP guild on pubside and we're a big guild. We're not perfect but without us queuing with 3-4 premades every night since shortly after the launch of 2.0 pubside PvP would be dead. I bet if people quit badmouthing us and tried to get to know us they'd find that we're mostly a good group of people that want to improve the PvP community. Even Sibek has a good heart deep beneath all the trolls and has been helping people get better in their respective classes. Shocker, I know. The reality, though, is that people need to point fingers at someone to feel better about themselves... and for a long time that finger has been directed at us. Now if anyone has had a real issue with us about 90% of the time our guys weren't even the aggressors. We can tell our members to be respectful (and they mostly do), but if you're starting **** with us, we just ask our guys to make it as clean as possible. So don't start **** if you can't finish it.

    If someone has a problem with something in-game feel free to approach me or any of the others GMs. We will try to come up with some sort of resolution... just make sure it's legit, please.

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