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  1. Thanks much for the tips! I guess I was looking for a TAUNT button, but there isn't one....haha......
  2. I've always played a healer and this is my first try playing a Powertech tank. What are some tips to build aggro? I'm only Lvl 23, but I thought there would be some taunt functions....or maybe I'm missing something. I am using that Ion Gas Cylinder because I read that's good for a tank..... I tried the Mandalorian Raiders FP the other day and I was the lowest level at 23 with others being 25, 28 and 29......was having lots of trouble holding aggro, but not sure if that was because of my low level and their higher DPS. Or maybe there's some taunt button I don't know about...... Any help would be much appreciated!! Thanks!
  3. When I'm trying to do some Heroic 2 man, I use the Lift to CC one while sending in Qyzen to tank. But almost every time, he'll use one of his AOE and break the CC. Is there a way to turn off his AOE attack? Thanks much for your help!
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