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10 Good
  1. Usnea


    The best part about being a mar, having half health and getting charged by another mar because they think they are OP. Then kicking the snot out of them.
  2. Usnea

    Put up or shut up

    Wait, so in RL you should expect to lose, but in a game you should always expect to win? Im not sure you looked up the definition of 'game' before posting this.
  3. How many of these people that are unsubbing are whiny healers that are actually dying like everyone else now?
  4. That shouldnt be too difficult to get everyone on the same page when every job available everywhere is based on a simple concept of move together here, then some stay there and some go between the other side together. Point being, the WZs aint too difficult to figure out, they are simple concepts that a 4 year old could grasp quite easily. However im also not naive enough to believe the average gamer is smarter than a 4 year old. The issues i see witht the new system: getting 14 medals after the timer medals roll in, but because you won too fast you only get 50-60 comms getting into a WZ late because people left and not having time to get min medals, leaving you with 0 across the board. The first issue is annoying and poorly done, the 2nd issue is an utter failure of BW, if you dont penalize people for leaving, then as soon as someone leaves the team is screwed because there is no reason for the replacement to stay.
  5. I understand the point of losing not being worth as much as winning, the change stinks but it's more or less how it should have been to start. BUT, winning by a landslide and doing what is necessary to win and receiving 60 comms, with 14 medals (new system awards after fight) is pretty atrocious. And to make matters worse, if your que pops you into a losing WZ (say 2-3 minutes left) and you dont get your minimum medals because the team is getting face rolled so bad, you wind up with 0 anything. All you had to fix was winning being worth more than losing, if the minimum medal concept was to deter bots or afks, well it worked, it's also going to make it so any losing WZ is going to keep getting refilled with people that are going to leave. Add a penalty for leaving a WZ incomplete. Poorly done...the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  6. its more fun to see people nerd rage for having to read something that they didnt have to respond to
  7. As of 4/10 the issue still isnt fixed. Any word on it, anyone?
  8. Usnea

    Sorcs are not OP

    Id have to say, the real issue isnt that sorcs are super OP. It's that A) Huttball was created for sorcs B) They always make up half the team so it seems you are always getting crushed by a sorc, when in fact its usually 2-3 at once. 1v1 they are annoying, far from unkillable, they do have alot of tools which really only becomes a problem because it affords them so much time for support to come.
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