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Everything posted by PCfrustration

  1. Well said. Me too! I feel like I am playing a single player game on Elysium. I want to PvP mostly but it's always the same 10-15 geared-to-the-teeth republic players. Not QQing here. I am simply pointing out that PvP isn't fun when queue times are up to 2 hours some nights and when you finally get in one, one of two things happen: 1) it's the same geared out republic group which wipes the floor with you and your team resulting in a drawn out painful loss where half of your team leaves halfway through it cuz it's pointless and not fun to get blown up in 5 seconds 2) the match ends early because of a lack of players on one side right at the start. Seriously...why in the world did the match start in the first place if not enough players said they would join? If there aren't enough players at the start, the match should never begin IMO. SWToR IS a great game, IF and ONLY IF there are more people to play with/against. It's a shame that Bioware hasn't implemented server transfers or mergers yet. You would think that would be their top priority considering most of their subscriptions will be canceled because of low population issues. WAKE UP BIOWARE!!!
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