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Posts posted by Burrowa

  1. These punk kids have no integrity, no accountability, their parents are raising trash to later feed off society. I really think online PVP games draws to their deceitful nature. It's sad.


    Not sure how to fix solo PVP but I think alot could be done to marginalize solo PVP and elevate team pvp. It's not hard to find 3 other people to play with.


    You said it, brother!

  2. Unfortunately it doesn't come easy for everyone, speaking from experience I had never played an mmo before. When I started I had no idea what a gcd, an interrupt, or half of my abilities were let alone when and where to use them. Now I feel comfortable in the highest levels of pvp in this game. Everyone comes in at different levels and there is some complexity at every level of pvp, both regs and ranked.


    Well you told me. My apologies, you're absolutely correct. Not everyone has played an MMO before, I sometimes forget I played an MMO for the first time once too.

  3. On the Harbinger unranked PVP pops every 3-20 min depending on time, but even in early AM USA central time (like 7a) I get 5-10 min pops.


    Beware that the harbinger server has at times in the past been "unstable" and people have lost progress and been rolled back. But Its not a frequent or major issue. I would move to harb if I were you.



    Been on Harb for a couple yrs and have not had this problem. No lag issues either, and I'm East Coast.


    WZs pop all day, with short waiting time.

  4. Look I understand the Shock and Awe approach...Let's make nine million posts about Nerf Mercenary because it will make it seem like a big deal....


    However, can we just start posting in one of the other threads so the conversation evolves instead of starting it all over again? Possibly?


    LOL This guys so scared of getting nerfed. I mained a Merc from day of release until 5.0. I just can't play such a broken class, its actually boring. If you think it's not op then you're just a terrible merc.

  5. OP has a point actually...So much whining about class balance in a game specifically designed not to have it. For instance perma-stealth......If you add perma-stealth as a class mechanic to your game you have already basically decided to have wonky PvP.


    Trinity class system......you are making sure you will not have balanced PvP......


    Giving one class more CC than others......you are making sure your game will not have balanced PvP......


    This game is designed to have imbalanced PvP.....Yet the sheep AKA Millennials cry about everything not fair! Sorry all no participation trophies here! Deal with what you play, re-roll or go find another game.


    Merc/Mando might get tuned down a bit but you are going to have to work to kill a Merc/Mando from now on...get used to it.


    But us millennials love receiving trophies for just showing up. :(

  6. LOL at people saying theres no balance. Are you kidding? Obviously never played ESO


    Anyways...My first character was a Merc. Been playing merc since release, but have main'd Sniper for acouple yrs now and will continue after 5.0

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