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Posts posted by Waagabond

  1. Play the way you want. Don't do what other people do (even "pros") if you don't like it.


    I'd say try it with the keyboard. I have. I hated it. I use the mouse. If that makes me a "n00b" in the eyes of the uberleets here, I'll just have to live with their derision. You can imagine my despair.


    Play the game the way YOU want. Honestly if you find anyone who refuses to play with you because you play the game a certain way, that person belongs on your /ignore list.


    This is very bad advice for someone that might aspire to try his best at the game, and do his utmost.


    You hated the keybinds cause you did not take time to understand its a learning curve.

    You need to practice.


    Its the lazy way to click on buttons. Every one can do that, even with mediocre success.

    But if you want to succeed and be good, you need to practice.

    And honestly, it takes maybe a few hours of practice at most, just go out and whack mobs in pve, and use all you have in pvp to get comfortable.


    No offence, but you are what many pvpers call a "noob" for this reason: You are lazy to learn how to become better.

    And thats ok buddy, its definately ok. But dont tell people that its good enough if they want solid advice how to perform better. Cause you will never be good as a clicker, never, ever.

  2. Buy a razer naga.

    Problem solved.


    Not qbinding means you will be 50% as efficient as someone that qbinds.


    Anyone saying they are fine as a clicker sais so with no experience of what it takes to know by heart 20+ keybinds.


    By the time a clicker have used 2 abilities I have my 3rd lined up, but its not that.

    A clicker can well manage to use 1 or 2 abilities ok, but for the rest they will be first 10, then 20, then 30, up to 50% slower then someone that qbinds.


    For use that PVP, if we see a clicker, you can say you are as good as you think, but you ARE, a free kill. 100%. 1000000%.


    For a WASD user, use q, e, r, f, g, z, x, c : as fast access buttons.

    Add in shift+ X for another.


    personally I use my naga, and I use all 12 keybinds on it, then I have them all 12 keybinded with shift and ctrl, and I use the above, and all I know by heart, its an impulse that goes without thinking.


    And whatever MMO I play, whatever class I play, I stick similar abilities on same keybinds.


    And thats important.

    Keep your snare on similar keybinds on all your classes.

    Keep your #1 dot on same keybind.

    Keep your #1 stun on 1 keybind regardless of class

    keep your #1 other cc on same keybind.


    Keep your #1 main attack on same keybind, keep your channeled attacks on same, etc etc etc.


    I have played pvp for 10 years in various mmos.

    For me to pick up a new game and a new class and become good at it, takes no time.

    Its just different graphics, mechanics etc but in the end, abilities have same end purpose.

    Damage, snare, cc. Direct damage, damage over time. etc etc etc.


    No keybinds: No Wins.

  3. I play scoundrel, and vanguard but have shelfed my 50 vanguard for my scoundrel.

    Leveling a sent atm.


    The sentinel and Marauder takes ALOT more effort to get it right then other classes.

    The shadow or sin is a few button press classes compared to the sent.


    With my scoundrel, there is not one class that is remotely close to be able to beat me from that I open up or even when im out of stealth in a 1vs1...BUT..a very very well played sentinel or marauder. This class have a fighting chance.

    This alone tells me this class is very strong.


    I picked up my sent and at lvl 12 I went in and gobsmacked a lvl 40 assasain and a lvl 40 merc, just after eachother. Sure I lack 95% of the tools but the damage this class can do, coupled with the survivability and some utility using correct timing, places it probably as the #1 1vs1 class in the game apart from scoundrels and operatives, in my opinion.


    The class might not be for you simply, cause it takes effort and dedication and practice, practice, practice to get it right.

    Sent and mara is not a few button press face roll classes as we have a few of already in swtor. But learn to master it, and you have a nuclear bomb.

    Lets say like this: On the server I play on, ive seen 1 or 2 sents/maras in total that can play this class.

    And there are like 15% total class pop of this class, so that sais something.

    99% players playing this class dont know it well enough to execute to its utmost abilities.


    I think sents and Maras might be this games best classes, but they are also the hardest to master.

  4. Recognition....


    Everyone on my server that reached War Hero pre 1.1.5 is recognized, accepted in every group and known by both sides. These people grinded and because they have, they have respect and knowledge that others who will eventually be spoon fed the rank do not.



    Not to mention that they will always have higher ranks, should they continue to play the way they are. Your still gaining as much valor as the little guy.


    There should be more items that are perticular to valor 70/80/90/100

    Mods to armor and weapons would be amazing, so that you stay on top without it being a HUGE gamebreaker. Cosmetics are a plus also.


    I read this somewhere, someone suggested that upon reaching a high valor like 80, there should be legendary items, such as a WHITE/BLK crystal (opposite BLK/WHT for IMPS). Legendary items seems like a good idea to award those who've reached a high valor.


    Not at all.


    Many of us comes from years of other pvp mmos, before 50 we are well adversed in how pvp works in SWTOR, and by the time we was vrank 50 there wont be any difference from me being 50 or 100, I learned it all already.


    To give rewards to high valor rank players, sure, cosmetic ones, maybe a minor minor upgrade. But pvp should be about skill.


    Look at GW and upcoming GW2s pvp system. People are looking forward to this. Why?

    Cause pvp will be all about skill, not bloody gear.


    And if you require gear to beat equally skilled people, then thats your problem, not the games. The game should not allow for banta fodder to be able to have no life, farm all days and get gear so good they can beat good players at their at best, mediocre skill level.

    Valor rank 70 or 80 means nothing. Its a number.

    Especially given how ilum was earlier, none knows who was there and not.

    Valor could be gained in so many ways that requires no active part of playing that valor rank in no way equals skill. It never has, never will.

  5. And this is bad.... why?


    Oh, because you won't have some gear disparity to crutch on and may actually have to put in effort when you PvP? Yeah.




    A ton of kids out there that needs a huge gear advantage to s tand a chance vs us seasoned pvpers.


    Im in it for the challenge, and there is no challenge with a gear advantage.


    There needs to be a carrot however, as its nice to aquire new gear, but it should not make or break pvp.

  6. My first lvl 50 (I have several), got 2 champion pieaces from his first 30 champion bags.

    He got the weapon, and he got an implant. Whooopidoo, atleast the weapon.

    Now, since you didnt get cent coms if you got a champ loo, I ended up with 86 centurion coms from the 28 bags I had apart from this.




    86 coms, today. centurion mind you: Takes a staggering 6 bags, where you have a total of 90 cent comms, but ontop of this you also have 41 champion coms, which is enough for an implant, relic etc. Its even enough for the offhand weapon.


    People should stop complaining.

  7. I want to know where these mythical 4 medals are.


    I'm lucky to get 2 medals as a Healer. If anything, since this patch, I guess everyone had a 50 Imperial Agent Operative that they didn't play because every single WZ I've been in I've been in it's been running around trying to get into a position to heal, then a stealthed Operative Stabs, I'm stunned, then stab stab stab dead.


    3-4 stabs with a freaking knife and they blow through 15k health AND my static bubble.


    And don't tell me to use Unbreakable Will to break the stun, it's STILL on cooldown from the last time.


    Too much CC. Too much Damage. Impossible for heals to even keep up... and thats not counting people moving out of LoS or just simply out of range.


    Should have rolled a Bounty Hunter so I could always be on the run and shoot people with healing bullets. Being a Healing Sith Sorceress is pointless.


    You are probably or obviuosly not lvl 50.


    You get 1 medal for 2.5k heal done in a single heal.

    Another medal for a 5k healing done in a single heal, which is impossible without good gear and around 8-10% expertise.

    You get another medal for 75k healing done in total (which is very low, even at lvl 10 in low level warzones you will easily heal for over 100k)

    And the 4th you get at 300k healing.


    You do however get a medal for a killing blow.

    You also get a medal for 10 kills in total

    another medal for 25 kills in medal

    another medal for a hit of 2.5k in a single hit

    another medal for 5k in a single hit

    another medal for a solo kill

    another medal for 75k damage done

    and last for 300k damage done.


    On this comes protection from tanks which have a total of 4 medals and objectives where you easily get 1 medal and at times 2.


    So as a healer, stealing a killing blow is not a bad thing to do at times, but above all.

    It is, almost impossible, at lvl 50, even if the game is over in 4 minutes, not to have 4 medals.


    With my scoundrel I have my 4 medals usually in the first 30 seconds of the fight:

    2.5k hit

    5k hit

    Killing blow

    Solo kill


    I get expertise buff and pop all I have and Im done.

    Does that mean I stop? No, the target I just killed was 9 out of 10 a healer, and otherwise a sniper or dps sorc. Thats my targets as a dps scoundrel.


    I play for fun and to win.

    Too many dont. They see pvp as a job where they get gear, walk around in republic fleet to look cool and prefer not to play warzones becuase most of them, truly are bad at it. But....they look cool.

  8. Said like someone who can't get gear. Your jealousy is unbecoming.


    That said, the new rules make it easy for me to get my 3 kills, 4 medals and afk so I can do other stuff. I don't care about winning warzones, so don't be mad at the afk'ers be mad at BW for making knee jerk changes because this easy game is 'to hard for most people'


    Gear is something most players want and work toward, just because you can't get it, don't ruin it for the rest of us who want that aspect.


    Go play modern warfare for socialized, even pvp.


    Grow up.


    You should grow up.

    You are just the infested player we do not want in this game. And Im personally going to report your post as a person we prefer not to have in this game at all.


    Guildwars and soon GW2 will have same gear.

    In the end in WoW arena, high end arena: you have same gear.

    In the end in warzones: everyone will have same gear, eventually.

    So why do you need to epeen and have huge gear difference so you feel immortal?


    I farmed alot too, and I do have better gear then many but that more then anything, makes me feel sad when I hit on the lesser geared ones. They will get it eventually but I take 0 pride in killing someone fast that is undergeared, contrary to you that Im 100% sure belong to that bracket.

    I do take pride when I managed earlier to kill battlemasters in my then centurion gear, and it happened frequently as the general pvp experience in swtor is mediocre at best.

    And this is why we see so much complaining etc. People simply lack experience in PVP.


    This is also why Sorcs have not been nerfed yet either. Bioware lack the pvp experience to understand not what this class can do alone, where its ok, but the synergy it brings when brought with 3-4 together at once.


    Over and out.

  9. you realize the 4 medal cap isn't permanent?


    Im pretty sure they will remedy this.


    But I think its a great idea to give alot of valor for the first 4 medals, but the following medals should give atleast 25% as much. Meaning that at 8 medals you would have as much as 5 medals if all gave same. A huge diminishing return but still something.


    There is a balance between ensuring players dont level too fast as well.

    But personally I do feel the 4 medal cap benefits healers most, as they seldom could get high medals.

    But it definately breaks the effort from players.

    Medals now is just for show, earlier it was worth something as well.

    And I dont really agree that many play more for medals then objectives.

    The best way to get medals is to play objectives with medals in mind, since its at the objectives most action is, and thats where you earn your protection, damage, healing etc medals.

  10. It is the CoD generation.... older gamers don't know such attitude. But dont blame the kids, they grew up with such stupid games and the carrott infront the head, so they play every game like this and begin flaming if the game doesnt have such ********.


    I agree.


    This is a trend among young players, teenagers and people even in their early 20s.

    Its such a shame.


    There should be an age limit for MMOs regardless as many waste too much time in them, then again that would be a huge financial loss for these companies so it wont happen.

    But personally I dont think you should be allowed to play any MMO under the age of 25.

    Yes, go ahead and flame me for this statement.

    But the amount of kids that waste school time etc is incredibly.

    For educational purpose and team building there are far better games out there then MMOs.

    CoD being one of them, or Battlefield, that requires huge team effort but you dont feel the need to play for hours and hours over a longer period of time.


    Anyway, the above Ill get flamed for but I kind of feel this to be true.


    Most of us older generation gamers play for fun, we give it all to win and laugh when loosing, but its frustrating to try and play a team oriented game in "pugs" when the amount of young people that simply leaves either when done or just cant be asked to loose, its a big problem in pvp in general.


    I hope they get cross servers asap so we have more lively pvp, and also a reporting tool in place to report players that afk, are lazy etc. I mean, its clear.

    And if you get a report or two, who cares, but after a month and someone have gotten maybe 200+ reports on his head, then its a clear indication something is wrong with that player. I would like to see that.


    Then again come rated warzones we wont see...or hang on..let me rephrase, we will see ALOT of them and you in there, in solo qued rated warzones when you feel its not going to be a win.


    Only way to prevent this is to NEVER solo que for rated warzones, and ONLY play rated warzones and ONLY play in a full team of 8.

    Its the only way to know that you will fight to the bitter end.


    Too many young kids with spoiled minds and never touched anything but world of warcraft is infesting MMOs today. Sounds harch I know, but its also the truth.


    PS: There are many older generation players that behaves in similar ways so I dont want to fully generalize, but they are 1 out of 100 maximum.

  11. You are complaining about this 3 months too late... lol.




    If you think 55-60 is bad, then this guy would like to have a chat with you.


    Nut up or shut up :D


    Nice link.

    I assume this guy have been banned or had his Vrank deleted, otherwise we will take care of that right now:-)


    Back in the days you could glitch and farm vrank in ilum by farming opponent sides turrets.

    Many did this and the banhammer fell on many as well.

    This picture is one of the guys who did this, as it was impossible to reach this at that time.


    It takes roughly a week of grinding to get from 55-60 if you log on for around 8 hours per day.

  12. to the others that are talking about me staying 49 cuz i want to own all the time no, i have lost many wz as a 49 and lower not cuz of lvl tho, so no not to dominate pvp but to HAVE Enjoyable experiences, close wz matches, a chance to win, and on this sever there is a total of no rebs so the only way to pvp and have fun is to make new toons


    At lvl 49 vs say a lvl 20, you are more powerful then a lvl 50 in greens going up vs a lvl 50 in full battlemaster gear.


    Get off the high horse and stop being a lamer that want to have it easy mode and "own" people.


    The lvl 50 bracket is very balanced. The unbalanced bracket is the 10-49 bracket.

  13. It takes roughly 3 hours of game play, after you reached lvl 50, to have around 300+ Expertise, 1 or 2 champ pieaces and roughly 4 centurion pieaces. Add in some lvl 49 epic pve pieaces to this as pve items in most cases is better then PVP items, especially centurion, and your whole topic is flawed and reaks of inexperience and lack of motivation to farm even for 30 minutes.


    If you have below 1000 merc coms and 1000 WZ coms and a champion bag before 50, you lost the right to complain. And if you have above, you know what Im talking about.

    On day 2 of your newly 50 you will have 400+ expertise, just from doing dailys and finishing warzone weekly.


    It used to take long though, but not now. You have no right to complain amymore about gear in pvp unless you are a serious "slacker" and want to achieve same gear as those that spent 1000 hours in pvp, but you want it in 5 minutes. Thats the level of this thread and attitude.

  14. I will have someone pull you away from the tank or knock you away from the tank 15m GUARD drops you die. All so most of you say have you team help protect you. The same team that can not kill a heal with out a mark is now going to be so good that then can guard there healer I just got to LOL at the idea that they can do one( guard protect ) and cant see the green heals rofl


    This is your first PVP experience. As with anyone that have an issue with PVP markings.


    Mods: Just lock this thread. Although its an interesting discussion its pointless.

    Markers is a must for pugs to have a remote chance vs premades that is using "marks" over their voice communications.


    And to the OP: Learn to understand that line of sighting 4-5 dps means you have 60% of your team that can free roam and kill as they wish while you are kiting their dps.

    Just cause you dont see "3k" heal over your head does not mean you are not healing by line of sighting.

    People need to stop staring at numbers and understand pvp.

  15. I dont agree. I think its a good implementation.


    The difference is, that without markings, teams that uses voice communications have an extreme advantage over teams that are unable to use markings.


    With markings, the gap in communication is smaller.


    If you have a problem as a healer with markings, then you are not standing near your tank that is guarding you or is trying to los the attackers.


    If 6 attackers is marking you, and you would line of sight them: How much damage is your team taking?

    You heal a LOT more by being marked and kiting, line of sighting, then actually throwing heals, but maybe due to lack of mechanic and pvp understanding you have not understood this yet. Not to be blunt or anything, but I can understand that people stare too much at numbers.


    In a premade, if you are a target, and can make sure their dps have a hard time getting to you, you are in a way "healing". It just wont show on any charts, but the team knows.


    And this is why markings should stay since it will be required for rated battlegrounds to narrow the gap between the teams (such as the ones I play in) that uses teamspeak, ventrilo, skype or other voice communication methods.


    The whole topic should be locked and thrown away.

    Markings in PVP is a great implementation. It swings both ways.

  16. i play a 50 sorc and a 50 jugg


    wehn my jugg hit 50 and had no expertise he was dominating sorcs



    sorcs are so easily counterable and die so easy i dont see how anyone ever complains about them




    saying a sorc is op only points out that you dont have a grasp on high end pvp balance


    Its obvious you are playing a sorc however as you keep defending them.


    Sorcs is not a good 1vs1 class, none have ever said this, but they bring too much utility to a team and they have insane synergy between themself.


    A team of 8 sorcs would win vs any other combination of classes, no matter what, as long as they are semi competent players.


    I find damage and healing made by sorcs fine, its the cc, force speed, knockback, snares, range interupt, bubbles etc that makes the class just faceroll.


    1vs1 a dps sorc is definately not an easy cookie to beat.

    With your jug you probably faced one of the 99% bad sorc players out there.


    There are just a few good sages and sorcs per server at 50, compared to dozens of other classes.

    The problem with the sorc and sage is in the hands of an excellent player.

    Then it is far better then any other class in the hands of an excellent player.

    Thats it.


    Again, the damage is a tad high but who cares, its the utility and future rated warzones that is at stake here, and the current version of sages and sorcs should not stay if they want a true and competative rated warzone ranking. Simple as that.

    If you dispute this you are trolling, have little experience, is naive or simply protect the class even if it means it will break game balance, cause it makes you feel good.

    For the sake of the future of swtor pvp the class mechanics needs to change. And there this is not even up for debate if you have atleast a small % of pvp experience.

  17. This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


    Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


    Stick to it.

    At 36 you get your stealth opener and a new world begins.


    I rerolled from vanguard to scoundrel after nerf to try it out and fell in love with the class.

    Working on BM rank and gear atm and its a blast.


    The operative have more fluid movements and shorter animations then the scoundrel but I would take the shotgun anyday at some cost over a knife:-)


    The class have been nerfed, ALOT, but its still very good but you need to be experienced and use the tools well.

    The class will get a buff in the future for sure, who knows in what area.

    We dont really need it in damage to be honest, but rather energy or other means to keep sustained damage in PVE better. For PVP the class is incredibly fun and if you jump someone from that your 36, you simply will never loose that fight.


    Dont forget that your stealth opener have 0 cooldown, so you can open up, "vanish" and reopen up again, and get a double knockdown that way as well, follow up with a "backstab" and a 4 sec stun and well....


    My best solo fight with my scoundrel was a 1vs4, at lvl 50, vs 2 sorcs, 1 merc and 1 marauder. Yes they was terrible.


    I have won very many 1vs2s and a handful of 1vs3s with this class. I have never lost a 1vs1 with this class ever, even out of stealth, as long as it was a fare duel. I have been killed 1vs1 when low on health and the other player have been healed etc.


    But I can definately see myself loosing to a marauder that plays well.

    I think Maras is our nemesis class. But it takes skill to play them, and I dare say scoundrel and operative is easier to play then marauders. With operatives and scoundrels however you need to have very good view of the battlefield and tactical knowledge of which target to pick.

    Our job is not to rush in and do damage, but to hang back a little, cirkle around and take out that healer that none seems to protect, guard, or that gunslinger/sniper in the background. This our class does the best of any class in this game, and as such, we carry a vital role in the success of a clash.

    a team dont really need more then 2 operatives or scoundrels though, but 2 is good to have.


    Have fun with it, keep it up, its an awsome class. And since very underplayed you WILL be appreciated when you learn it well.

    It does very good in good hands, but bad in a new pvp players hands.

  18. Yeah I am clueless just like all the other sorc/sages who called for nerfs to the hybrid spec in beta and in live.


    I don't see other classes calling for nerfs on themselves lol.


    WHY did we call for nerfs? Because we knew this spec broke the game, we knew it would be WAY overpopulated.


    Every beta phase this class went from being a normally played AC to being stupidly overplayed.


    Every beta phase we had polls (new players came in) and asked which AC you would play. All were around 10 percent. By the time beta phase ended? Sage/Sorc were well over 20. No other spec was even close except for commando/merc in the last couple of phases (they were buffed).


    Oh look what happened in live! Metrics? You better pray Bioware/Ea doesn't look at metrics.


    The average difference between sage/sorc at a BM gear level is damn near nil. Other specs are 300 k apart lol.


    But whatever. Why am I talking to someone that flat out lies and says he can't break 2.5 k in BM gear, when you can break 4 k in champion gear?


    You are a complete liar and are on this board 24/7 trying to keep your class from getting nerfed. How do you do it? Lying and not even knowing about any spec but the hybrid, because it is the only spec so easy and OP that even someone like you can do well on it...


    No wonder you don't want this class nerfed. Prob the only time you have been good at pvp in an MMO...ever...


    This is my biggest gripe too.


    Why didnt bioware do anything when this class have been over the top since closed beta?


    Personally i dont mind the damage and healing, but in a team oriented game this class brings too much utility while at the same time able to none stop pull hard numbers.


    4k single target hit?


    Thats what scoundrels and operatives hit in BM and Rakata gear WITHOUT using any adrenals or relics, but thats their once in a fight stealth opener thats supposed to hit extremly hard.

    Scoundrels and operatives does break 5k in bm gear when they have expertise buff and use poweradrenals, relics and crits, they can even get up to 5.5k with some luck.

    But thats it, thats once per 3 minutes.


    My problem with this class is that it currently destroyes the fun in SWTOR PVP, which personally I find very nice.

    Again, as an experienced pvper I have little problems with this class, and I do think its nice that new players gets to pick a class thats easy to play and easy to get into. But there should be a limit.

    The problem with the sage and sorc is when experienced players picks it up. Then it becomes a powerhouse with no equal match in this game, not even remotely close.


    If they did the damage they do and had the utility they do, but didnt have any bubbles or any heals, it would be balanced. But its a bloody hybrid class.


    And as you said, even newly dinged sages and sorcs can pull out amazing numbers where most other classes must wait until high gear level.


    And last but not least: Marauders: Play one. There are so many terrible maras and sents out there, and you KNOW its sages or sorcs that have rerolled an alt and obviuosly chosen the best melee dps class in the game, just to realize its bloody difficult to play, and as such, are getting facerolled.


    Terrible players will remain terrible players.

    Once Sages and Sorcs have been nerfd, which will happen, then we will see who remain true to their class.

    I think we will see an overpopulation in mercs and commandos after that, as spamming tracer missiles or gravrounds is on the same level as playing a sorc or sage.

    Maras will be much too difficult for 99% of the sorc population to master.

  19. 8 hybrid specced sages could literally keep 8 marauders rooted the ENTIRE game. The class is absurdly good in group scenarios and synergizes amazingly with itself. A team of 8 maras would get completely destroyed by 8 sages regardless of player skill.



    The game isn't balanced around 1v1.




    The sorc not only have too much utility, the synergy with same class is insane when it comes to team balancing.


    Unless they fix the sage and sorc before competative warzones, we will, atleast on imperial side, see 60% sorcs on the teams. There are a lot fewer sages then sorcs in general so sages is seldom a problem in my opinion.

    Heck, I have even played hutball vs republic (I play republic) where no sages have been part of the games, and this has not happened only once or twice.

    This would never, ever, ever, happen on imperial side.


    Defending this class is redicilous.

  20. I stopped taking you seriously right here.


    You mean their 1 AOE knockback is super?


    Tell me dear sir: What is it you stopped taking me seriously for?


    They are a great class indeed, as healers, the dps I think is faceroll, easier then sorcs.

    But as healers, they have one aoe knockback and they can "tank" better then a sage or sorc. But what other utility then healing do they bring to the team?

    The Commando or Merc dont even have an interupt. Sorcs and sages have a RANGED interupt, the only class with a long range interupt as well.


    You should play another class and stop defending your FOTM faceroll class sir.

  21. I don't think it's the strongest, I think it's the most overplayed overrated class in the game...frankly I laugh at all the noobs that play that class because of how easy it is compared to other classes.




    There is 0 respect to pvp players, regardless of your numbers, skills, valor rank, when you choose to roll with the class that is not just easiest to play, it is incredibly easy to play and have so much utility I doubt half the players even know how to use them all.


    They literally combined all swtor classes into one class, gave it ranged dps, healing, all the combined ccs of any class.


    The only thing sorcs lack is stealth, but I guess it even had that before closed beta and decided to give it to the sin and shadow only.


    The class is a joke for competative team balance and thats it.


    The class can keep its damage and healing, I dont really care. But the overall utility needs to go.

    A well played sorc or sage maked 33% of the warzones unplayable: Hutball.

    2 sorcs playing together, is all it takes, or sages for that matter, to win hutball with ease.


    Just look at the videos out there.

    You have BM sorcs out there shooting off their videos and the experience they show in the pvp field and filming this, just dishonors the few sorcs and sages out there that actually know the class well.


    Play it as full healer or full dps and the class is better balanced, but even then its damn easy and good. Which is still ok.

    Remove bubble from baseline and remove force speed and 2 sec stun from lightning cage and we have a better balanced class.

  22. Its the opposite.


    A terrible player can make the sorc into a good class.

    An excellent player makes the sorc into an overpowered powerhouse.


    Thats the difference with the sorc.


    It is very easy to play, and requires very little experience or skill to achieve the results of seasoned veterans that is mustering every pieace out of their class.


    But still, most of us dont care, what we care about is the team balancing. And this is where sorcs and sages are too strong.


    Speed, Bubbles, perma snare, knockback, mez, stun, very high damage, very high healing.

    All in one class and spec.


    This is what we have an issue with.


    If you are not able to confirm that the class is over the top, then its you sir, that is inexperienced and as per your own words a "terrible player".


    And this is just a fact, not up for debate.


    The sorc needs a slight nerf, not too much, but its the utility that bothers people.

    Look at mercs or commandos, they dont even have ANY CC. Their damage or healing is not as strong as the sorcs, but they are equally easy to play. However the sorc gets a ton of other uses in their arsenal.

    So, light vs heavy armor? You have the bubble for that, you dont need speed, snare and any more cc then the knockback at your disposal.

    Telling players that the class is balanced makes you, OP and all else into hypocrits.

    Only reason the class is not nerfd hard is cause 40% of SWTOR imperials plays the sorc, and they are worried more about the current subscriptions then the longevity of the game.


    People are leaving the game because of this one class, should not that say enough?

  23. I have a 50 Sorc and a 50 Vanguard and I feel more like I'm exploiting when I play hybrid spec Sorc than when I could pull ball-carriers to spawn and get healer medals from shockfrozen water as Vanguard. Like someone else said in the thread, my grandmother could do top damage as hybrid spec Sorc; probably by just rolling her face against the keyboard. :D


    This is why only 2-3 sages and sorcs in total atleast from me, have showned they know their class and are great players.


    This class is a faceroll class and majority of the players, including 99.99% of the sorcs and sages on this forum, are inexperienced pvpers.

    And if you come in and name your gladiator title in x sesions in wow, then you are just either trolling or trying to jump on the train to remain overpowered with your epeen 14 year attitude.


    This class is sinking pvp in SWTOR from a promising battleground to a lightning cage thats just honestly, utterly boring.


    Or, they can make a class limit to warzones. Maximum 2 sorcs or sages per team.


    Since so few sages compared to sorcs however, I think we would end up with a ton of hutball republic games where imperials never would be able to pvp ever again if this took place.


    Still today, after months in this game, I have never seen less then 3 sorcs in a warzone, from 10 to 50 BM with several classes.

    Average is 4 sorcs.


    For republic, average is 2 sages. I have been in hutball games vs republic where NO team even had sages. I doubt this ever happened for imperials.


    I can only assume its cause most rolled the class after 5 second research on google under "most powerful class in SWTOR"..and you found the 10001 posts about how sorcs should be nerfed, which is a rather good indication on what class is more powerful then the others.


    Again, as I always say, damage, keep it, healing, keep it. But not in conjunction with the utility you have. They nerfed scoundrels and operatives due to the sorc and sage crying for help when they could not roflstomp even a stealther.


    Ahh well, we are all talking to the wall. Again, 99.999% of sorcs are terrible players and as such, they will never be able to fully utilize this class, which is a good thing. The problem I have, is vs the ones that are great players and use the sorc and sage to their potentials, thats when this class blows every hair off your body and leaves you in a static mindset where the only mantra that is repeated constantly is: GW2...GW2...GW2...GW2...GW2...

  24. I have to repeat myself.

    The amount of sorcs and sages, mainly sorcs, that always, always enters these posts, do defend their class, is hilarioius.


    Are you not ashamed?


    I mean, seriously, none take you 100% seriously.

    There are a few very good sorcs and sages out there that definately earn some respect.

    But the simple fact is: The class have too much utility.


    I dont mind its damage, I dont mind the healing, but being able to do this, at the same time, while also having the best cc, best escape mechanisms available of all classes, is just wrong. Why cant you agree on this?


    Ok if you had healing and cc, or damage and cc. Fine. But Damage, Healing, CC, Utility, Run speed, Bubbles, you name it.

    The class is a faceroll class and thats it.


    I have never lost to a sorc or sage in 1vs1, not even been close. Or once, vs a sage, but other then that, majority of players behind this class are terrible players. Simple fact.


    The class needs to be fixed and thats that.


    Remove bubbles from baseline, remove run speed and remove the 2 sec stun on lightning cage. Make bubble part of high tier talent in healing tree.

    Wolaa, the class is fixed and more balanced towards the rest.


    You dont agree? Of course not, you rolled a FOTM class and wants to remain strong.


    You come in here on the forum saying your squshy cause you walked in with your 12k hp and 97 expertise and got jumped by a battlemaster operative or scoundrel and you cry cause you died, that you wasnt able to roflstomp him like you have done all the way to 50.


    If your below 50 btw, you should not even be in this thread to start with.

    sorcs below 50 are OP, at 50, they are still OP for the team.


    These classes are alone, single handedly, sinking pvp in swtor.

    You dont start to shape up and be honest about your class, pvp in SWTOR is slowly drowning. Get serious.


    The class dont need a serious nerf, but it needs a nerf. And thats pronto.

  25. Expertise is NOT getting more nerf and neither is the PvP gear.


    You low new lvl 50 are not worth the air you breath in a wz , FACT.


    Still the BM gear is meant to compete with the rakata gear , which let me break the news for you who know NOTHING about the endgame , is alrdy stronger than the BM set.


    Now , yeah keep nerfing the BM gear , we will go get the rakata and use it in wzs , then guys you will see what a true trashing is all about.




    Rakata gear is already stronger then BM gear even without expertise, as its on average 20% stronger, and have GOOD setbonuses compared to the pvp gear.


    Lets look at soundrel dps set bonus shall we?


    Rakata/Columni 2 set: +15% crit on backblast


    PVP dps gear: 1 second longer duration on dodge, or 3 second longer duration on your 1 min AOE 3 second channel ability, XS flyby.


    The sad part for us that pvp is, the flyby 2 set is the best set bonus smugglers have on any set, including healing set.


    Back to the point: PVE gear already beats pvp gear.


    Why bother rolling for battlemaster, when you can be part of a guild that not even botheres to do operations on hardmode, which already is easy, but go for columni gear.


    Now, columni gear IS supposed to be same as champ gear, but let me break it....the dps stats on columni is far superior and it is more similar to battlemaster. You lack expertise but make up for it by having roughly 20-30% more dps stats on the items.

    You dont see people running around with 20% expertise now do you?


    Most people that do pvp today, including myself, run with 2 or more rakata pieaces, get expertise to around 10%, since stacking beyond this costs too much due to diminishing return, and you loose ALOT of stats from not using columni or rakata, by using those badly made champ and BM gear pieaces.


    To add more frustation: The pvp set MUST be remodded to be competative.

    Either you go and get your lvl 52 mods from dailys or you farm operations and take out mods from columni or rakata gear, you must do this, for dps users the accuracy is far above what you ever need for the worst raid pve boss, and they have got that into our pvp gear.

    The development team dont even understand their own game.


    Keep expertise and increase dps stats by 15% on the pvp gear, remove useless stats like accuracy and the pvp gear will finally be worth having full of, at the moment, only casual players that pvp use full pvp gear.

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