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Posts posted by xxBreemenxx

  1. I don't where it's coming from that affection increases the chance of success. So far there's only been proof of it decreasing mission length. Efficiency and crit also don't have an effect on whether it's success or failure as far as I know.


    Orange missions have the largest chance of failure( it lessens as it goes to gray) so you CAN improve your chance by increasing your crew skill level. (340 missions become yellow while maxing a skill)

  2. I've seen evidence of orange and yellow missions failing more but I've seen nothing to support the claim that your character level has anything to do with missions. Been running those level 5 and 6 missions early on and the success rates are unchanged.


    Affection increases the speed of the missions but won't make them more profitable. However you will get your returns faster.


    I run the level 6 moderate and abundant ,2 level 5 rich, and level 4 bountiful. While saving the 340 epic missions for logouts.


    The first two (level 6's)don't crit as often or as high as the level 5 but they're much more consistent with 500-800 credit profits and only 100-200 credit losses. You also get those epic 340 missions that can be upwards of 20-30k if you get the good ones.


    The level 5's can go as high as 1000 in profit and crit for 4-8k(highest i've seen) and return 340 missions. However they can also lose as much as 700-800. Overall you will profit though.

  3. Turn off Carbonizing Stream or whatever her channeled cc is and put her on med watch. Her healing output goes up alot. And keep her geared =)


    But I can't emphasize enough that you needto turn off her cc. It effectively cc's her as well and doesn't work on the tough enemies. Her attack skills are instant so the won't realy interfere with her healing.


    It DOES suck to do those quests and find yourself surrounded. Typically I get a little space and mortar as many weak mobs as I can and if silvers and golds are up hit one with concussion.


    Prioritize the weakest enemies 1st as that will reduce the damage coming in much faster that going for the strongest.

  4. It's you =p My droid was getting the most mission crits recently. There's no evidence that affection does anything but lower mission length. (if there's any hard proof please share it folks =) )

    Lots of people on forums saying their high affection companions fail more than their low affection counterparts.

    When I find myself in a bad streak I tend to change which companion is on which mission. Does that help? No clue, but it makes me feel like i did something lol.

  5. Does affection improve mission success? I've only seen evidence that it speeds up missions. My droid has had the most crits today out of everyone else throughout the day's missions. My highest affection companion however has failed at least as often, if not more.

    But he IS the slowest for missions which gives him the lowest productivity.

  6. Really? I saw it more as engineering, which is traditionally useless to min/max'ers but adds niche utility or just some occasional unusual doodads.


    Most classes fall behind to Biochem in the eyes a lot of players (at least in the forums). But I'm positive other classes will catch up in time.


    I'm more a fan of playing my way than min/max'ing at the expense of doing what I want to do. Decide what your playing priority is and choose accordingly =)

  7. Thx for taking the time to put that info out. Any chance you could break them down individually or put out a spreadsheet of the data? I saw another that somewhat establishes the info you've given. But there are exceptional missions each tier.

    For example, the L2 mission "For Better or Worse" was listed as having the highest output over time (in credits) . It's my go-to mission for whichever companion I'm questing with since i like to have them available without cancelling a mission they're 5-8+ minutes in already.

    I just had it crit for 1.7k, a cybertech schematic( selling for 300-400 atm), and an epic 115 archaeology mission(1-2k depending on the current items in-market) .

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