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Everything posted by Gabomage

  1. Die Gilde <Erebus> sucht ambitionierte PVP Spieler für WZ und ranked WZ. Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach guten 55ern die ihren Char beherrschen im Moment speziell auf der Suche nach einem weiteren OP/Merc Healer und einen PT/Jugg Tank. Wenn du meinst du bist der richtige und hast weder einen Heal noch nen Tank melde dich und zeig uns was du kannst!! Wir haben aktuell ein ranked Team unterwegs und würden gerne besser und stärker werden. Auch pre mades stellen wir eigentlich täglich =) Hast du Interesse eine teil von unserem Team zu werden dann melde dich bitte bei uns. Schau auf Tofn schreib einen von <Erebus> an und lass dich zu nen Offi verbinden =) Ein paar Namen für dich zum whispern sind Nuora, Kaayo und Vasmine =)
  2. Kann dir einen Ausweg auf tofn anbieten haben einige leute von t3m4 bei uns in der Gilde. Schreibe mal einen von <Erebus> an und verland nach nem Offi, wenn du auf tofn nen twink hast dann könn ma gerne plaudern =)
  3. The Guild <Erebus> is recruiting for warzones and ranked warzones. We allways looking for good pvp players but at the moment we are looking for good healers and good tanks. We allways want to become better and stronger, actually we run with one ranked Team if u like to be part of this Team just write use in game.... For exact Information ask Nuora, Kaayo, Vasmine or someone else ingame u will be connected =)
  4. The Guild <Erebus> is recruiting for warzones and ranked warzones. We allways looking for good pvp players but at the moment we are looking for good healers and good tanks. We allways want to become better and stronger, actual we run with one ranked Team if u like to be part of this Team just write use in game.... For exact Information ask Nuora, Kaayo, Vasmine or someone else ingame u will be connected =)
  5. I don't know if anybody of u play ranked, but if u play u will see that hybrid heal is really disturbing for a game..It should not be possible that a hybrid heal sorc for example..makes ~1,6khps in a ranked match,..i cant understand why swtor don't fix it before the new season will start..tbh it should be a fair match for everyone and not only for the people who have the luck that some morons play their sorcs as a hybrid..i mean lighting and dot are good speecs for pvp..people who play hybrid are only protecting their own interests..
  6. No iam not, and I think Maras aren't fine..may if u play against **** opponents, but if u play against people who know how to play their chars its really hard, and maras getting nerved...and other classes getting buffed so I think on 2.7 it will be very hard to play mara in ranked particularly against two lightning sorcs which are in my opinion the most OP class.
  7. Hey guys, now where the Smash of the Mara get nerved, and the god mod got nerved I would be glad if the mara get a hard stun like the jug on tank tree. In my opinion it would be fair if force choke get converted into a hard stun. I mean earlier force choke was useful for the smasher to create stacks for his domination but now it only a hard stun if a second dd make dmg on the stuned targed and u as a mara cant do dmg. So what do u think about my idea. And don't come with "Mara is soo OP" Mara is at the moment only a noob killer. Maras are really easily to stun..carnages maras are easily to interrupt..so I think it would be fair if he get his hardstun so he can do more things by his own. Cause if ur opponents can good kit and slow u and so on..with knockbacks which are roots and so on, with electro nets and bubbels where u cant interrupt him (sorc 2.7, merc) it will be hard for a mara to be competitive in wz and ranked wz.
  8. What's with Hybrid healers in rnd ranked Wz, why do they work? Is Swtor so unable to make a rnd ranked WZ for every Player equal..tbh..to get a good Rating in swtor Arena i must use polster bugs and i must Play hybrid..i mean really? I stop my subscription until swtor will fix it..i mean at the moment their are many possibilities to play... Your work is an embarrassing statement for MMORPG
  9. Was wollt ihr eigentlich gegen den ganzen Hybrid heal in den ranked Wz machen? Ich muss ehrlich sagen dass es einfach keinen Spaß mit diesen dreck und werde daher mein Abo ned verlängern bis es gefixt wurde.
  10. Mara full conqueror/modded, rwz experience look for a nice pvp guild. Normally i play 5-6 days a Week. My name ingame is Nuora i play on TOFN, pls contact me ingame if you like more information about me.
  11. Mara full conqueror/modded, rwz experience look for a nice pvp guild. Normally i play 5-6 days a Week. My name ingame is Nuora i play on TOFN, pls contact me ingame if you like more information about me.
  12. Attentäter is hält mehr als nur ne One Button klasse
  13. Ich muss ehrlich sagen gegen einen gut gespielten maro hab ich's auch schwer, dass liegt aber hauptsächlich an den 99% dmg reduce ansonsten sind die meisten "Free loot" mit Hybrid skillung. Also einfach mal ausprobieren!
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