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Posts posted by AmigoSalsa

  1. Also movement ist gut. Nur leider sind die Kaempfe schlecht gewaehlt. Ich nehme auch stark an, dass der Videoersteller in den Huttball kaempfen sehr haeufig die Nr1 beim Schaden und der Medallienwertung im Huttball ist, nur wohl leider steht am Ende dann trotzdem Niederlage.


    Wirbelwind kann er aber gut einsetzen. Aber Teamplay ist wirklich ueberhaupt nicht zu sehen.

    Besonders natuerlich hervorgehoben, wo der Teamkollege ins Feuer gezogen wird oder wo einer mit 10% im Kampf steht und lieber ein instant auf den gegner geschossen wird, statt Bubble auf den Teamkollegen, oder gar CC oder Heal?


    Was soll auch die minutenlange Szene wo der Videoersteller durch die Gegend geschossen wird, sich dann kein Schwein fuer ihn interessiert, er sich hochheilt und dann ein Shootout gegen einen BH gewinnt 0o?


    Video bekommt 3/10 fuers Movement.


    Ich spiele nicht auf Marken, da ich auf jedem Slot Battlemaster-Gear habe. Die Szenen stammen wie gesagt aus zwei Matches, vom dem eins gewonnen und eins verloren wurde. Jeder weiss, sobald der Gegner 2-0 vorne liegt leaven die Leute und man hat im Prinzip keine Chance mehr zu gewinnen (wenn man solo queued), da immer neue nach joinen. Im Winner-WZ hab ich zwei oder drei mal gescored, wird aber nicht gezeigt. Dieses Video stellt nirgends objective-play dar, da es kurze cutscenes sind.


    Super, Not ! Also muss sagen es war echt langweilig, null Action und mal Ehrlich du spielst Huttenball und Zergst nur!! Keine einzige Aktion dabei wo du mal deinem Team hilfst nen Punkt zu machen, geschweigedenn mal ne Scene in der du den gegnerischen Ballträger noch kanpp vor der linie erwischt. Wenn du ein Zerg Video machen willst empfehle ich dir open PvP da isses egal aber so einen pvpler brauch kein mensch null Teamwork fähig und btw wenn ich mir das video so anschaue verspür ich null verlangen eine so langweilige klasse zu spielen :)


    Zu null Action kann ich nur sagen das der Sorcerer eben so gespielt wird, safety first!

    Würde mich allerdings mal interessieren welche Klasse Du spielst. Ich wäre dir auch sehr dankbar wenn du mir eine Location sagst in der openpvp getätigt wird, damit meine ich aber nicht dieses wo man vor der Rep base steht und alle 5 sekunden auf den gruppenbuff drueckt, ich nehme an du haelst dich dort hauptsaechlich auf.

  2. I prefer this video.




    The additional things you did could be done on a xbox controller. Dot and hit proc. Which brings us to...


    Why the hell would anyone ever watch a sorc/sage pvp video to begin with? Everyone on this board with a mouse and a keyboard can be a "pro". You don't even need a damn gaming mouse like you do with other classes in this game.


    In beta when I reported the hybrid spec as the most OP ranged class I have ever played in any MMO, I sure as hell wasn't impressed when I led dmg by 2 to 1 in every game...


    Making a video of it? LOL. What do you time? Nothing. How about "combos"? The procs give a lot of leeway time and you are spamming one button between them and the dots. What do you have to watch? Nothing. The bubble going off is highly visual, so you cast it again?


    About the only skill involved in playing a sage/sorc is CC/slow force sprint to LOS (which is every 10 feet in a warzone) healing to full and then doing the same herp/derp things all over again. Add to that throwing the best instant heal in the game (shields) on other players because there is no offensive dispel mechanic.


    Watch a disc priest or shadow priest video in WoW. Same class with harder playstyle, and actual cast times. Sage/Sorc is like a vanilla shadow priest that is made so carebears can make videos and think they "pwn".


    SPAMMING one spell 80 percent of the time! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWR. Set this to metal music RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.


    Before you think this is a personal attack? Wrong. This is an attack on the design team. The class was so boring and dumbed down that I couldn't possibly enjoy it. The only possible worse design decision in the game was given to commando/mercs, which means there is one "fun" ranged class to play in this game. Slinger/sniper.


    Anyways enjoy your nerfs because you are a dime a dozen and the 10-49 bracket is filled with other "leet" ranged (aka bad melee/slinger/snipers who were forced to reroll so they can be as good as you) lol.


    Well, i enjoy watching sorc videos, to see how other people play. maybe i get some input to improve my play and/or i get some other spec ideas.


    yeah you got it, it is the class design. this class relies on forcelightning procs, especially when you are hybrid (not heal though). so how are you supposed to play it in an other way unless you want to gimp yourself. madness is quite strong aswell but not entertaining, at least for me.

    i played a warrior in wow from vanilla to tft, so dont tell me anything about faceroll stuff.


    i didnt count this as a personal attack, because i never claimed to be pro. i didnt cut the video to look like a superhero. yeah, sorc is quite easy to play and you shine early, but there is more to this class than FL-spam as you tried to show off in your link. i saw this vid earlier and against any decent player you cant pull this **** off.


    may i ask what class you play, sir?

  3. The biggest thing that struck me was the lack of objective play. In a WZ that was basically built for a sorc, that's pretty unforgivable.


    You best defense in Huttball is elevation, elevation, elevation; and after that LOS. Too many times you jump down to escape & lost tactical advantage. LOS isn't just something you do when you need a heal. You burnt an instant cc a couple of times when you simply could have LOS the add. Also your aoe knockbacks could have been better positioned.


    I'm not trying to bash, just thought I'd offer up my opinion since you posted. Lightning shows have to be pretty spectacular in order to get my attention.


    ty for your opinion

    the lack of objective play is because these are cutscenes and im solo queueing, i did score a few times, but only showed 1 score i think.

    i jumped because its quite hard to fight against 2 or 3 guys unless they are that kind of players which you see in the first scene :)

  4. Shields are near worthless in pvp, at best they are offer a CHANCE to remove SOME of your incoming damage on only A FEW attacks that you see in pvp, and only those that don't crit. Thats it. And as for cooldowns to reduce damage a PT/vanguard gets to reduce their incoming damage 25% for 8 seconds every 2 min. That's it for damage reduction. They have a HOT that heals 15% over 10 seconds. ....so about 300 health a second on a 20000k healthpool tank for 10 seconds. Are those "greatly reducing" incoming damage?



    yeah, they get that on top of the damage reduce from their armor. basically he gets about 30% reduce from armor itself (kinetic and energy), a quite fair amount i'd say.

    when a vanguard pops his defensive cooldowns my FL ticks for about 220, which is okay for me.

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