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Everything posted by Brahseidon

  1. I'm stuck there too. Put in a ticket to no avail. Honestly not sure what to do at this point.
  2. 93.15% just jumped to 93.35%! At this rate, I should be able to log in by the time Force Awakens is out
  3. I'm stuck on 93.15% too, weird. Been like this for the past couple hours.
  4. Star Trek Online can be really fun if you're a fan of the Star Trek series, but since it's gone F2P they've really been pushing it with paying for stuff with real money. They use something really similar to the Cartel Market and I'm not a big fan of it but that's really the only way to get all the cool stuff, like powerful ships from the shows or uniforms. This game is way better in terms of story though.
  5. So wait, where do races like the Zabrak and Rattataki or Twi'lek fit into this? By the Empire's logic aren't they "lesser" ?
  6. I hate to ask something that's probably been asked several times... but why is the Empire here? I always thought the Empire was something Darth Sidious created after Episode III. Or was he just bringing back what once was?
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