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Everything posted by TheshaggyonE

  1. Think this will be it for me it seems. I'm offended. I work, live with my partner and the kids stay at the weekends, so only play an evening or two during the week. I would love to be able to play more if I could. I bought the game on release and have had a continuing subscription ever since with my current play time paid till mid september. As I dont have a 50 nor toons that can get me legacy 6, and am unlikely to get them within the next week, I will miss out on the free month being offered. I am very happy with what i've played of the game so far, and don't have any grumbles about the game, although the server I am playing on is now more or less a ghost town and it is difficult to be able to do any group quest, heroics or flashpoints. I appreciate that the game is being regularly updated with new stuff being added, although I've not yet had much chance to see any of the new features. I was quite content to play at a leisurely pace, bringing up a couple of alts, doing as many quests as possible, including grey ones, and progressing with the crew skills etc. I have a freind who I introduced to the game, by letting him play a character on my account for a few days to try it out, and who then bought the game and subscibed himself. As he is long term unemployed and lives on his own, he has been able to play the game all day whenever he is awake if he likes, and subsequently has a level 50 and other alts. I also know for a fact that he wanted to hit 50 soon and went through the game with another friend with a higher level character. He will therefore get the free month even though he has been subscribed for a month less than me, and paid less for the game as the price had dropped by the time he bought it. Therefore I feel I am missing out because I have a job, a partner and kids who need my time as much as the game does. This free month, which I feel is a nice gesture by Bw/Ea, is therefore a reward for acheivement and not for being a loyal subscriber or valued customer. If the free month is to be given for loyalty or being valued then give it to people for being an active long term subscriber, but if it is to be for acheivement as it is, then remove the time limit all together, so everybody has a chance to acheive the reward, regardless of their personal life and their time to be able to play the game. Thanks for reading.
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