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Everything posted by SMILEYBOONE


    Swtor pvp

    I am extremely disappointed in how Bioware went about with PVP section of this MMO. Especially the PVP rewards and how to obtain them. I'm not one to complain usually but it has gotten stupid. When you PVP all day, get your dailies and other PVP related missions done. You get your group of "Champion Gear Bags" to be greeted with Centurion Commendations repeatedly. It happens the first few times your like..Ok maybe next time....Is this bad luck? Maybe. For people who have received Champion Gear quicker than other congrats to you but a large margin of people who have consistently been out there in those WarZones have not been rewarded. I know there are a lot of players who have really lost a great deal of interest in this game including myself because of this horribly designed system to gain PVP gear. I understand the game is a bit unbalanced and it's quite buggy but should that dictate whether a player has to relay on chance rather than a concrete system installed to give them a real goal? It's really a shame that a game such as this highly advertised and just being a Star Wars game is this uncoordinated. But in closing, I give a full congratulations to players who are enjoying this game and continue to level and obtain gear in a reasonable amount of time. Bioware, You have done awesome in other aspects of this MMO (SWTOR) but the PVP section was either rushed or just overlooked. We as players understand you can't make everybody happy... that's life. But when a large amount of your subscribers are complaining on the same issue....RED FLAG!! Any thoughts??
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