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Posts posted by Burrowa

  1. That game is very impressive. I even like the story elements a bit. I haven't hit endgame in that yet, though, so can't compare, but I find the game design/pvp philosophy (no healers, balanced around 1v1) to be a breath of fresh air.


    Totally..Having a lot of fun playing it. Still not at endgame myself, but looking forward to finally having some good open world pvp.

  2. I agree that SoS looked better than PB. And I can understand feeling a little defensive when someone calls you out for not knowing your class. The problem here, though, is that you clearly don't know your class. PB does NOT finish the cooldown of Ambush and it certainly doesn't finish the cooldown on Snipe...considering Snipe has NO cooldown.


    lmao, beat me to it

  3. Put up with all the CC, heal back to full health, chain stuns, and horrible class balance?


    I just started to mess around in PVP and it is just...a mess. Nobody ever dies, myself included half the time. Bunch of mad men running around swinging swords while healers keep themselves and everyone around them alive forever.


    I mean every now and then when nothing else to do? Sure pvp can be fun. But how do the people who level entirely via PVP, that use this as their main reason for playing, put up with the lack of effort by Bioware to make it better?


    What keeps you queing over and over again and not just 'god lets get my dailies done and never touch this again'?


    Mad cuz bad? Nah but it does have its issues. What else am I going to do though? PVE? No thanks!

  4. As much as I'm not really surprised a PvP'er can't look beyond his own little PvP minority world, there's not a lot pointing towards OP talking about PvP.

    With a quick look at OPs latest posts you'd see zero mentions of PvP but instead mentions of soloing, Operations and PvE guild. Therefore there's not really any reason to talk about PvP when OP is not specifically mentioning it.


    You're the one that can't read a sig. His bright colors are not colorful and bright enough for you?


    Go PvE more, it's so exciting!

  5. I’m sorry but I am having trouble believing you pvp at all. Every time I see a (non-healer) commando or merc in a WZ, I see people gang--bang them, over and over again, game after game. I don’t know what server you’re on but there is nothing but pain for commando’s or merc’s on Harbinger. Sadly I shelved my Merc many months ago. But I can tell you that it is a very uncommon WZ when (non-healer) commando’s or merc’s are alive long enough to do good damage. I’m not calling you a liar man, but I just don’t see it, all I see is dead men walking.


    Or maybe I was just trolled.


    Not sure what you're talking about dude. Most 8v8 I'm in, almost always top dmg on my merc or my commando. I see other mercs doing the samething. I'm also on Harb..if you wanna group sometime let me know, I'll show you.

  6. They just need to allocate more clusters to the node and integrate the software pipelining in such a way that allows the clusters to operate in a more synergistic manner. The problem is that right now, the incoming ports are only half-duplex, which means that only one request can be handled at a time. As you may guess, this gets to be a problem when multiple real-time requests are being initiated on the client side simultaneously. When one or more clients initiate the same request at exactly the same time (down to the femto-second), the server has to drop one, hence the red x problem. As the number of client side requests increase (due to larger population), the probability of such an occurrence increases logarithmically.


    Source: I have no idea what I am talking about, but my techno-babble speech is strong, so it sounds legit.


    lmao...you had me

  7. I stuck it out on POT5 in hopes of it turning around, and liked the idea of being flagged while running missions, but eventually xfered to The Ebon Hawk and it's got a active PvP community. WZs pop regularly and ranked is active for me during primetime.
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