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Posts posted by uga-buga

  1. Hello People.

    It's been a really really really really really long time since I last played. I used to be an hardcore PvP Marauder, probably one of the best on my server.


    Now that im back, im from best to worst. I have absolutely no f'ing idea what I'm doing...

    I cant get used to keybindings or interface setup.


    I was wondering what is the best spec for PvP, and is there any guides? Not only talenttree guide, but guide to what spells to use in which order. I've tried looking up a few, but do you know any that are pretty good?




  2. Hello people.


    I don't know if you have noticed this, but i sure have. On Imperial Fleet, we used to be atleast 100 people there, almost all the time, maybe not at late night, but from day to evening.


    Now we are 30-50.


    I have a guild, with 50members, we was always about 10-17online, and everybody was active. The highest number ive seen online since friday is 7. we are usally only 2 online now.


    Sure they could have made a new char, but i doubt it, ive asked alot of people in guild, and they say that they are thinking about quitting. Myself have the same thought.


    Ive cancelled my subscription, and im not sure if im gonna pay for more playtime, atleast not until patch 1.2.


    I will admit the game was GREAT in the beginning, but when you reach lvl 50. The game just goes from great to worst. Sure you could lvl an alt. but, ive tried that, and its just not the same as lvling your first character.


    I personally think BioWare has given up on this game. Ive heard that they released it earlier than it should have been. Which was a smart move for them, if talking "buisness".


    I think BioWare knows that this game will probably lose a whole lot more subscribers when GW2, Diablo3, Tera, Aion F2P, and all the other things soon to come. So by releasing it early was smart, theyve made more than double as much cash as the game cost them to make. Also by slacking with the updates, and keeping people waiting a so long for fixes, game updates, new content, they will force people to continue to play. I dont think they are working hard on SWTOR at all.


    This is my opinion.


    But what do you guys think? Is this the same on your servers?

  3. Before i bought the game, i couldnt imagine how Star Wars could be an MMO.

    How could a game, were the only melee weapon you can use is a lightsaber survive a year???


    But my friend was getting it, so i went and bought it with him.


    And to my surprise the game was great! the story telling, the class mission.


    Then i came lvl 50. Great! And ive pvped like crazy and gotten sick gear.


    Now that my gear is sick, its time to make an alt.


    I figured out which class my alt should be. But when its just not the same as when i lvled my main.


    Now everything is boring. my main is boring. playing on my alt is boring.


    The game is boring. Ive tried doing Hm's but its not really that fun, people just skips through the "talkers" and sure it makes sense if youve done the HM alot of times, but still.

    Warzones in my opinion is the worst wz's ever seen in an mmo.

    Gonna try a raid soon, but i doubt its any different from HM's.


    So well im thinking about cancelling my subscription. Since bioware isnt really doing much to keep the game going.


    Whats your opinions on the game?

  4. What lvl were does people you interviewed??? Saying ohh how great the game is....

    It was great, but its loosing its greatness. Its getting boring.

    "Fastest Growing Mmo" probably also the "Fastest At Losing Subscribers"


    Also you say how you update the game, and patches all the time.

    Theres been 1 update, and the patches rarely fixes the big problems in the game.


    You also say that you always listen to the community. Thats gotta be the biggest lie.

    For how long have people been asking for server transfer.

    For how long have poeple been asking for legacy name change.

    For how long have people been asking for Rated Warzones.

    For how long have people been asking for legacy features ( Is everybody ment to be max legacy lvl before you release the features for it?)


    I havnt seen any updates doing anything good for the game yet.


    Great idea making a PVP planet. Stupid idea adding so much effect and such on the pvp planet. You should make Tattoine the pvp area this would increase players FPS ALOOT.


    Heres a list why MMO's fail.


    World of Warcraft:

    No Updates. The game has no action. People use most time just chillin in cities.



    Good game, with a few updates every now and then. But in pvp its very unbalanced which makes game unfun.



    ALOT of updates, which makes it really good. though i didnt like it, because gear and such wasnt my taste.


    SWTOR could be big but has no updates, rarely gets problems fixed. I would say SWTOR is going the same direction as WOW.


    So please Bioware, Listen to the community and get to work!.


    Love the game. Though it needs to be updated...


    And please dont close this thread.....

  5. Cybertech is kinda useless. Sure the bombs are great. But 5min cd... fail bioware fail...


    Biochem has stims which is fine. but a medpack with only 3min cd. Adrenal that doesnt even share cd with relics? nah man thats just ****ed up. Bioware get to work and fix this...





    1. Colorize Your Own Speeder.

    2. Create Your Own Pod-Racer.

    3. Create Your Own Droid Companion.

    4. Create Mines.

    5. Create Party Bombs



    1. Colorize Your Own Lightsaber.

    2. Create Your Own Lightsaber Handle.



    1. Create Roleplaying Gear.



    1. Nerf Biochem

  7. Im thinking about unlearning Artifice and Archaeology, and get Cybertech instead.


    Im a Marauder, pvper. An Artifice is kinda useless to me. So i dont know if i should do it.


    And does anyone know if Cybertech's bombs and stuff can be used in WZ's and will bioware remove it if its possible. And will bioware add anything to Artifice soon? :OOO

  8. hey man on my marauder I have never had a problem killing healers its a question of knowing how to interrupt the abilities.


    It depends on the gear m8. If you got full champion and your against a full champion healer. Theres no way your gonna win. And if one was to win, it would be the healer.

  9. Hello. Nerf Healers. Bye.



    Nah but really. Bioware you gotta do something man... I dont know if its only marauders who has a problem killing a class that can heal, but its impossible for me to solo kill a healer, and and i got full champ + some battlemaster.


    And its not only specced healers, also classes who are dps, who just suddenly decides to heal them selves for a bit. you cannot out dps the heal, and SWTOR's interrupt spell SUCKS!


    If arenas to come, or rated battlegrounds, it would not be fun at all when healers are in the game.


    Either remove healers from game, or nerf them big, or give other ppl something so we got a chance to kill them... Jeeez...........


    YES BIOWARE! I made the exact same thread. you closed my old one for no good reason. So here it is again...


    BIOWARE SAID ( If you wanted to know):


    Hello all,


    Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with information on what we are looking for in feedback.


    We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker. Some examples of what you can find on the developer tracker right now:

    Damion explained some of our planned changes for the need/greed rolling system.

    Georg commented on some upcoming changes that revolve around obtaining PvP gear and the addition of a penalty for leaving a warzone early.

    Amber let everyone know that we have made it possible to unbind the "\" key in the next patch.


    You may also be interested in our blog feature where developers will give their thoughts on aspects of the game, clarification on issues and server related messages like patch notes or maintenance times.


    We are going to go ahead and close the thread, but we did want to point out a couple of spiffy threads where you can give us your specific feedback on bugs and suggest features you would like to see in-game:


    The Suggestion Compilation Thread

    Ultimate Bug List


    Both are great threads that are updated regularly so we highly encourage you to add in your feedback to one, or both of those threads.

  10. Hello. Nerf Healers. Bye.



    Nah but really. Bioware you gotta do something man... I dont know if its only marauders who has a problem killing a class that can heal, but its impossible for me to solo kill a healer, and and i got full champ + some battlemaster.


    And its not only specced healers, also classes who are dps, who just suddenly decides to heal them selves for a bit. you cannot out dps the heal, and SWTOR's interrupt spell SUCKS!


    If arenas to come, or rated battlegrounds, it would not be fun at all when healers are in the game.


    Either remove healers from game, or nerf them big, or give other ppl something so we got a chance to kill them... Jeeez...........

  11. Aye Arenas will destroy SWTOR, if Bioware have the slightest bit of sense they'll never go near them.


    And name changes are (IMO) largely for one thing, to allow people to escape behaviour that got them blacklisted.


    I don't want either.


    Why will arenas destroy swtor lol? please explain?

  12. As the title says nerf *********** sappers, how the **** can it be fair that you get sapped for 10-15secs or how long it *********** is. and it doesnt even get reduced each sap....


    I dont know what the ability is called but whatever it is nerf that *********** **** thanks...

  13. Agree and there in itself is one of the biggest fails in this game unfortunatley.


    Though i bet it would make a huge difference if they lowered the quality of the area.


    If you look at ilum theres happening something everywhere on that planet. bullets flying everything, meteors moving up in the sky. Ships flying by with huge machines.

  14. In regards to arena no,not needed what is needed is better world pvp.Name changes etc,if you pick a proper name in the first place this is not needed.

    Servers transfers are definatly needed due to Bioware creating to many servers rather than letting the initial Ques die down naturally or increasing server capacities.

    Lastly,the game should never have been launched without the legacy system being included from the start.Its a huge part of the replay value and has not done the game any favours being left out this long.


    I would love more world pvp, but the problem is, if you look at Ilum, almost nobody can handle a big fight there, i have a decent computer, im running everything on high, but on ilum i have to set everything to minimum and still got lag.

  15. These are some things im waiting for.



    Im not sure how far legacy lvl goes.

    But is everybody suppose to be the highest in it before you release the legacy features?

    if you ask me it was a bad idea releasing legacy lvl, without releasing legacy features.


    Arenas, Dueling-Areas, More Warzones:

    Before i start here ill just say, i dont know anything about creating or designing games.

    Warzones are boring and lousy made. Huttball is the only warzone i like, i think its fun, or maybe thats because i wrote the exact same idea for WoW on their forum, so im happy to see it in SWTOR.

    But the other 2 warzones are boring. WoW had 8 BG's and they were all fun, especially WSG. WoW also had Arenas, and good dueling spots.

    This is what you have to compare with.

    So the new warzone your making better be good.


    NameChange, ServerTransfer, LegacyNameChange:

    You want money dont you? Well why dont you make these features since this is what people has been asked for almost since release? Is it that hard to make?

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