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10 Good
  1. The encounter can be done in any order really. I hate to say it but the encounter is very simple. Burn one target, rinse repeat. The only thing any order does is remove a certain annoyance from the equation during the beginning of the encounter. Don't like splash damage? Kill rocket guy first. Tank doesn't like keeping track of threat on multiple targets? Kill the melee first. Afraid of one negligible unimpressive healing ability? Kill the healer first. After the first one dies, the rest is easy.
  2. If you've gone far enough into the tree to spend a point in Death Mark, than you should spend a point in Creeping Terror. If you haven't spent points in the Lightning Tree to increase the duration of Affliction, than Creeping Terror is the DOT with the longest duration on a target.
  3. If you're the kind of person that blows all of their cool-downs and then unloads on the boss as the tank hits "taunt", Cloud Mind probably won't help you out too much in the threat department. With that said, I can say certainty that both Cloud Mind and Extrication work well for myself in regards to threat reduction for both my peers and myself. I do not claim one ability versus another to be role specific. But as DPS I use Cloud Mind with more frequency than Extrication, and vice versa in a healing capacity. I can imagine being in one role long enough to not see the benefit of an ability used infrequently. However, I assure you the threat reduction of both abilites is working.
  4. The tool-tip says all targets within an 8 meter radius, but it is actually currently limited to 8 targets within that range.
  5. Honestly, after the Surge nerf I stopped stacking Crit/ Surge enhancements and switched to Power/ Alacrity. I just view Alacrity as a byproduct of prioritizing Power over Crit/ Surge after I reached the Surge softcap (200).
  6. EQ had a max of 500,000 subscriptions at its peak. Trains, PKs, ninja-looting, arguing over spawns, etc. The forums had as much developer hate then as they do now. Three things happened since the glory days of experience death penalties and corpse runs; you got old, your tolerance for those newer to the genre has decreased, and the player base has risen vastly. Welcome to the club of disgruntled, intolerant middle-aged MMO players. /comfort
  7. When you use the LFG tool, you join a bad pug. When you join a bad pug, a troll from this thread will be there playing the game it hates. When the troll plays the game it hates, it ninja's your loot. When the troll ninja's your loot, you nerd rage. When you nerd rage, you post a rant about bad pugs on the TOR forums. Don't use the LFG tool! Join a guild, and play with your friends!
  8. I didn't subscribe for six months, but I am not canceling my subscription anytime soon. Honestly, once I got past the voice-acting fluff there isn't really much SWToR has to offer my MMO gaming habit after a decade of play across multiple games, save one. No pixies, elves or dragons in sight. Yay!
  9. I am an unguilded casual player. I was actually enjoying playing the occasional warzone on my one level 50 character as an alternative to playing an alternate character from time to time. Checked out Ilum this morning and ended up being farm fodder for a group of the opposing faction, not to mention the lag. Considering I have limited playtime (2-3 hours every other evening), I won't be bothered waiting for long Warzone queues nor will I be giving the opposing faction free valor at my death on Ilum. So I am pigeon-holed into leveling more characters, which for the short term is acceptable. I just hope that I am not forced into leveling two or three more characters to 50 before more people decide they would like to participate in the 50 bracket instead of cancelling their subscription.
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