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Everything posted by Mooby

  1. Each heal has a different coefficient and benefits more/less from healing power, here are the coefficients for our heals: Healing Scan: 1.94 Rapid Shots: 1 Rapid Scan: 2.72 Emergency Scan: 2.28 Kolto Missile: 1.08 Kolto Shell: 0.481 That will let you work out the bonus healing power to different abilities.
  2. Attack or Triage Adrenal (Power/Tech Power) You can get plenty of Crit/Surge through gear and will hit the point where dimishing returns will kick in and you'll lose alot of the adrenals +rating. I'm not sure which of the above would provide more healing power however.
  3. They come pre-modded and they are Bind on Equip, so that would rule out crafted, commendation and flashpoint boss loot. Only thing left I can see would be random world drop, in the 35 - 40 range.
  4. Ah I see, thanks for the clarification, and of course the guide and spreadsheet. Been trying to weight Alac/Power against Crit/Surge but Crit/Surge always seems to come out on top. Only major way to boost Power I can find is with Quick Savant enhancements, but they carry Alacrity too unfortunately.
  5. Is the spreadsheet bugged? the Alacrity stat box when using the item comparison is a bit weird, sometimes gives negative HPS values for positive Alacrity stats, and also applies the HPS bonus to both Item 1 and Item 2 when it's only in Item 1's field.
  6. Did you quote the wrong post? because I never said anywhere that I can see that contradicts anything of what you just posted. In fact, I'd agree with most of it. All my posts we're against the point the OP made that Alacrity hurts Heat in the Bounty Hunters case, because it just doesn't unless you're spamming abilities in which case Alacrity wouldn't really matter.
  7. If it's not anything to care much about then why would it be so detrimental to heat consumption? Even if you completely disregard that my heals come out faster so heal my targets faster amongst other things, in the 5 heat per second range that's only 1 extra heat. So can I, you can easily hit the Critical/Surge "soft caps" (using this term, but it's more the point of where Critical/Surge Rating hits bad diminishing returns) using 50/51 mods.
  8. Point is moot, because a) you wouldn't roll with 100% critical so you aren't guaranteed critical heals, you could just as well get 2x 2300 heals not 4800, and b) critical rating along with surge rating are easy to obtain and stack, I have one piece of raid armor and already have when buffed 45.5% crit and 85% surge (100% with talents). Also you have to stop casting in both situations regardless of your Alacrity percentage, just with the 18% Alacrity you'd be stopping 1.5 seconds or so before someone with 0% Alacrity would be. In that 1.5 seconds I would have dropped heat so I'd be at less heat than someone with 0% Alacrity, and it would give me time to do something else, like refresh Kolto Shell or fire off a Rapid Shots. But this is beside the point of the original post. I still don't agree though, not for a Bounty Hunter at least.
  9. I use the RD-16B set, which I think is a really nice looking set and apt for a Bounty Hunter. Here's what it looks like: http://i40.tinypic.com/2po5grc.jpg
  10. Because the time difference when burning through heal abilities with high heat costs isn't a lot when they are getting spammed. For instance 4 Rapid Scans in a row with 0% Alac compared to 18% Alac is about 1.25 - 1.5 seconds. In that time you wouldn't dissipate enough Heat to keep you in a stable Heat region, so you'd run into Heat issues regardless of what you're Alacrity is.
  11. Blaster just get an orange modable and put in a mod / enhancement from the Ilum/Belsavis dailies, buy a color crystal and get a barrel from the daily commendation vendor for 8 comms... alternatively run Kaon HM and get Silence from KR-82. Get your Aim stat relic from datacrons if you haven't, if you have just use a Dark/Light V relic. Ear you can either wait a week and get the Rakata one from daily commendations or just drop 100k on the market for a Mastercraft crafted ear piece when one turns up.
  12. Don't agree (BH). I get around 18% constantly during a raid fight, and have no heat issues at all unless the raid is taking massive amounts of damage, and that scenario I'd end up having heat issues with 0% Alacrity.
  13. I do all my Ilum and Belsavis dailies as Bodyguard. I always use Torian, who I've kitted out. Everything I find pretty much easy, although if I was wearing gear a freshly dinged 50 would be wearing it would be a lot harder, and soloing the H2's wouldn't be possible like it is now for me.
  14. 1. Kolto Missile needs to be a smart heal. 2. Rapid Shots most of the time in a raid won't get used as you can't afford the GCD to use it. 3. No combat resurrection. These are the only issues I have, otherwise I find the Merc healing capabilities perfectly fine. The reason two people died was nothing to do with the Merc healing, it's two DPS being completely derp and not moving out of his AoE slash. Also, that's a horrible example for healing around the 2 minute mark as you pointed out, because that was a poor healing job. Didn't properly stay in range of people. Never used Supercharged Gas and hovered at 30 stacks for ages. Major error. Used Kolto Missile on just himself when he could have used a medpack, total waste. Burned a few Rapid Scans in a row without using TSO which wasn't on cooldown.
  15. Chill, it was never 15%, it has always been 5%.
  16. Why can't they just remove the chests from Ilum? I don't see any reason why they have to even be in the game.
  17. How important is Accuracy in a raiding scenario for a tanking Vanguard? Not done any raiding yet, but should be soon, and I'm not sure whether to prioritise Accuracy above defensive stats as I'm told raid mobs have defense, and missing an attack could prove costly in terms of threat generation. Thanks for the original post by the way, and the replies so far, they have helped a lot.
  18. How important is Accuracy in a raiding scenario for a tanking Vanguard? Not done any raiding yet, but should be soon, and I'm not sure whether to prioritise Accuracy above defensive stats as I'm told raid mobs have defense, and missing an attack could prove costly in terms of threat generation. Thanks for the original post by the way, and the replies so far, they have helped a lot.
  19. Was just about to make a post about the same thing. Reversed 5 greens, learned "Critical" version of Nano-Optic Response Implant. So far reversed about 45 more greens trying to get the Redoubt version and nothing. I'd put this down to RNG but I've never had this much trouble getting a blue reversal from a green.
  20. According to torhead.com the daily heroic 2+ at Ilum (Darkness on Ilum) gives a +30 End, +39 Shield, +15 Absorb epic Enhancement if that helps.
  21. http://i41.tinypic.com/4jb8fd.jpg
  22. I tend to always buff people I see, unless a) they're in combat, I don't want to be dragged into combat as well, or b) they are pvp flagged. I'd say either out of range, or you've selected their companion and not the player.
  23. Good * Companions are awesome! * Player ships, but they need work. * Full voice acting is that good I don't want to play another MMO without it (10/10) * Class and game stories are first rate (9/10) * Music and audio in general is really good. (9/10) * PvE is mostly great, other than clunky animations (8/10) Not Good * Crafting is poor and simplistic, reverse engineering is horrible (3/10) * Game performance is poor on mid/low spec machines (4/10) * No high definition textures, and I refuse to believe you can't add them. * Cannot rebind some hardcoded keys (looking at you \) * Space combat is poor at best, needs an overhaul (4/10) * PvP is average, major lack of world PvP and Hutball is irritating. (4/10) * The interface is pretty poor, needs work. (4/10) Overall going with 7.5/10 as it currently stands. Good outweighs the bad for me (even though I listed more "not good"), so don't mind subbing. Plus, it can / should only get better from here. I really am bummed about the space stuff though, the space combat missions would be a good little mini game but space itself needs to be free roam, kinda like EVE but less complex. Large space areas with planets, station and so forth, leaving an areas boundaries puts you into hyperspace to the next connecting it and so forth.
  24. I really can't see it, but I hope they take space off rails and allow us to fly around, PvP in space, collect resources from asteroid fields etc. But yeah, can't see that happening ever, so I'll expect something like "You can buy new ships!" or "2 player space missions!".
  25. Just a question out of curiosity... why Burnout? I'd imagine that would be very situational in PvP and you'd only really gain the crit chance as most targets under 30% will most likely die very shortly after so your bonus damage from it won't be huge. Would Intimidation not be a better option for a consistent +6% elemental damage? But yeah, just curious really on the Burnout choice.
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