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  1. This came up for me in another thread, but I have noticed specifically on my Sentinel and Marauder that I am getting beat up really badly the faster I do burst DPS. I am kind of a gear hound, so I always have my leveling toons decked out with the best gear, and my companions have great gear as well. However, it seems that when I am DPSing hard on a mob that is strong or elite that I am suffering a reflection of the massive damage I am causing to the point that I have to stop and heal many times after a fight. I know, you say, armor class this and medium armor that, I know I know, we are not tanks. But I can let my companion DPS the same class mob, Jaessa, melee DPS twin-lightsaber, similar gear as me, not as much armor, not as many HP and she can walk away from the fight with more HP left. It has gotten to the point that I've been leveling my marauder like I used to level my hunter in WoW. I send in my companion for 3-5 seconds, let them get aggro, then I charge in and slowly rip aggro off the companionand finish off the mob(s). I'm used to opening combat with my toon, not the companion, but my sent/mara just get this t***** reflecting damage that I can't rationally explain. Anyone else notice this?
  2. Not to get too side-tracked, but I swear that when I am DPSing hard with my marauder/sentinel it seems as if the elite mobs or even strong mobs have almost a "thorns" ability similar to WoW and other games. The more I burst DPS the mob, the more damage I take. I can let my companion beat on them and I will kill the weak mobs and my companion, melee DPS Jaessa for example has more health left than I do after the fight. Of course I have the better gear. Did BW do something internal to the burst DPS of maras/sents to make up for our really fast killing speed?
  3. I have male toons and female toons. Being male, I can associate with the male conversations for both toons. Never once do I feel really awkward, although the romances with Vector and Doc were a bit weird in-game, but I didn't come out of the game shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond and start handing out recipe cards for my sour dough bread recipe. I'm still a dude. Seriously, it's a game. A female sniper is a cool idea, as are many of the female toons. Sure, a small-framed Trooper Vanguard tank seems a stretch, but if Blizz can tank, so can the ladies. This is the 21st century bro, time to tug on your pink Tu-Tu one leg at a time like the rest of us and just enjoy the game. Plus, if you sit around in fleet and try on gear to see how it looks on your Ken doll, you're already half-way there. Dressing Barbies has simply always been more fun.
  4. I'm entitled to game time because I used my Gold Card to pay for my subscription, which therefore makes me important. I'm also smart b/c I was reading another post and someone used the word "modicum" and although I giggled internally at that person's dorkiness, I knew what it meant. However, if you have ever had television service interrupted or internet access or even phone services, it is rather inconvenient and even traumatic. This rant is at the very least a testament to how much this person just wants to get their whole family in the game as early and as much as possible. I applaud the enthusiasm, I frown at the methodology, but actually hope BW does something nice for the interruption in service. Maybe a prize? Some digital candy, nothing lost nothing gained, just some in-game goodness.
  5. Hey if it's a pet that I can kick like my Sith slaps my companions (Punish), fine, so be it. At least I have something to kick around like BW has me
  6. SUPER HUMONGOUS BUMP! SHORYUKEN EVEN! This needs to happen and I have a super-terrific reason for it. For some dumb reason, I was looking for an adaptive head slot item for my marauder I was leveling during double XP weekends. I found someone selling this totally radical sand-people helm, and I bought it. NOT because it was a Tuskan raiders. NOT because it was rare and I had never seen it before. BUT because when I tried it on, it turned from crappy brown to BLACK. TO MATCH MY COOL ROBES YO. If the dumb stupid helmet had been brown I probably would have been like Meh I'll go buy a Trailblazer's Helm and show off my goggles. But no, the black sand-people helm makes my toon look unique and bad-***** so please allow us to make this stuff a color that doesn't look like we farm Nerf poop for a living.
  7. This is a great post and a great idea. I too share the conclusion that Guild ships would be awesome. Sadly, I missed any sort of announcement that the game developers have been planning this option for any amount of time. Considering the game layout, it doesn't seem like any stretch to make a said number of instanced encounter zones off of fleet to give a guild its own space. This seems like it would drive the community further, and incentives offered in game to guild ships would be really cool. Imagine taking the guild frigate to an Operation, or having an epic space battle worth playing, with guildies manning several aspects of the ship in an Operation/Raid style space combat/boarding party encounter. Or, you can finally get all your guildies in one room of the ship to have a meeting, contest, or anything else. Please make this happen!
  8. I actually fear the loading screen, because the chick seems scared as well. Then I realized she reminded me of this socially-awkward girl from high school that I once had the pleasure of forgetting, since her creepy, awkward behavior made me feel guilty for not being a dork in high school. So now when I log in, I think of this girl and I'm scared and racked with guilt. Thanks Bioware, at least we could have had non-threatening Ewoks or empty space even. >.<
  9. Hey. Not to be nit-picky and such, but buying the expansion (I did) and buying it about 4 months ago (I also did this) so that I got 5 days early access to a server that is currently down is not cool. I do actually have a job outside playing SWTOR and my game time that I can devote to playing the game is a real investment out of my day, and some days (like yesterday) I couldn't play at all. So even if the server is down for a few hours for just one day, in my case, I feel it. I've subscribed since the initial launch, and with Bioware historically being gracious, how about sending us a little token that says, "Sorry we had a server down situation. Here is a complimentary XXXXXXXX (super shiny prize) to make up for it." That is all. P.S. Remember, you can never put too much water into a nuclear reactor.
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