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Posts posted by pSyToR

  1. Armstech










    16 - Critical Ballistic Shield Boots


    21 - Critical Heavy Power Vambraces


    22 - Fervor Heavy Mobile Leggings [superior]


    22 - Overkill Ballistic Shield Gauntlets


    25 - Fervor Heavy Battle Belt [superior]


    33 - Supremacy Heavy Medic Soldier Bracers [superior]



    (Thank Jenarie)

  2. Synthweaving - Medium Armor





    Redoubt Combat Synth Waistcord


    Overkill Combat Synth Boots


    Critical Combat Synth Gloves


    Redoubt Rugged War Bracers


    Critical Combat Synth Leggins


    Redoubt Combat Synth Vest

    Overkill Combat Synth Vest

    Critical Combat Synth Vest


    Redoubt Rugged War Waistcord

    Critical Rugged War Waistcord


    Critical Rugged War Gloves


    Redoubt Rugged War Vest





    Veracity Combat Synth Waistcord [superior]


    Supremacy Combat Synth Gloves [superior]


    Supremacy Combat Synth Leggins [superior]


    Overkill Fiber Weave Waistcord


    General's Rugged War Bracers [superior]


    Anti-Armor Rugged War Bracers [superior]


    Leadership Rugged War Waistcord [superior]


    Redoubt Fiber Weave Bracers

    Overkill Fiber Weave Bracers

    Critical Fiber Weave Bracers


    Critical Primeval Paragon's Greaves

    Redoubt Primeval Paragon's Greaves


    Veracity Carbon Fiber Headgear


    Veracity Carbon Fiber Body Armor


    Veracity Carbon Fiber Gloves


    Anti-Armor Carbon Fiber Belt

    Exactitude Carbon Fiber Belt


    Anti-Armor Carbon Fiber Greaves

    General's Carbon Fiber Greaves


    Veracity Carbon Fiber Boots


    Anti-Armor Carbon Armguards

    General's Carbon Fiber Armguards

    Veracity Carbon Fiber Armguards


    (Thanks to Zilliztra)

  3. In conjunction of the great guide about reverse engineering that you can find in the following link, and after HOURS of Reverse Engineering, I'm starting to think that some recipe doesn't have REd recipes.


    The Great Guide of Reverse Engineering by Slaign can be found here : [Guide] Reverse Engineering


    This will be a constant work in progress... I work a lot so bear with me if I don't update every day...




    So I need you to take 5 - 10 minutes of your time to share all the Recipes you found... So this way we might be able to track Recipes that are NOT REdable to anything... And if so maybe save TONES of hours for people that want that specific schematic...


    Let's start with the one I can fill and give information...


    EDIT: For the possible people that might not have read the introduction (so you won't read this anyway) or those that think they are better than anyone... And that doesn't want to help I have just one thing to say to you ... Have a great there is nothing interesting here for you move along...


    For those what want to help :) I'll be more than glad to update this topic wth the things you find... And I will keep updated whatever recipe I will get... Thanks in Advance for your time !!!


    (Sorry I'm only around level 30 Schematics... But at least it's a start ;-) )


    For those that want to help... Please list the LEVEL of the item (will help organize things)


    As for how to find it fast in your items :


    Blue Look for all thing that starts with Redoubt - Critical or Overkill


    Synthweaving Light Armor





    Critical Savant Sash

    Overkill Savant Sash


    Critical Acolyte Bracers


    Redoubt Savant Vestments


    Redoubt Nimble Mind Sash


    Critical Padded Battle Waistwrap


    Critical Padded Battle Boots


    Redoubt Nimble Mind Vestments


    Redoubt Nimble Mind Robe





    Fervor Savant Sash [superior]

    Commander's Savant Sash [superior]


    Critical Synth Defense Waistwrap


    Redoubt Synth Defense Handwraps


    Critical Synth Defense Bracers


    Critical Mentalist Bracers


    Overkill Sharpened Mind Waistwrap

  4. Thanks a lot for your guide !!! I try to keep updated on your guide !!!


    For the ORANGE ITEM REing ... what I found is that an ORANGE item as it is is NOT REable... You can only RE an item with mod inside it...


    How I found it ?


    I had an Orange Items in my inventory that had Mods in it and I could RE it... I needed the mods in it... once remove... BANG can't RE anymore...


    I haven't got any other Mods yet so I can't do the test if any kind of items works...


    Also... The other possibility i see is that it's gonna RE to the item level ... I have yet to try that out...


    I'll come back to you if I have some mats to waste (hehehe) and some good Modders friend to help me out with that !!! Maybe we'll find some new informations soon !!!

  5. ty for the hopes, but how do i get it keep doing underworld grade 1 misions or i reverse engineering of an epic item?


    If you can find Orange Items through REing is still some mystical subject... I don't remember getting any Orange so far from REing all the ones I have are from patterns that Slicers gets from time to time... And from the guide it says that it's from rare crit missions in Underworld Trading... So not sure about that

  6. can you give me some hope?

    i want a Custom armor of the Temple watch medium armor on tython, the commendation one

    is that posible to get?


    I guess of you're patient at some point it will...


    Sorry game just started not everything can be accessible right away...

  7. If I am reverse engineering to try and find schematics in Biochem, does it make a difference if the item is in a stack or by itself? Do I increase my odds at all if I split and do one at a time?


    There is basically 2 possibilities...


    1 - Same chances / Faster possible results... if the game takes all 10 items and roll 1 dice for every items that means in 1 click you roll the dice 10 times so it would be faster chances to get the 100 you need to get a modification to your currect recipe


    2 - Less chances... YES you read properly LESS chances... If it rolls only 1 dice of 100 that means you only have 1 chance to hit that 100 you need to get a new recipe...


    But from what the other poster said I think it's more like the first possibilities...


    You don't have more chances.. It's just that it's technically faster than other crafting crew skill since you don't have 10 times 10 seconds (click - wait - loot) to do for 10 items...


    But in no way (unless a bug) it's meant to have more chances on a stack RE

  8. They should be equal. For example the best PvE gear if you take enhancement and mod from it, add armoring 25, you get orange item of equal strength. That is if neither can have augment slot and if set bonuses carry over with mod or ehancement.


    Thanks :)


    I know I won't "win" the argument with him... cause he didn't even believe me about the "crit" crafting with the Augment slot on Green and Blue items... ;-)


    So I guess until he practice it himself ... he will keep the same minding ;-)

  9. 272 Artifice, 280 Archeology, 215 Tresure Hunting.


    I Re-ing all things i Crafted with Artifice, at the moment with Hilt(saber Modification) i only get this.

    Green -> Blue -> Advanced Purple


    Always get only one tipe of better schematic, never get a critical or exceptional item, never get 2 diferent Blue schematic.


    Try to Re-ing green low-lvl Sabers and Mods, but never learned new schematics


    Some one can confirme this?


    I'm not sure about Artifice... Can you give me an example of the NAMES ?


    But I think this was covered by the original post...


    Yes that's what I thought ... Here is the extract of the text :


    The first is very straight forward. RE an item and discover a schematic for an item of higher quality with similar stats, but higher stat values. Medpacks, Stims, and Modifications seem to exclusively use this method. Certain other items also use this method, notably weapons and offhands, but these items can also use the second system, depending perhaps upon the item in question. Chances are, if your item has a prefix like Gammorian or Ithorian built into the base item name, it will use the first system. If it doesn't, it may use the second system. Most items that are equippable, including armor, many weapons, and implants follow the prefix system, which is elaborated on in great detail in this guide.


    Example of the first system:


    Might Hilt 2, a Premium item, will RE to Might Hilt 2, same name but Prototype, which in turn RE's into Advanced Might Hilt 2, an Artifact.


    For Biochem, the Artifact level stim is re-usable, as apposed to consumed on use like the Prototype and Premium versions.


    The second system is the prefix system and involves a tiered system of multiple discoveries per base item, which lead to multiple discoveries per improved item. This is what the bulk of this guide covers, as it is the most complex.

  10. Does reverse engineering the same item over and over increase odds of learning a new schematic?


    For instance, if I create half a dozen Might Hilt 1 and half a dozen Resolve Hilt 1, would reverse engineering all of the Mights then all of the Resolves be more likely to grant a new schematic than alternating between the two?


    I ask because I usually queue up one character making a bunch of one item and another making a bunch of another item. That means I end up with one of each in my inventory. I'm not sure if I'm shooting myself in the foot by REing them as they come.


    Think of it as a dice roll with 100 faces...


    How many chances you have every time to get the 100 ?


    Same number of chances every time... 100 chances on 1


    RE is the same thing... if you're lucky you could get it on the first try...


    If you're unlucky ... might be 200 tries...


    EDIT : By the way I'm not saying it's a 1% chances ... I would never advance number ... You would need more than 1000s of REing to be able to put your finger on a fixed number

  11. Thx for the test. I compared raid drops to modded orange gear and if mods carry the set bonuses, orange gear without augment slot = raid gear. If orange gear could crit, the augment slot would be unbalancing factor between raid gear and orange gear. If mods don't carry set bonuses, orange gear will be inferior regardless of augment slot.


    So it's likely that orange gear can't crit and that mods do carry the set bonuses. If not the gear balance will be a mess.


    Since everyone in this thread seems to be trying stuff on Oranges I have question...


    If you mod your Oranges with all Artifact mods... Would you be able to make it as good as the Artifact armor drops ?


    I had a huge argument with one guy in my guild about that... Saying that Oranges meant nothing and they don't scale...

  12. That's pretty funny ... The game has been out for 2 weeks now and people are hoping to have everything like if it was 1 year that it was running...


    First of all I think the RE is not bugged... broken... or any other words you could use... Fairly simple to understand...


    The drop rate of the Artifact materials you need to craft it is almost as low as the number of RE you need to craft it... You get more Artifact materials ??? WOW <==== You just found a way to make more money for your crafting...


    Second... From my experience ? I have more than 15 Purples already... (I'm only 23) Did it cost me a lot of money ??? Yes it did... I even had to create a second character to make more money cause I was broken to the point I couldn't even fly on an other planet... Is it frustrating ??? Indeed it is... But why would I be mad to such a system ?


    That only means that the only ones crafter that will have the purples will be the devoted crafters...


    Third... If it's a % change... let's say 1%... That means that EVERY TIME your RE and throw that 100 face dice... You have the same chances EVERY TIME your try to RE an items... So it's not because you did it 200 times that you have more chances on the next roll to have it...


    Last... Like many people said... This game is meant to run for YEARS if you're already 50... And know nothing about the quests... Or did only PVP to level... Well do you know that you actually missed the biggest part of the work on that game ? The role play in missions the choices you can make... The difference in quests if you select this or that option ?


    I hope BioWare will just leave it like it is...


    People should try to enjoy the games instead of just trying to break it or complain about things... Yeah I get my *** handed to me over and over in PVP ... do I call "NERF THIS CLASS" because of that ? No I enjoy zapping the other clans with my lightning (Can't say republic cause with Huttball I also Zap guildies from time to time ;) )


    If there is a PROPER BUG... (People getting stuck on Taris... Displaying items properly on the GTN... Missing Scheme for Synthweavers and maybe others...) then you should take time to report it in a nice manner...


    But hey ... Our society makes it that everyone want everything... NOW...

  13. There are no recipes from the trainer that gives assassin shields. :( I'm currently lvl 40 and use a lvl 30ish shield from a commendation vendor iirc.


    I hope they add some recipes soon.


    So once againi a hole in the Crafting for Sith Inquisitor (same thing in Synthweaving where there is holes in the crafting levels...)


    There is smoe gear for both Medium and Heavy armor for level 17 or 19 I think... But Light Armor passes from like 15 to 21...

  14. It's an MMO, considered to be played for a long time, it's not like you get everything in the first few weeks. It's not a single player game. Get used to.


    Sad part is: all your effort is more or less a waste of time. Except of course you think like me: I'm happy with the stuff I craft.




    totally agree :)


    I feel it rewarding to get the Artifact even after 100 RE!!!

  15. Hi Everyone...


    If you didn't do it I would /bug it in game


    PLEASE READ hehehe I said IF you didn't do it already


    For those that didn't do it... take 2 minutes to do it...


    All the bugs I've requested to be fixed in bug reports were fixed so far... It's easier for them to get it through bug (and they have to actually read it instead of going through 2000 posts about slicing right now and find the other proper bugs...)


    Give it a try at least ;-)


    Good Luck


    (I'm part of those Sith Assassin that are missing some armors and No shields for a tank ;-) )

  16. Gathering nodes are bugged since beta. They said they fixed it but other than shiny animation added, the nodes are still bugged.


    Well, the bug is now change, before bug, I can't hover over the node, now I can hover the node and the node change to highlightable colour but guess what, I still can't harvest it.


    Wrong... They did fixed it...


    When you can hover on it (I made the test with a friend of mine) and it's not clickable is because someone "clicked it" maybe got a skill up or not.. But didn't realized and didn't looted it.


    If you find that are really unlootable like before (can't even hover over it) send a bug report in game with exact coordinate.


    Good Luck

  17. I built two characters with the intention of trying both light side and dark side, and having their crew skills cross over so they'd compliment each other well. The problem? Mailing items from light side characters to dark side characters is forbidden!


    How terrible! Once you've chosen a side and dumped hours into it there's no way to use that hard work to help you out on the other side...


    Why would an Imperial send stuff to a Republic ???


    This game was not design to "switch" side or to even be friend with the other side...


    Once again... Sad but true...

  18. Getting kind of fed-up with whenever i try to RE to get a schematic, after 15-20 RE's I get nothing.. I wish there was more of a guarantee that the more I RE a particular item the greater the chance that I will eventually get something.. my experience so far is that it is completely random.. though earlier on in my synthweaving experience I seemed to get the schematics a lot easier.. now that I'm at 200+ skill I seem to very rarely get a schematic from REing.. is this common, I mean, anyone else experiencing this? I'd love to make myself an item here and there that's really nice with my synthweaving but I always end up with just a blue item with an augment slot after using 20-40000 credits worth of resources.. I might as well just buy from the marketplace right?


    Yes, I am angry. I really don't care about the resources/credits spent.. for me it's about using my crafting skill to make something I can use for myself, half the time after so many RE I just have to give up and move on since my synthweaving/character level are on par and I end up outleveling the item I was trying to make.


    Anyway I'm not happy with the randomness of reverse engineering.. seems like you need a guild funding your research so you can just spent thousands of resources getting the nice purple schematics.


    Working as intended...


    Need to RE a lot to have artifacts... sad but true...


    Not an easy thing to craft...

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