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Everything posted by Solarial

  1. FOUND the solution - Move your Personal ship to another planet, then simply travel back to Dromund Kaas. The quest should update when you are on your ship to "Go to Darth Thanaton's Meditation Chambers."
  2. Sólaria - REGULATORS - Sage - 8v8 Biggest Single Heal 12,590 - Quesh Hutball http://i.imgur.com/HOhL8t2.jpg AND 4v4 Biggest Single Heal - 10,457 http://i.imgur.com/FknyTgo.jpg Time to get a sage up there!
  3. Listen. Do I need to repeat myself again? Why are you crying about people supposedly "superqueueing" IF IT IS NOT ILLEGAL?!? You are not the PvP Police. Who cares if ANYONE superqueues - imprs or pubs?? I love going against "Superqueueing" teams... it's a blast! All you are is crying about how guilds are "superqueueing". Honestly when it comes down to it: 1. This thread is about RANKED. 2. Superqueuing is allowed. 3. You should welcome teams superqueueing, all the more to kill and prove to yourself that it doesn't matter. I have never met another server that is so.. afraid of superqueuers. It's pathetic. I love going against superqueuers. Also, I don't know of anyone in my guild that 'rage quits' ANY matches. I would love some SS's of this because it is frowned upon.
  4. You guys talk like Ranked is required. If people/teams want to do ranked, then let it be. If they don't, you don't need to get on the forums and Q.Q about how another guild(s) isn't queing up. Put some big boy pants on because it sounds ridiculous. And again, "superqueueing" isn't illegal, so who cares who does it? I que against "Superqueueing" teams all the time, and I don't jump on the forums to complain about it. Who cares?!
  5. Honestly, who cares if someone "superqueues". It's not illegal, and I see double-teams together constantly... you are not the PvP police, and it who cares if <Maven> que's up ranked or regs or not. It's just PvP....
  6. Greetings, I would like to put in a request to change/alter my hair. I have to wear a helmet because I cannot stand it. I did like it at first, but I grew to hate it and my decision to chose it. Please implement this feature for us women (and I guess men too =P). I am sure that I am not alone. Also, I think a few new hairstyles should be in the works. I have some suggestions if they are wanted. - Solaria - 50 Counsular - Ajunta Pall
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