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    Kent, WA
  1. Well problem solved. I now as a merc healer am easily getting 7-10 medals and 400-600k heals in games. But I do think that they should let mercs get guard medals or at least merc healers imo.
  2. Hi so I didn't really take the time to see if there is another post out about this spec but when I made it on my server a while ago I believe I was the only one or one of a very small group of people who made this spec. I started out as arsenal for a while up until around lvl 40 valor and I then tried out bodyguard and loved it. Merc healing was so fun and I was very good at it. The only problem for me was that I wanted to hit battle master soon but mercs dont get very many medals in pvp.. especially a healer. Now in a good game as heals i could get 7-9 medals but most games even though i did very well I was only getting 3-5. So in order to get those medals, extra valor, and mvp votes I decided to try a new spec and see how it worked.. It was amazing. The Spec is Arsenguard: 30/11/00 I dont remember the exact talents but mainly it has everything you need from healing minus emergency scan. and you have tracer missle with reduced heat and extra rocket dmg in the arsenal spec. Getting good at this spec makes you unstoppable. I was getting immortal every other game even in huttball and i was having so much fun with it. Yes it does kind of require you to spam tracer and im pretty sure that is going to get a cd but the class could still be great. also note that when you use your 30 charges of gas cylander the heat cost of power shot is reduced a lot! so you can spam that every time you vent your heat.. and auto attacks to enemies does build up your 30 charges.. You can figure out the spec more i dont want to get into every detail but no game no matter how short did i ever get under 6 medals... most of the time i was 8-10 which is a lot considering mercs get no guard medals. I almost got 300k dmg/ 300k healing some matches but i could easily get over 150k dmg and still get my 300k heals. This class brought me to battle master pretty fast. Once i got to battle master i switched back to healer as valor was not as important to me anymore.. winning and helping the team was. And now that i have switched back to healer from arsenguard the practice without even having emergency scan before has made me such a great healer that I am getting over 500k heals in matches and I get invites for pvp groups all the time. This class will just all around get you better at pvp and your character and help you lvl valor fun and easy. Well I hope this helps some people and I would love to hear from you after giving the class a good try. -----MotorBoatZ
  3. If a BH is just spamming tracer then he deserves to die easy. When I was arsenal I rarely used tracer, never in a 1v1 head on fight, only if im maybe on a ledge or far enough away from a fight that i can cast it a few times. It just really pisses me off when people say mercs suck because all the do is spam tracer.. It should be.. mercs who spam tracer suck.
  4. Hi so i just recently switched to healing spec on my merc and I am loving it. My only problem is that I dont really know many ways to get medals every match as a merc healer other than 2.5k heal, 5k heal, 75k healing, 300k sometimes. And i get some for 10 kills sometimes too. but I want to stay a healer and lvl up my valor but it sucks that i dont get as many points because i dont get nearly as many medals as i used to even though I am now a much bigger help to the team. I went from avg 6-8 medals to 3-4. I am just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get more medals each match.
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