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Everything posted by Raxpax

  1. BioWare responded to my Ticket about the unavailable Ilum quests with this reply today: Despite some replies here that implied the OP's problem was one of LOCATING the quest-givers, this error is obviously a problem on BioWare's side -- not with the players. The daily quests in question had all been previously available to players, as many posts noted. And Ilum's daily quests have (had?) been structured so that it's impossible to miss active, available quests. Quests should light up with "available quest" triangle markers on the map. It's impossible to miss an available quest in a zone, if they're functioning properly. Suggestions that players don't know where to look seem patronizing, frankly. The Ilum dailies are all located in tight proximity of two bases. Anyone seeking them, even casually, should easily see all the available quest-markers lit on the map. The problem isn't one of "locating" them. The problem is one of availability.
  2. Same here. Operation Shatterstorm (daily) is no longer available to me. The area inside "Imperial Outpost" where I normally would pick up the quest from the quest-giver is permanently sealed off with a "red" doorway blockade. As if there's some story line quest I need to complete first -- but obviously, I've done these dailies before so it's not part of a story line. It's a friggin' daily. I'll probably open a ticket. And pray. I'm sure there are 2,311,745 tickets per day opened for the millions of bugs in this game. Don't expect much help from a GM. No wonder the server populations are "Light"... and shrinking...
  3. Truly abysmal writing on the part of the developers. Change this. NOW. The quest error message should say "You have reached the maximum of 25 quests. Complete quests or delete some from your quest log." It's as if the developer team has only a rudimentary grasp of the English language. Pathetic BioWare.
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