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Posts posted by uga-buga

  1. I dont know if you are aware that Marauders, Ravage and force choke ( dont know if its the same for jugganaut).




    This is probably the most anoying spell i have, when it should be one of the best spells i have.

    The problem is, when you use it, sometimes, you only do the emotion, but no dmg, and you cant stop it until its done, and if you spam Ravage, it will keep doing the emotion without doing dmg. Its freaking anoying...



    Force Choke:


    Same thing as Ravage.


    But it also bugs, if you use Force Choke, and a person runs out of range, you will cast it, and still be doing the emotion, but the target is not stunned...


    How long do we have to wait for a fix... over a month since game came out and no fix... *** man?

  2. you called your abilities "spells".


    This provides a strong indicator of where you came from. And where you can go.


    What's wrong with ravage and force choke?? They work fine for me.


    spells/abilities, fixed it.


    Alot of the times, if u press Ravage you will sometimes only do the emotion but no dmg, and you cant cancel it, and if u keep pressing it, it will just reset the animation, its really frustrating in pvp, same with force choke.

  3. If Bioware bans you I'll by 4 more copies of SWTOR and give them to my friends.


    Maybe then your parents would find out and ground you.


    And here comes the fanboys...


    Dont u have something better to do than complain on every thread that isnt about SWTOR being the best game ever.

  4. Please create a section for people to write what they hate about this game.


    That way you only have to look one place to find what you need to fix, and that would keep all the SWTOR defenders away.


    Sure there will still be some of them, jumping in saying "Go back to WoW" once in a while.


    But by creating this, you can look at what people has to say, and maybe, just maybe. you will actually DO something about it...


    Like im still waiting for you guys to fix my abilities on my Marauder, im talking bout Ravage and Force choke.


    Yeah please read and consider :))



  5. Lol alot of *************** here...


    This is not a huge step, this is a very easy thing to add to a forum, which should have been here as soon as the website was created.


    Where is the server transfer, name change, legacy change and all that....



    Bioware doesnt listen at all so shut up

  6. So my thread just got closed because i wrote what i thought the game was missing, and what i was wondering why they havnt made yet.


    People started hating and calling out "troll" ofc.

    And then they closed the thread.


    Threads with people saying what game needs = CLOSED THREAD


    Threads with people saying, this game is the best i love what you did with this and that, i love you bioware i LOVE SWTOR = SWTOR <3 Thread


    Sorry if it sounds stupid, im not sure how to put it exactly. but how many of you has had your thread closed for wondering why things wasnt fixed yet?

  7. Obviously you are just a troll. Vanish not actually working (not breaking combat) was a known bug with Rogues for years in WoW.


    MMOs are all like this. There is no way to replicate all of the bugs in the design or beta process. Since we all run on different hardware and are running different combinations of software there is no way to fully resolve bugs in a MMO game. The only thing that can be done is release and hope to fix them as you go.



    And for the people that keep saying in a 300 million dollar game (first off they did not spend that much money so stop being retarded) they created 8 distinct versions of KoToR with added MMO features. So they created way more content then pretty much any MMO has ever done before. Just because people like to race to the level cap and then want to Raid/PvP does not mean the game lacks content. They created content to appeal to the Knights of the Old Republic fanbase as well as existing Star Wars IP fans and Bioware fans in general.


    Riiiight, only read the first bit, couldnt be asked to read the rest.. but it was a joke with the vanish powder, sorry if that made you mad. :/

  8. And? Subjectively—no one has come up with something better. You have posted the line "Nice lie," or some form of that multiple times, showing you are a troll with no constructive feedback. Unsub, and go bother some other community.


    Well it is a lie, saying there is nothign wrong with the 2 spells when there clearly is.


    And i did write feedback. dont you have something else to do other than calling ppl trolls...

  9. Actually when I quit WoW my rogue's Vanish still did not work correctly. It didn't work correctly in 2004 when I started playing and it still didn't work correctly in 2010 when I stopped playing. So 6 years went by without them fixing a class defining skill like Vanish on my Rogue.


    Maybe you forgot to buy vanish powder.

  10. Actually, SW:TOR and WoW are very much similar. SW:TOR is another game based on the WoW model, with a slightly different combat system, and a better crafting system—which is subjective I know.


    Also, you obviously didn't play WoW at launch, which was far worse than this has been.


    And still wow was released 7 years ago

  11. I have no problems with my marauders spells.. Sometimes the graphic for force choke doesn't play correctly but the damage is done to the target so thats all that matters.


    You are being kicked off the mount because it isnt fully loaded yet. Since you are also having ability issues maybe it is a network latency issue. I would probably cry to your isp more than to BW over these issues.


    No server transfer.... no game has this at launch

    No name change... You picked something stupid didnt you? how is this BWs fault

    No legacy change... I guess all the warnings that it was permanent and across all toons on that sever wasnt a big enough reason for you to not pick fuzzynuts as your legacy name? Again not BWs fault you suck at name making.


    Quit if you are unhappy, play if you are. Those are you choices.

    If you decide to play then BW with release patches as they can, and fix their game. IF you decide to quit then well, go have fun with some pandas. I hear they are dumbing down the system so a baby can play.


    If your telling me that Ravage has no problem, then you really arent good in pvp. the problem with the ability is, sometimes you do the emotion without causing any dmg, and you cant quit it before its done...

  12. I have a Marauder and generally have no problems when PVPing. I think the people who seem to have issues with PVPing on this game never played LOTRO which had a similar feel to the combat system. It is not a twitch based system like WoW is.


    Nice lie.

  13. you basicly answeard your own question...the games been out 24 days..give these guys a break sheesh..wows been out 7 years and theres still a crap load of buggs and exploits they refuse to address atleast bioware actualy acknowledge and are going to address these issues..blizzard wud jsut say "shut up pvp guy" have some patience dude..


    Stop comparing SWTOR and WoW...


    I wouldnt say WoW has as many bugs as SWTOR.


    Or well the bugs are not the same...


    WoW doesnt have problems with spells. and that is a huge problem for a game.


    If we are to compare WoW and SWTOR, then SWTOR is nothing compared to WoW. and SWTOR is completly new...

  14. If you guys subbed to this game, and expected all these issues to be hammered out by the time your free month was up, then you obviously need to reassess that idea, because it hasn't and won't happen, in this game or any other. It will take at least a couple of months for everything to get to a generally bug-free, fine-tuned game. And "fine-tuned" is used loosely, because that will truly take time—a lot of trial and error. Have some patience, or unsub and go complain somewhere else.


    Not all, but atleast some.


    and i had definitely thought that server transfer would be here.

  15. Its been 24 days since release.


    And nothing has changed...


    Im still having problems with my marauders spell, such as Ravage and Force choke.

    Im still being thrown to character screen when in warzone.

    Im still being kicked off mount if i move right after mounting.

    High texture still not fixed.


    No server transfer.

    No name change.

    No Legacy change.


    & ALOT MORE!


    And people wonder why people hate this game...




    Also their website, not one thing has been added since release :/


    Alot of you people are telling me to be paitent, please, look at todays patch notes. Thats alot of stuff they fixed today, dont you think? well i certainly DO NOT SO!

  16. Seriously, these patch notes have got to be the most insubstantial I've ever seen in any MMO that's come out; all of them since we've gone live.


    Look at any Rift patch notes. When they've been working, they add or fix LOTS of things. These are pathetic.


    How many people do you have working on fixes? Half a person?


    Couldnt agree more.


    They havnt done anything special since release....

  17. Things i want.




    Much faster mounts! i think its ridiculous that you can get a mount in lvl 25 with 90% speed, then lvl 40 a mount with only 10% extra speed. and then again at lvl 50, with another 10%.

    I hope to see alot faster mounts, and i mean really fast. maybe like 300% Speed.


    Mount ideas. Pod racers, like the ones from the movie. Animal mounts (Tauntauns for example.)




    Ship customizeation.

    New ships. i got Fury atm, and i dont like it at all, especially not the inside of the ship.




    Alot bigger warzones, so you can have a little more 1on1 combat :)

    Better rewarded for world pvp.


    Pod racing pvp or minigame ( like the space combat )




    Barber Shop!

    Legacy Name Resetter

    Dual Spec




    Server transfer

    Name change



    Better rewards from Treasure Hunting, and Artifice needs buffing, i picked Artifice, in hope that it was the crew skill that was able to make purple color crystals, i havnt learned it yet, or discovered it yet, or found a schematic. I hope you will give a buff to that crew skill.


    Feel free to add some stuff you would like the game to have. :)

  18. Things i want.




    Alot faster mounts! i think its ridiculous that you can get a mount in lvl 25 with 90% speed, then lvl 40 a mount with only 10% extra speed. and then again at lvl 50, with another 10%.

    I hope to see alot faster mounts, and i mean really fast. maybe like 300% Speed.


    Mount ideas. Pod racers, like the ones from the movie. Animal mounts (Tauntauns for example.)




    Ship customizeation.

    New ships. i got Fury atm, and i dont like it at all, especially not the inside of the ship.




    Alot bigger warzones, so you can have a little more 1on1 combat :)

    Better rewarded for world pvp.


    Pod racing pvp or minigame ( like the space combat )




    Barber Shop!

    Legacy Name Resetter

    Dual Spec




    Server transfer

    Name change



    Feel free to add some stuff you would like the game to have. :)

  19. 1. Game has way to less updates.

    Sure the game came out 3 weeks ago, but i had still hoped that there would be some sort updates, either some new gear, or items to craft.



    2. Website not being updated.

    I have not noticed one new thing on the website since release. I had thought by now, that they would atleast have put server transfer, or character recustomize up or something, a little update on what they are working on. but i have seen nothing...


    3. Graphichs

    For a game this new, i had hoped for a bit more than this. Would almost say WoW has better or equal.


    4. Space ships.

    Space ships was a sick idea, but well. They are just a way of traveling, i dont even do Space missions cos i think they are boring. So the only thing you do is: Enter-> Travel To Planet-> Exit. or talk to your companions, i had hoped that you could do a bit more with your spaceship, or atleast decorate it.


    5. World pvp.

    I have only seen 3 republics since i started playing and im lvl 34 now. and trust me, ive been looking, in tatooine and other planets.


    6. Warzones.

    The Warzones, are really dissapointing, i had hoped there would be some 1 vs 1 battles, but thats almost impossible when the warzones are so small.

    They are boring and small. only way to put it.


    7. Items.

    items are alright, but i dont know how this game is gonna last long with only lightsabers/vibroswords as melee and guns as ranged.


    8. Bugs/Glitches

    Sure this is new, and i dont wanna hear anything bout WoW was the same on release... WoW was 7years ago...

    And todays patch didnt fix anything special if u ask me. Im still having problems with my Marauders spells such as Force Choke and Ravage...


    9. Character creation.

    Not much to chose from :/ its kinda the same as WoW, only thing is that you can chose your height.


    10. SWTOR just being to damn lazy....

    Im still waiting on the Legacy stuff, and hoping they will be able to reset the legacy titles, since i made a mistake with mine.


    Now i know some fanboys just had to read this, so bring the hate comments...

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