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Everything posted by XxKingspazxX

  1. Please no..... Just no..... Easy mode is for that other game not this one. I tank and heal all the time on all mmo's I play and as far as im concerned swtor has the tanking/healing just right. Not to hard not to easy just right enough to keep everyone (dps) doing what they are supposed to be doing.
  2. 1.5 is almost on us! So I thought it would be a good idea to ask the community what is the first thing you plan on doing? WHAT CHYA GONNA DO WHEN 1.5 DROPS ON YOU BROTHA?
  3. That is world class! Bravo to your guildie.... Unless of course he is a rebel scum... We don't serve rebel scums around here...
  4. So today is random act of kindness day and I was wondering what sort of random acts are my fellow swtor players doing today?
  5. Ok that's basically what we wanted to hear. Last I read last was that it was a no go, then it was back on again. Then I read this morning that people are having issues loading after last nights patch. Started on the German servers or something. And then has spread to U.S. Servers and blah blah blah. So now anyone who is curious about the patch situation can come to my lovely page here and know instantaneously what the situation is!
  6. Just wonder if we can get an update on the patch and any major details about it. Some of us are at work and are curious what the situation is....
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