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  1. This is a thread with hopes of inspiring others in the SWTOR community. While most other classes have seemingly picked up nicknames through popularity of use or from simply shorthand typing the class name, I make this following proposition with all other Assassin players in mind. The name we Assassins with which we identify ourselves should be "Sin". Here are some reasons why: 1. Sith Assassin's are naturally evil, our desire and ability to wreak havoc upon other players and npc's alike is unrivaled. 2. Sin is just a cool name to be acknowledged by. Use in general chat and other types of conversation will quickly catch on. 3. Assassin is just too long to type. The shorthand name is not only fitting, but also gives other members of the community a desired perspective of our class. "Gonna gank me in world pvp? I'll get my revenge, and camp your corpse for the next 30 min." "You're undergeared in a battleground? Congrats, you've just become my b****." "I'll slap your mom in the face, AND steal your girlfriend. Swag." "Evil is fun." Thoughts?
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