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Posts posted by MatAuc

  1. But what about duplicates?


    Jesus understanding is hard.


    Duplicates are frustrating right now because of the likely hood to get a set piece is too low. Now, you will have more set pieces drop, so just do like any other game, and live with the fact there is some RNG. Just way more forgiving now.

  2. For the love of gaming..... Just say yes, there will be a Tier 5. You already know it's going to happen you just don't know when. Stop beating around the bush at this point. A simply yes, Tier 5 is coming will do.

    Why are you even commenting? What the hell good would it do to say that? It's 100% irrelevant right now, and everyone's been giving heat about the current system. Why the hell confirm something they likely have not even confirmed themselves since it's a work in progress? Just another bullet in your gun to shoot in case they revamp something and then you call then disorganised for coming back on their words.


    Let it go and think before talking.

  3. Sorcs have top class dcds. Even a sniper can't just appear else where on the map way out of range and sight of the enemy. God bubble and the after shield are the best defences in game, 0 damage from anything not just 98% reduction or only aoe. They have uninterruptible and cast on the move skills already. Force speed is the fastest instant run, (Mara needs stacks first). Multi target push with root not good enough as a dcd now? well throw in self healing, a mara does not have that without specing or a utility point wasted on a trash heal.


    Their dps should fit their defences, ie not top class as well. Saying that snipers and merc DPS are way to high for their defences now. Snipers have the second best defenses to sorcs and get them all again. Mercs 3rd even with trauma regultors and adrenal boost just because of the long cooldowns and lack of mobility unless they take the sheild cooldown utility. Some people may readjust the order but even stealth doesn't compare to some of the things these classes can do.

    Most of your points are kinda moot.


    "Not just 98%" do you realize 98% is pretty much 100% at that point? On top that 98% you're talking about, they can cast during the duration. The best thing about force barrier is the buff it gives not the fact it's 100% instead of 98%. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying your point is.. pointless. And really. Pretty much every class has a similar ability and most of them can cast during the duration. So I wouldn't give src a big point there.


    And you have to realize every other point you make, almost every class have something similar. And really the whole point here, what is the point of DCD if you can't kill a damn thing if you survive. I pretty much end up healing for 1.5mil every match. Usually also high on the DMG chart if not first 90% of the matches. But somehow, barely manage to get a killing blow. Getting a single killing blow might be my rarest medal. Then, you have to consider, if you play competitively you ARE gonna get netted. Good luck.


    It's quite rediculous that we have sub par sustained DMG and our biggest hit will Crit for 15k tops. I get killing blow on me of over 40k all the time.


    If we are not gonna get a better burst, we need at very least a flat out 10% DMG increase access the board.


    Remember, even if our survivabilty was nearly as good as you it is, it's pointless if you can't kill ****.

  4. This is a small oversight that wish would be fixed too. I know its not working as intended considering thats a perfect match, and other perfect matches give 100 commendations.
  5. I did know about the patch, but the patch notes only talked of removing the valor req on battlemaster earpieces and implants. And the final patch notes still say that.
    I would go back to school if I were you.
  6. You are kidding me. I spent 500k plus schematics and I cant even get my set bonus to transfer? Why even make the item mods removable on the older gear? This is a tremendous lack of over site. Making your 50 player base this outraged is not a good idea, especially since they are your meat and potatoes.


    What i see is someone who randomly.removed mods thinking it would work. The same place that said mods would carry over to gear for the new set is the same place that said the old set bonuses are still tied to the shell. Your mistake.

  7. I played a Witch Hunter on Warhammer, they had massive burst damage available if specd for it (I know right, actually speccing and factoring in more than one stat) but I build mine as a dueler with sanctified bullets (a heal back) and parry (*** defences??) so I didnt atomise people but also wasnt a wet tissue either.


    They seem to be taking advice from Carrie, queen of the sea cows, Gouskos on how to ruin PvP.

    I sincerly try to understand the relevance of your post, yet fail miserably.
  8. I had just finished the long horrible grind to valor level 60 a week ago, and would just today have enough battlemaster commendations to buy the lightsaber.


    Today the patch removed the valor requirement for BM gear, and at the same time made it dirt cheap.


    I'm feeling pretty screwed over for having done the entire valor grind for nothing.

    Old news. You knew that was coming in 1.2 weeks ago. QQ about getting gear easier won't get you anywhere.


    This is about PvP Combat, an actually important matter.

  9. Definitely noticing a lot more damage. Tabbing over people's highest hits after the match is confirming that people are doing more damage at the top end at least. Overall damage numbers are actually down atm, but I attribute that to people learning their classes after the changes and the fact that people are dying quicker now.


    Pretty much any time I had two people on me I was dead. Before the patch, I could usually kite and CC them, probably still die but at least put up a fight. Now, I just die. Some of it I attribute to playing 31 Madness though, it's a good spec for 1v1(at least as good as it gets for Sorcerers I guess since we suck at 1v1), but in a group setting I fold quick now.

    The reason dmg numbers are down in WZ is because you cant do dmg while dead, and you need people alive to attack.. lol
  10. I'm Conqueror level and found the patch to be better overall than I thought. Virtually all of my guild agrees...some major overreactions in this thread.


    One thing you have to realize is that some people didn't change out their mods pre-patch and don't have the new expertise. Right now, it's hard to judge things because there is a greater potential gear discrepancy than before. People are also learning new talent setups, figuring out how to adjust to the nerfs and/or tinkering with their UI.


    I would wait til things settle down and everyone has more experience with the changes and getting their gear right.


    I have noticed some fast killings by certain classes that probably need adjusting, but nothing warranting the ridiculous crying on this thread. I am somewhat surprised that the dps operatives/scoundrels nerf was not a big deal at all from playing against some today. They still hurt really bad and are very potent.


    In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.


    Overall, I give BW a grade A for the patch..it was less than 8 hours down time and noticed no major bugs or glitches like I had grown to expect the first day from WoW.


    You do have a point that SOME people have half the expertise they should. But no, unlike you might think, I, for one, am not QQ'ing about dying too fast, I am saying that I kill **** too fast. It's not fair that I jump on someone (that I know is equally geared as I am) and kill him without him being able to do ANYTHING about it. God forbid you are currently attacking someone else, you just got backstabbed to die in 2 seconds.


    As you seem, you are most likely running with your guild and plundering through pugs and enjoying it. But that gets very old very fast. If you actually like that type of gameplay, it does seem like most do not.


    And just to return the favor, "In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.". You have no more credibility than the rest of us, so why did you bother posting?

  11. Bw plan seems to be make things so bad people leave and they don't have to work on the game. I would like to congratulate you on achieving that goal atleast with me.


    Tab targeting is worse now.


    PVP is basiclly 2 tanks (in dps gear if they are smart) and 2heals holding hands and running around killing people or defending objectives while the other 4 dps play with themselves. HOW can a tank have most DPS in a wz and get the medals from defending.


    Also thanks for taking away damage from upper hand and back blast without giving anything back. It really helps the stealth class when they don't have burst either. You basicly took the crutches away from an already limping class and now we are crawling. so THANK YOU BW for class balance.

    I disagree with class imbalance. Bring your class balance QQ to another thread. This is about a totally different problem.

  12. Hey,


    I really don't wanna come out as your usual QQ'er, I just wanna say my overall opinion of PvP after the patch.


    I liked a few things in this game. Unique combat mechanics for one. The other main one was, you had to work to kill someone! And you actually could use a few skillful tactics to prevent yourself for dying. The later two is now gone. Completely.


    I am a Marauder. Killing people in 4-5 seconds is not fun. Getting killed instantly if 2 people is on you is not fun. You need to be able to put up a fight even if you lose!


    Now expertise gains more offense than defense, if anything, it had to be the other way around. Sure my test sample is relatively small, but the pattern is pretty clear.


    The other few things I gripe about. Adrenals and stims. Right now, if you use them, you spend MORE commendations per game than you can possibly gain. Need an alternative way to buy them (dailies perhaps?).


    Annihilating people is not fun and doesn't feel competitive. I understand some people like seeing others go kaboom, but it does get very old, very quick. The term "rage quitting" pretty much comes from that particular even I would say. To see someone head towards you and know that either of you will die in a few seconds feels like a FPS. Be damned if it's 2 people, you wont even have time to use 2 abilities (as opposed to previously).


    I know some changes are for the best. The drastic reduction in everyone relative survivability is not a good change.


    Edit : Nothing short of a raw dmg decrease of roughly 20% is needed. Agree or disagree on this part, I don't care, that's my feeling.

  13. im sure bioware is shaking in there boots


    pvpers are a minority in this game.and there obviously not real pvpers


    "The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone."


    its sad that biowares making pvp more about the rewards then the fun though.to me,pvp is more about fun and less about rewards.i guess in this game,its more about rewards and less about fun

    actually you are wrong. PvP community is larger than PvE in this game. They even said that "they are overwhelmed by the popularity of PvP".
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