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Everything posted by broadcastmessiah

  1. and stay away from packs, those things are basicly slot machines...
  2. For doing things solo i recommend juggernaut/guardian because i think they can handle harder fights, are harder to get wiped and the storyline are great.
  3. As many other mmo i think tanks and healers, because they are a little harder to find, DPS there is a bunch of it and if one drop out of the group another one comes in faster.
  4. There is one in the empire fleet, but its on the VIP lounge...
  5. There is a possibility of a "flashpoint finder" system added to the game? its kind of annoying keep spamming the chat looking for players, something that put you in queue for flashpoint something similar to de warzone queue system, something similar to "dungeon finder" system on world of warcraft...
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