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10 Good
  1. yup try ravage and watch ur done do the moves and be restricted from any other move but deal no damage and keep doing it gg
  2. Another sad statement from another tool of a credit card number. Us oldies have seen it all, only the ones smart enough to know their being consistantly dicked every game are startingto post
  3. This forum is retarded. MMOs have been out for years. Infact, many of the people who designed this have played the previous MMOs, and its no secret to anyone who has played an mmo before how F'd you become when you put your money into this game or any MMO. How many of you before swtor saw these maints where its, it'll be up when its up? How many of you have beta tested only to see the product hit the shelf and play it with the bugs still there? The list could go on forever. Sadly, this is a new age in buisness as well as a new age in gaming sort to speak. If Swtor was a hard copy game, you'd best believe all these bugs would be ironed out. You'd best believe customer service wouldnt hang up on them after a 5 hour 15 minute wait. Some of you out there defend the idea that, its a new game, new platform, some of you say, we've seen enough. I for one, have seen enough. When wow vanilla came out it was a nightmare, and in comparison to swtor it was heaven on earth. However, it is a decade later. We live in a software revolution compared to what we were at a decade ago. Many of us have seen the rise and fall of the mmos over the years, and while many things change, one fact remains the same. They are very, very, very slow to improve their programming. As stated above, if call of duty black ops was released with as many bugs as swtor was, people would be in a uprage. They would be right to feel so, and we are right to feel so. Just because you can go back into the programming and change it, and manipulate it, doesn't give the corporate company the pass to go ahead and pass a inferior product to us. Dear bioware, we are living in a recession, all of us, had to sacrifice something to buy this game, and then a little more when you required our credit card or 2x that amount for a time card. Dear bioware, you still have not fixed 90% of the bugs I personally delivered to you during beta. Dear bioware, think of the euro's you punch over during your maintenance. My list is long, and I assure you whoever is reading this oblique statement is in agreement. I own a property maintenance business, and due to the hi regulations on work we operate on a wide scale but low level of industry. In a recession we have expanded and hired more people but sadly at a lessor wage. My product is a brand name in my part of the world, whether it be the lime green of lawns in droughts, de-iced driveways during the winter, fruitful trees, warrantied roofs beyond the product recommendation, as a owner I have overcome many challenges to provide for myself. Many others depend on my business for their lively income. If I ran my company like any of you mmo giants out there have, I would be in a *********** homeless shelter or being indicted or have a warrant out for my arrest. I understand programming is a different sauce to property maintenance, totally different logistics to consider. However, in a given 8 hour day no matter the new england weather we mange over 392 different commercial and residential properties with a staff of 16 people with our own trucks, equipment, and labor. Everyday we head home, 8 hours done, 392 properties in 3 states done with 16 people. We are always there for our customers, even when the state shuts down. Every day, who ever is the forum moderator here needs to fax this statement in to your higher ups, because in a few years I get to inherit a few million, and I'd be glad to fund a mmo that does it right.
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