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Everything posted by terranullus

  1. If I change the enhancement on all 5 BM gear items, I will gain 125 expertise and 69 power, but lose over 110 crit Also, I will lose 51 alacrity on each item i change the enhancement on. That means 0,03 sec slower channel on TK Throw (only spell that I need alacrity) on each item i change. Some Items I will lose crit and gain power, other items I will lose some power. I will gain 25 expertise and lose 51 alacrity on each item. Let me know what you think is the best.
  2. Thanks a lot for the answer. I have actually 314 in Critical Rating and 1496 in Willpower. So if I understood you right I should go for wp as long my crit rating is over 300? Thanks
  3. Im a balance sage. Anyone know what I should prioritize? Right now I have around 1470 wp and a crit chance 29%, with my own buff and stim. Should I choose Champion Force-Master's Bracers (77 wp 10 crit) or Champion Stalker's Bracers (66 wp 34 crit). How should I calculate in the future, if I have normal balanced gear? Is it so easy that double crit is the same as wp (20crit=10wp)? For an example - 21 crit is better then 10 wp and 11 wp is better then 20 crit? When do I cap crit, if I can? :/ Thanks in advance
  4. It also say that it increases the rang of TK Throw to 30 meters? I have 30 meters range all the time on all my spells. What does it means?
  5. terranullus

    PVP Item loot

    I just received my second pair of champion gloves. Could i in theory end up farming 100h and have 10 pair of gloves?
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