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Everything posted by AndrewAlberts

  1. I have a theory as to why this is happening, that damn Conquest XP change they revoked last week and brought back a couple days ago. It caused issues similar to this one when it was first implemented and now it's back, those issues have taken new form. It may be better to just take it away permanently. I don't want that anymore than you do, but if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Bear in mind, it is just a theory.
  2. I started my own thread about this issue. It's not just you.
  3. I chose to wait until the Conquest tab issue was fixed before diving back into the Dantooine event, but it seems we have a new problem, or one that is getting worse, as my guildies have reported significant ability lag. I hadn't noticed, but it seems to be worse since the server restarts. Anyone else getting this?
  4. Is it just me, or is the one time password system broken again? Due to an outage that rendered me unable to log into the game for 5 days, I missed the launch of 5.9.2. When I could log in for the first time since the outage occurred, the one time password took longer than expected to be sent to me. Also, when I tried to log into the site, the login screen kept rejecting my first one time password, so I had to try again with a second to get in. While we're on the subject of one time passwords, did anyone even want this 'feature'? Yes, it's added security, but time and time again, it has proven to be more of a hindrance than a help, and has broken repeatedly. Seriously, why hasn't this been scrapped? Common sense makes them irrelevant anyway.
  5. I have no issues with lock saving for VM/MM progression, that is primarily what the lockout system is there for. However, with SM operations being nerfed to the point where they have become 8 man flashpoints, the whole system of lock saving becomes more of an annoyance to all involved. Also, if the sole reason people lock save is to get easy conquest points, then I'm sorry, but that IS an exploit, in my eyes, at least. There are other, better ways to get conquest points, and lock saving just to get a lead in the conquest tables sounds like cheating, and if that's the case, I am both surprised and disappointed that the devs haven't done anything to stop this. The justifications for lock saving in SM ops, with the exception of Valley of the Machine Gods, to me , sound weak, and this cannot continue. But let's play devil's advocate for a minute. If the devs do think this is an exploit, what can they do? They could take out all lockouts for SM operations entirely, utilizing the age old maxim of 'you abuse it, you lose it'. Or, they could tweak the weeklies and conquest system so that you can only get the points and quest rewards if ALL bosses in a given raid are defeated. Both of these solutions would require a big patch and would not be accomplished with a quick hotfix. If they did do this, lots of lock savers would complain, and the backlash would be so great, the devs would ultimately be forced to change it back again or risk a mass exodus. To summarise, lock savers essentially want all the results but don't want to do the legwork. If you're so disillusioned about playing a game properly that you invent shortcuts to get what you want quickly, then just unsub and walk away. No-one's putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play. Go on, get out of here, we won't miss you.
  6. Lock saving, the art of leaving a group before the final boss of an operation to do it on another toon that has not done any of the other bosses that came before. Why am I bringing this up? Because I have been in a fair few ops where a person has done this. Earlier today, I had a tank leave to rejoin on an alt tank, but due to circumstances unforeseen, another person took his/her intended place when I queued the group. When I have asked other players what they thought of this practice, the reaction I get is mixed. I have had one person say they think it is an abuse of the lockout system, a guildie has said to me that it is the result of lazy players and even lazier developers, and a few people have told me they do it as a means of easy CXP grinding for their alts. While I won't deny it is a creative shortcut, this does have the potential to ruin ops runs for people, and as I have highlighted in the example I stated, it can backfire. The tank that left had to completely reform their own group to take the last boss. So, the question I pose is, at what point does this practice stop becoming another shortcut akin to the 'DwT' role in SM ops, and start becoming an exploit for quick and (sometimes) easy CXP? If you were to ask my opinion, I would say that, while I understand the reasons why players lock save, it is not a practice I condone, and quite frankly, it should be made impossible. I have made this thread so others can share their views on the subject,and either share their experiences with lock savers or their reasons why they lock save.
  7. When I played through the final mission of the Corellia story arc, I had finished the conversation that would end the mission. All the Republic officials were singing my praises, about how I won the Legislature and Corellia from the evil Empire. I turn around to manually walk out the instance, no quick travelling, to do the class mission, but when I walk out of the press room, all the adds I killed on the way there had come back. It happened again in the aforementioned class mission. I won't say what it was because spoilers, but suffice to say, that when I completed a conversation in that instance, all the adds I killed on the way had come back in the same fashion Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't adds that are killed in instances supposed to stay dead? I am making this thread to ask if this has happened to anyone else, in any instance similar to the one I just described.
  8. This game update will make a fine birthday present. If the Roadmap comes out at the same time, even better.
  9. My views on the new flashpoint can be summed up by the only word spoken in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXB-5MbKBgs
  10. I've recently seen a YouTube video on how (please correct me if I'm wrong) the Belgian and Hawaiian governments have classified Battlefront 2's lootbox system as gambling, how the Great Mighty Mouse is beyond fuming with rage at EA's handling of the licence, and how, through feeding addictive tendencies in children and/or pre to early teens, which are the target audience for Star Wars, EA could potentially lose the exclusive rights to develop and/or produce Star Wars games. My question is, what will happen to this game if, and this is a very big if I'm talking about, if EA does indeed lose the SW licence. I've linked the video in question down below if anyone is interested. I'm not only asking fellow forum users, I'm also asking Eric, Keith and/or whoever is on the SWTOR Dev Team this question as well.
  11. I tried running EC SM through GF. It was one of the most insufferable, nightmarish times I have ever had. I accept that EC's bosses may require more thinking than the average raid, but some things still need changing imo. The electric arcs Stormcaller spits out and the enrage timers for the minefield droids have to go. They have NO place in SM and my raid couldn't tell the difference between SM and Master Mode. I am starting to see why EC is so unpopular in comparison to other ops.
  12. If I remember right, the devs said that February's changes were only the beginning. Since February is nearly over, any chance the dev team can elaborate on what they plan to do next? I am hoping they change the token drop rates in operations. Not drastically, but I feel the pre-final boss fight drop rates could be improved. Or the content of Galactic Command crates. Someone suggested that every 20 GC levels gets you a guaranteed piece of set bonus gear in a crate, that would be pretty cool. Come on Musco, do it for the smiley.
  13. Eric, I was wondering if you got the chance to read my post on Group Finder daily rewards in the Suggestion Box. Noting your statement about endeavouring to make the grind seem less so "grindy", I would like to take this opportunity to expand on my previous point. Here is a list of things I feel could help improve the GC system: 1: To reiterate, attaching command tokens as Group Finder daily rewards would help speed up the process of affording endgame gear. 5 for SM FPs and uprisings, 10 for VM FPs and uprisings, and 20 for MM FPs, uprisings and Group Finder SM ops, and it may reduce farming of certain instances due to exploits and other reasons. 2. Integrate command token rewards into ALL aspects of PvP (yes, even GSF). Award tokens based on how well the player did. Victory or defeat will mean nothing and it will encourage participation. 3. This may be a lot to ask, but bringing ops loot tables back to pre 5.0 settings would go a long way towards saving face. I have this theory that if you just left ops loot tables alone, no-one would've ragged on Galactic Command as much as they have done. 4. Axe the tier system. If all tiers of gear were available with these methods, it would, imo, give the player more choice as to what content they want to do. SM, VM, any mode would be open to them. My guild (Eternal Serenity and Insanity for rep and imp respectively) usually runs SM ops with a select group running VM, but they are always willing to help those who want to do VM, provided they are geared enough, and are willing to learn tactics in the raid. 5. Integrate command token rewards into the daily and weekly missions. If command tokens are to be the new comms going forward, they should at least be gathered in the same way comms were pre 5.0. Plus, it could help those who are 5 or so tokens away from getting a piece of gear they want, but a whole CXP bar away from getting any. 6. Resurrect priority VM ops. Make one operation a week harder than VM, but easier than MM, and give increased command token rewards to players that complete this challenge and have all bosses drop unassembled gear tokens if you are unwilling to implement suggestion 3, but the trade-off is that bosses are harder and the operation is unbolstered. Hell, go one step further and have priority SM ops as well in the same manner. 7. Put command token rewards into heroic missions. The option to do planetary missions is already in Galactic Command. Might as well roll with it. To borrow from priority ops, have one or two planets a week in desperate need of heroes or something along those lines, and reward players handsomely for answering said planet's call for aid. 8. And this is the last one, put command token rewards into flashpoint, uprising and operation bosses. I know of some bosses that are harder than the final boss of their instance (*cough*Quartermaster Bulo*cough*). A token reward for beating these bosses means that, even if a group doesn't finish an instance, they at least get something out of it if they made at least a tiny bit of progress. TL;DR (I think that's how it goes, never used it before), if command tokens are destined to work in the same way as comms did, they should be rewarded in the same manner. It is obvious Galactic Command is here to stay, and anyone saying otherwise is fooling themselves, so rather than complain about it, as I have in the past, adapt to it instead.
  14. After 5.1, I now find the gearing process bearable, although I still prefer pre 5.0 methods better. One way I can think of improving the grind, however, is to put command tokens as daily rewards into Group Finder. That way, certain flashpoints and uprisings don't get farmed due to exploits and other reasons. I even have amounts in my head as to how much should be rewarded: 5 tokens for SM flashpoints, uprisings and heroic missions via Galactic Command, 10 tokens for veteran mode flashpoints and uprisings, and 20 tokens for master mode flashpoints, uprisings and GF operations. While we're on the subject, the weekly quests for flashpoints, uprisings and operations in all difficulties should have command token rewards attached to them as well. I was thinking 50 tokens each, but, upon reflection, this may be seen as overkill, about 30-40 would be more reasonable. The game can also bring back priority HM ops by giving out the 50 tokens I previously mentioned to players that kill a certain ops boss (Styrak in SnV etc.), and have that target boss change from week to week at random. The trade-off is that the target boss is slightly harder to defeat. Since I don't do PvP, I don't have any ideas on command token rewards for warzones, but writing this, I get the feeling that token rewards should be given to PvPers depending on how they did in a warzone, how many medals they earned, etc. Of course, if that happened, the number of tokens that can be issued to players after a match will have to be capped to ensure balance. Something along the lines of 1 or 2 tokens for each medal they earn in a warzone would be nice. I am at a loss, however, as to how many command tokens the daily and weekly PvP missions should reward, ranked and unranked. GSF should get some love too, maybe attach token rewards for matches and missions related to GSF. It is unlikely, however, that the changes I highllighted and so desire will make it into the game, or that Eric or any other member of the dev team will read this. I am just spitballing here. I'm sure others will have better ideas.
  15. Forgive me if this is OTT, I don't normally do this, but I have had enough of spin. When Eric said that the 'Agent not finishing chapter 10' bug was going to be fixed next patch, I had every expectation of such. So , to my horror, not only did I have to replay the chapter AGAIN (an outcome I expected), but also the bug is still there and proceeds to the next chapter as if nothing happened (I haven't played chapter 11 yet and just skimming through thread titles I can deduce there are problems with that too). I have NEVER felt this betrayed. I feel like I can't trust Eric or his team to keep this game in working order or keep to their word about fixes for major bugs. I have no idea who is on development, but they seriously need to be given the pink slip, because this is disgraceful. Tell me Eric, did you say that the bug was going to be fixed just to shut us up? Or were you lied to as well?
  16. I am fairly certain that since the launch of KotFE, players have screamed "Change the objectives for the M1-4X/Pierce alliance missions" "We shouldn't be forced to do PvP". I want to give my two pennies on the subject. While PvP missions would be thematic for the characters of 4X and Pierce, what BW have failed to realise is that warzones are being filled with players who really don't want to do them, but feel forced to do so. Here is my suggestion; like the Qyzen Fess alliance mission, offer a solo alternative to warzones, like stopping the Empire from duplicating 4X's schematics for their own use on Nar Shaddaa, or stopping the Republic from retaking the Bastion on Corellia. Make it so that the PvP objective is there for those that want to do it, but also that those that don't like PvP don't miss out.
  17. Anyone else think that the cross thing in Underlurker SM is one mechanic too many? It has to go. If BW won't fix the obviously bugged damage output, can they at least make SM that slightly bit easier. Considering the two bosses after the Underlurker are cakewalks, something is very wrong somewhere. I don't care if I have to make a sacrifice to Lord Goomy or whatever, I just want this cross gone.
  18. As of right now, trying to get past the Underlurker in SM is like banging your head against a wall. I recently raided with my guild and, while Sword Squadron was sufficiently challenging, the Underlurker was an entirely different story. Many of my team believe, as I do, that the damage output for this particular boss (in SM, never tried HM) is way too high, especially considering the two following bosses are easy as hell. The adds also do high amounts of damage for SM (seriously, why does BW hate MDPS classes so much?) and the cross mechanic.........ggrrrrrrrrrrrr! I am appealing to the powers that be on behalf of my guild to please bring the damage output down and, if possible, lose the cross. I'll even make a sacrifice to the Emperor if you really want.
  19. I may be in the minority here, but I will post it anyway. The difficulty in the Temple of Sacrifice operation really shoots up when you reach the second boss, Sword Squadron. I and the rest of my group that I was raiding with (I know, pugging ToS, really wise move on my part) couldn't help but notice that the damage output is way above what it needs to be for SM. Also, Unit 2's Ground Burst Missile mechanic seems really cheap and OP. Gear wasn't an issue, as most of us were in 192 augmented. So I implore the powers that be to nerf the boss and do away with the Ground Burst Missile attack, but only for SM, I don't care about HM.
  20. It seems with the advent of the 12xp boost event, there are many a thread issuing the problem that speeding through class stories has, namely that you miss out on gaining planetary comms and the hidden goodies that you can get with them. I have tried extensively to find a workaround where players can still breeze through and still get what the comms offer, and I believe I have come up with a solution. Heroics are repeatable and typically offer either an upgrade on an armor piece or 3 comms, depending on the choice you make. It's simple, do heroics, the main planetary quest chain and your class story, while not forgetting to throw in some PvP weeklies and dailies on the side to help exchange warzone comms for planet comms, although I am baffled as to why you cannot do that on the capital world. But this is a bit of advice, and if anyone else has ways to tweak this method, feel free. Flashpoints help with gear as well, but the loot is randomised and there is the possibility you could get shafted. This is my two pennies (yes I am British) on the subject.
  21. Dear Eric and Musco (apologies if any mis-spelling) Might I suggest having a look at the payment methods for the upcoming Shadow of Revan expansion? Some peeps in the Customer Service section are getting a little peeved that they cannot pre-order, due to getting various error messages. If there is an issue, it would be worth notifying the player base immediately, and possibly extending the pre-order deadline as a gesture of good will. Just throwing it out there. Regards Albertson Level 55 Combat Jedi Sentinel
  22. This is just a theory, but I think the reason why someone that doesn't have the quest cannot interact with the console in question is because the console itself is part of the mission objective to circumvent the Shroud's lockdown, and because they are not on the mission and thus do not have the aforementioned objective, they cannot do anything with it. They can still hit switches if that is any consolation. I would consider these heroics to be slightly above normal heroic standard and teetering on the edge of being considered flashpoints. They should have done it in the same way they did the Ilum quest chain with Malgus, a bunch of single player missions with two flashpoints at the end that players can acquire and complete over and over again with attached rewards. This not only helps new players, but also gives incentive for those that have done it to boost said new players through I was not aware that similar threads were posted. I posted this in the somewhat vain hopes that BioWare sees it. These heroics are epic, but mired by poor decisions on how to implement them into the game. This is a passionate plea to BioWare to fix this, and if you do, can we get Hard Modes when the next level cap goes live?
  23. If you are unguilded, then getting a group to do the heroics at the end of the macrobinocular and seeker droid quest chains is a daunting prospect. This is because every single heroic up to this point has been repeatable and there is an incentive to doing them over and over - for the comms. With these heroics however, all that is gone. You can only get these heroics once, and when they are completed, you cannot get them a second time, and even if you did join a group that was doing these heroics, you would not get the rewards again. I have no problems with these quests being heroics, as the villainry involved and the structure of the missions does require more than one person, but if there is no incentive to do these quests repeatedly then the likelihood of getting a group is severely diminished. This, in turn, could cause players to leave these quests lying in their quest logs indefinitely.
  24. For DPS, the wait in Group Finder is too long. I believe that separating the melee and ranged DPS in Group Finder, and assigning 1 melee and 1 ranged DPS per HM FP group and 2 melee and 2 ranged DPS per Group Finder ops group will reduce wait times considerably. I may be wrong, though.
  25. I have 4 alts, all at 55, that I am trying to get through classic ops before I go to Makeb for story purposes, but pugging groups for these ops is a nightmare. I know SM ops for 55s is a bit redundant, and I agree, but I hear that HM ops at level 50 can be a somewhat decent challenge in classic gear. If we take out the Planetary Destinations option in Group Finder and replace it with level 50 HM ops, I'm sure no-one will mind. The reward can be classic or basic comms.
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