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Posts posted by Vakh

  1. I am a returning player, MMO addict, played WoW, left, played SWTOR until the end of the Hutt expasion, got bored with things being 'samey' returned just a week or so ago and have played through the campaign on one of my old toons.

    Holy **** do Bioware know how to tell a story or what, that was the single most epic adventure in a videogame I have ever had, and bear in mind I've been playing games since 1980. I thought Mass Effect 3 was a good story line, but this surpassed it by a large margin.

    The sense of being in an epic adventure was palpable, the story was relentless, and massive in scope. No part of it felt a grind, or there for padding. Of course this is only a personal opinion but that was the best experience of my gaming career, I look forward to the future and I hope this game now gets the recognition it deserves.

    Thank you Bioware

  2. Thanks for the feedback guys, that's pretty much what I thought.

    Crying shame though, I know there were issues with Alterec Valley in the day regarding certain classes etc. but it was still a lot of fun.

    Incidentally I was around at the start, actually got my beta invite the day the game went live /doh backi in those days I was still learning the game and focused on PVE more, Ilum didnt interest me as I was an Aussie player on a US server, time differences being what they are.

    Anyway thanks again for the info.



  3. Question: Will there ever be massed PvP battlegrounds similar to Alterec Valley in WoW in SWTOR?


    I miss those huge battles over a large battleground that you used your mount to get around and had multiple 'flag' and choke points. Just wondering if in the future there will be the scope for this, or is the SWTOR engine not geared for that kind of stress?

    Regards Vakh

  4. Hello,

    I hope you can assist with the transfer of these characters asap.


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    Transfer Problem

    Form buttons and Request button are inactive, clicking on one of the drop down menus results in little arrow at the side being highlighted one way then another with a further click , but no drop down options appear.


    Regards Vakh

  5. Sorry for the late reply, apart from the forum posting ban, I live in Australia so the time zones aren't conducive to keeping up with the debate.


    Thanks for the feedback, positive and negative, and I'd like to reply to a few things raised.


    1. I'm sorry but my experience of MMO's is that the majority of players are not there for playing PvP, admittedly I only played on PvE servers, but even so the PvP crowd tended to be the vocal minority rather than a majority. In the early days the number of PvE servers vastly outweighed the PvP servers in WoW, now its at 50-50, this hardly makes the majority of players PvP orientated. It also goes to prove my point the game has shifted more towards PvP on the back of those vocal minority and their complaints about 'balance and OP". If you think the SWTOR forums are bad the campaigns by a few to have a particular class/spec/ability nerfed in the forums was/is unreal. As I said in the original post I believe this has been the ruination of the game that I loved, the story, and atmosphere, when it first came out and through to about the first few months of Wrath.


    2. To people who are concerned that the 'In the Army' idea would prevent them from accessing PvE or PvP after they chose a particular path, well I did say that you would be able to come and go freely between the 'Army' and normal PvE. The only restriction is the gear/specs and abilities between the 2 which would cause an imbalance in PvP from the PvE side of the game.

    Tbh I would see possibilities of making the 'Army' attractive in its own right for the PvPers for example a military rank, maybe uniform to show what you had achieved in PvP. Where as PvEers would have their tier type sets.


    3. Lastly I would like to say to those that implied I'm a PvP hater, I'm not, I just don't play MMO's for PvP, but I do play MW3 et al. My first love was FPS aka Counterstrike, and I have a gaming history that stretches back to Lander on a ZX81 in 1980. In other words I'm an old fart, but I have a HUGE gaming history, so please take this idea and these comments as a reflection of that, not a PvP hate campaign.


    This game has huge potential, and I want to see it live up to that potential, screaming at the devs 1 month into the game about why this game is not WoW (because from what Ive seen that's what the majority of the complaints are about) is unrealistic and frankly petulant. The speed with which BW is rolling out patches and bug fixes is mind boggling, and I want to say well done on that (you really have rose-tinted glasses if you think Blizzard has EVER achieved that), a few hours downtime is nothing compared to improved gameplay.

    The purpose of the OP was to flag an idea to prevent a future path SWTOR could go down to avoid the flaws (I personally feel) that crept into WoW over time, that was all.

    Thanks all.


  6. As a longtime WoW player (vanilla) I had all but given up on my hope of finding something to replace WoW, (stopped playing WoW in July due to latency and boredom). I can say that SWTOR is every bit as good as WoW as an immersive experience, I have as yet to experience the endgame side of things but tbh I'm having so much fun playing the storyline I may keep doing that through the different classes before worrying about endgame.


    While I was waiting for my game disk to come through (I live in Australia) I have been monitoring the forums here, and I would like to pass on my observations to the developers in comparison to issues that happened in WoW, and for my money destroyed the game.


    The old mantra those that scream the loudest, get the most attention.... please, please, please don't fall into that trap. The most vocal people on the forums ARE NOT a reflection of the player base, they are the ones who just like to whine the most. One of the worst things that happened in WoW was the developers started to change the game to suit the forum whiners. From a personal perspective this led to;



    1. PVP went from being an amusing sideline to being the be all and end all in terms of gear stats, class balance, and class trees. PVE enjoyability was slaughtered to ensure no one class was better than another in PvP.




    2. That led to all the classes becoming homogenised and basically being clones of each other, the novelty and unique features that were there in vanilla slowly disappeared




    3. And this led to a strangulation of what could be generated in terms of new content, they had/are struggling with this huge balancing act for the sake of PvP, and trying to deliver unique and enjoyable PvE content, basically starting 2 expansions ago this has been the ruin of WoW.



    Of course this is all a personal opinion, so take ti as such and don't get offended if you disagree.

    However I will offer a solution to the PvP/PvE mix problem, that would require a lot of development time/money I'm sure, but would prevent SWTOR falling into the same trap.


    'Join the Army'

    The concept is simple if you want to play a mainly PvP game you join the army, in doing so your gear/talents/stats are adjusted because of 'military training' and this allows for the PvP balance. People would be free to join/leave the Army as and when (for a price?) in order to still enjoy PvE, but they would be unable to transfer the gear/talents/stats, instead would have to earn and acquire a PvE set of gear and set a PvE set of talents.


    Although I appreciate the effort that this would require in development, it would also put SWTOR in the unique position of not having to balance the 2 aspects of an MMO, and you could then cater to both kinds of player equally.


    Lastly I will say thank you again for my game experience so far, its great, I am putting this out there early because I too would love to see this game succeed and go on to great things in the future.

    Regards Vakh

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