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10 Good
  1. Do you people even play your own game? Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is that we can't play the classes we want in Hardmode Ops because you keep nerfing them? Do you realize that these dps checks in hardmode and nightmare ops are nearly un-doable AS IS without the nerfs? Whoever came up with the idea of a "target" number needs to be fired.
  2. So...who here wants to see epic battles between sith and republic fleets? I personally would have preferred seeing a clash when my Jedi Knight invaded Dromund Kas...I was a bit disappointed that all I got was a message from Master Satele that said they were engaging enemy forces...
  3. This particular jacket might not be possible to get if you solo it. The link says it comes from the bonus boss...and that requires at least 2 people to unlock.
  4. Question....where did you find the prince look? I've been trying to find decent hoodless armor with a cape...with no luck...
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