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Posts posted by xxBreemenxx

  1. eh that happens sometimes, i also break even or make 300-400 about as often. The crits will make it a profit over time. The level 6 abundant and moderate missions bring a steady profit from lockboxes alone. 300-500 usually and no more than 200 for a loss.


    The bug was fixed.


    The rich missions just have a chance for a bigger loss from a single mission but when crits are factored in you should be gaining overall.

  2. I think the very nature of a LFG tool actually encourages socialization.

    I would do trade and lfg channel inquiries all the time in WoW and it was serviceable. My server had Queue times from launch all thru most of WotLK so there were plenty of people. It simply didn't compare to the LFG, especially as it was refined. I could run instances to my heart's content and got enough practice that i could lead the occasional group of players new to whatever dungeon we were doing.

    A LFG tool will make it easier for new players or players new to the content to experience and learn it. I found the socialization came alot from giving advice and strategy tips to players just before a difficult boss or pull, or to assign CC duties, or simply asking "Everyone know this fight?"

    Very often we'd get through it all with a fair sense of accomplishment.

    You might have alot of players fresh to the content in the beginning and I'm sure veteran players will carry a bigger load than the others at first but in time as more and more players use this feature the runs will be smoother overall.


    This was my experience in WoW and I think it will be the same if not better in SW:TOR.

  3. The sooner you max it the better. sure the early missions often end up as a loss but sometimes you end up breaking even or getting a mission or schematic. once you break into the level 4 missions you'll be making steady profit once you get it out of orange (otherwise it has a higher fail rate)


    But you can make ok profit from level 3 missions too.


    Levels 1 and 2 you just need to rough out. it's not so bad especially while questing. Once you hit level 3 keep doing green/yellow level 2 missions until you can get some yellow level 3 missions.


    Continue on this way to level it to max, never going for orange missions.


    The lockboxes arent incredible money makers most of the time but when you sell mission unlocks on the GTN you can make a steady profit. Get a good augment from the 340 slicing mission unlock and you can make a big sale. ( 40-100k on my server)


    At max level I run the 2 level 6 lockbox missions and the two rich level 5 missions. While questing i'm sending my droid as the 5th on level 4 missions (level 3 on rare occasions)


    On republic side my mission priority goes something like this:

    1. Finding Our Way L5

    2. Taking Back Control L5

    3 Azure Databanks L6

    4. Plug the Leak L6

    5. Be Careful what you Read L4

    6. Pointing Fingers L4

    7. Missing Probes L4

    8. Take the Money and Run L3

    9. Arranged Accidents L3


    You'll profit but its not as strong as the mission crew skills.

  4. There's a new tier for you to get. Of course they'll make the last, obsolete tier cheaper. If that sort of thing is going to make you rage, you should just stop playing because that's how it's always going to be.



    Yep. You're still gonna be ahead gearwise if you're as good as you say you are, whether that means you're actually skilled or just grind alot of WZ's.


    You've enjoyed the they valor rank and gear that you say you worked hard for and have been ahead of those fresh 50's or players that pursued other aspects of the game.


    But the better gear they add the bigger the difference in stats will be against fresh 50's unless they make such a change.


    In fact it might be argued that players starting to pvp now have to work harder since there's already a bigger gear difference between players than when you started your rise in ranks.

  5. The devs said at the summit they'd been working on SGRAs since before launch and time and budget did not allow them to be finished in time but that they already knew which companions would be available. This implies that at least some of the current companions are planned for SGRAs.


    OR the companions that would be available for SGR's were not released at the start or are still being worked on. If it was for the current companions it likely would have been available already IMO.

  6. If she's having trouble healing, disable her Carbonized Stream (whatever it is) and her damage abilities and put her in Med Watch. She keeps me healed just fine.


    Carbonized stream is really all you have to disable. An 8 second channel that cc's her just as much as the enemy she uses it on is rarely useful. Make sure you're on med watch. Her dps abilities are fine to keep on because they are instant cast and on longer cd's when on med watch rather than the alternate stance.


    I've seen her bug out once or twice and just stand there but that's in all my time playing. (been 50 for some time) I've taken on champion mobs without too much trouble. With cc heroic 2's (solo) are fairly easy and 4's are possible.

  7. At least we'll have finally had the opportunity to assess that for ourselves.


    Technically we've always had the opportunity, you've just been waiting on the ones you want to be available lol. I'm still waiting for the possibility of getting some Forex action myself so i can totally see where you're coming from.

  8. I find this whole thread funny. I can see SGR's being tolerated/accepted in the republic side, but persecuted and ridiculed on the empire side. I doubt BW will follow that trend in it's implementation.

    Relationships in this game atm are shallow, little entertaining cutscenes that have little impact on the game ( u get companion gifts occasionally). This isn't gonna make a big splash unless the system is ramped up a bit. The SWG sandboxers, SGR advocates, and BW groupies are more than welcome to join the OGR crowd in our 20 seconds of frivolity and the occasional companion gift. Just don't be surprised if you don't feel very satisfied that you got what you want.

  9. I run them in this priority: (republic side)


    1. Finding Our Way

    2. Taking Back Control

    3. Azure Databanks

    4. Plug the Leak

    5. Be Careful What You Read

    6. Pointing Fingers

    7. Missing Probes


    Arranged accidents used to be great with a high rate of crit but I find (for me at least) that it's no longer the case. Perhaps the imperial version gets better results. Don't know if the nerf killed it or I just had a really long bad streak.


    If I was going for simply credits and not using the GTN the list would look much different.


    That said scavenging brings in more on average. 1485 credit abundant yield missions to get back 4-6(8-10 if crit) of a resource that sells for 500-1000cs per unit is pretty damn nice. Talkin Durasteel and Zal Alloy but I've seen these and other mats (even low level mats) shift to higher numbers.


    Then there are other potential yields when you add crafting to the equation.

    I'll take a look at the other gathering professions and see how they hold up.

  10. To be fair products like Dragon Age and Mass Effect are played in their own toybox. You can always have your own little green army men do whatever you want.


    It's when you start playing with other kid's toys (Ex: Star Wars license), that it starts to get tricky.


    As for the why we can kill people/torture/blah blah but not have gays question... it is actually really, REALLY simple.




    In 40 years, it will be so common and everyday that this entire thing will look stupid.


    Actually no. If you look further back humanity was a bit more hardcore when it came to what was socially acceptable entertainment lol.

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