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Posts posted by TerrorTigr

  1. I totally agree that the Sith Social Ability needs to be changed! I'm sick and tired of having to watch immature jerks beat women on the fleet, because let's face it, it's mostly used to "put Vette in her place" and that's just wrong on so many levels. Teaching the (sometimes young and impressionable) players that slapping an "annoying" woman around is a-okay really grinds my gears.


    Obviously, I strongly disagree with the OP, though. This horrible, disgusting ability should be replaced by something more fun, more cool and more appropriate, not by something more brutal.

  2. There's a Bolster system in the game that boosts low-level, ill-equipped players up to a certain baseline so they can participate in content that would otherwise be nearly impossible for them to enjoy.


    What I'd like to see is an optional system where high-level, well-equipped players are scaled DOWN when participating in lower level content.


    The thought occurred to me while running a level 50 Operation with a full group of 60s. We all wanted to do the fights with strategies, etc., but the boss abilities didn't hit, a tank swap was never needed and they were dead before we even got to anything interesting. We breezed through it where we'd have enjoyed it more if we could have had a challenge.

    We run the old OPs a lot, just so we have something fun to do together, and farm some comms as we're at it.


    I'm pretty sure you could take the existing Bolster system and make it see when a player is too high-level for a place, has gear that's too good, and just scale him/her down instead of up. Then you can open ALL OPs and ALL FPs up in GF, allowing us high-levels to make it easier for low-levels to find groups for FPs, etc.

    You don't even have to revamp the rewards. So many people run FPs just for comms, so keep the drops the same. People who are 60 and want level 60 gear to drop will run the 60 HMs exclusively. Everybody who's at the point where they're full 186 and just wants to farm comms/dailies/whatever can run whatever FPs they want.

  3. Just some ideas I had around the whole Stronghold part of the game. Probably a bit out there, but hey.


    1) New Stronghold on Rishi, styled like a James Bond villain hideout. Island shaped like a skull, underground areas, aboveground areas, big pool for laser sharks, etc.


    2) New decorations that make up automated defenses, traps, etc., which are "sprung" when people visit you. Not harmful to players, but fun to see (or try to avoid).


    3) New game mode/minigame in the style of Dungeon Keeper, where you can take decorations from 2) to build a stronghold that others have to attack. Or maybe a tower defense kind of game, using the stronghold engine.


    4) The option to have your NPC decorations interact with the environment. Assign them a thing they do. Have some of my Twi'leks dancing, but others sitting at the bar, chatting. Have some of my guards standing at attention, but others watching the approach to my villain's hidout with blasters drawn. Have some of my companions stand around, but have others gesturing as if they were in the middle of a discssion, or typing on a console. Also, let me sit NPC decorations down on sofas, etc.


    5) Make companion decorations so that they keep the outfit I put on them. If another Bounty Hunter enters my BH's SH, he should see the companion I put there, in the gear I chose for him/her, not his own version of that companion.


    6) Modular Strongholds. Give us Strongholds where we don't just unlock rooms in a pre-existing layout, but let us build the layout ourselves. Would fit especially well with the "underground villain lair" idea, where the aboveground portion might be fixed, but below, we get to choose how to arrange our rooms.

  4. I was able to place them after all. Seems a combination of user incompetence and clunky interface prevented me from seeing them.


    Firstly, I tried placing them on Floor Medium Narrow Hooks, but for some reason, these two can only be put on Floor Medium Large hooks.

    Also, since the system keeps adding filters even when I didn't tell it to, it might also be that they kept getting sorted out.


    Anyway, sorted, not a bug (I think).

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Hello!


    I recently built two new mounts, the Custom-Built Hoverbike and Hotrigged Speederbike. I used them to add them to my collection and can ride them as normal. When I go to my SH, however, I cannot put them there as decorations. The Vectron Scavenger and the Custom-Built Speederbike can be placed as normal.

  6. Sad.


    I wish it was different. :(


    Now I can finally stop wonder why everyone gets SO MANY purple mats and NEVER ME ! :(


    I have simply specialöized on the WRONG abilities without being told before that there are no purple mats for them. :(


    Why isn't such an info sticky here ?


    Well, the Codex Entries for the Crew Skills usually tell you which gathering/mission Skills are good for which crafting ones. So the one that gives you purple mats should have been mentioned there.

  7. Hello!


    Yesterday, my slicers found another purple scavenging mission (500). I ran it and this morning, when I logged in, the mission was completed successfully. Sadly, I did not recieve a single Doonium for it. 4 Farium and 8 Molytex was all it got me. This is the second time this has happened. My Companions all have 10k affection. Am I doing anything wrong? I thought these missions are supposed to always give purple mats and just give more of them on a crit. But none?


    I mean, these missions sell for 1-200k on the GTN. On average, they would have to yield 4 purple mats to be worth the investment.

  8. I really don't know what to do. I've reached the point in the storyline where I'm supposed to choose whether to face Revan solo with the NPCs, or go with an Operation. So far I chose 3) - Decide later.


    Some forum posts make it seem like the story you get to see is different, depending on which you pick.

    It also seems that if you pick 1), you will never get to play 2) on the same character.


    I'm assuming that picking 1) doesn't mean you'll never get to play the Operation, but you'll miss out on some cutscenes.

    I'm also assuming that picking 2) means you'll never, ever, get to play the Solo version of Revan.


    What about the dailies? It seems they're unlocked by this mission. Are they unlocked no matter what I pick?


    I was really excited to see the story content of the Expansion and of course wanted to see it on my main character. Now I feel like I'm handed two bags, both of which might or might not contain cats, but I'm supposed to buy one anyway.


    Can anybody shed some light on the exact differences between those two options, and their consequences for me/my character?


    Thanks a lot.

  9. But that's just it. Conquest is there to give people with a lot of time a lot to do. It's not meant for super-casuals.


    Casuals make up the vast majority (80% upwards) of MMO populations. There is no point in creating content that we cannot participate in. ESPECIALLY when there's such an easy fix, a fix that allows 24/7 gamers to get more stuff, and faster, while allowing even ultra-casuals to eventually get a small reward.

  10. Hello!


    I love the Strongholds feature. It's great fun decorating my place and earning new decorations and everything.

    I also like the Conquest feature. Being able to earn points for my guild, and getting incentive to try out different parts of the game is pretty cool. Conquest made me try Galactic Starfighter and now I really enjoy it.


    BUT: If I want to have any chance of completing the weekly conquest goal without turning SWTOR into my new day job, I need to have that Stronghold completion bonus really high. Now that bonus is directly tied to the amount of stuff I have stacked inside my Stronghold. Just the amount.


    So the thing I need to do is STUFF my place full of items, clutter it up to the point where moving around feels like running an obstacle course, as if I'm some kind of lunatic collecting every bit of scrap from around the galaxy. Oh, and I have to PLASTER the walls with posters and banners.


    That makes my Strongholds look ugly!


    Please give us another way of upping our Conquest % where Strongholds aren't just a tool, but where we can make them pretty, AND get the bonus. As I see it, it's so easy to buy cheap decorations x50 that filling up the Stronghold isn't a challenge. You get tons of stuff for free, and can buy tons of stuff cheap, so it's not a very good money sink. All it does is severely penalize me if I don't want to clutter up my place so much.


    I'm seriously considering not participating in Conquest at all anymore, if the only way to get it complete in a week is to have all my Strongholds look ugly.


    A different approach would be to carry over Conquest points from one week to the next, then reset them once we complete a Conquest goal. That would be MUCH more casual-friendly and allow us to do one Conquest goal every two or three weeks, instead of getting exactly squat when we don't manage to spend so much time playing in a particular week.


    Ideally, we'd get all of these changes:

    1) New items that increase the bonus recieved from our strongholds without adding clutter. Maybe a Legacy Unlock purchaseable for a reasonable price.

    2) A system where the value of your decorations is counted into the completion %. Meaning that getting a rare FP drop decoration, or an expensive one like the Personal Starships for your landing platform is worth more than getting 50 Republic Voss Embassy Signs for 1 Credit a piece. -.-

    3) A change to the Conquest system, where it isn't mainly a reward for playing a ridiculous amount of hours per week. Make it more accessible to casual players by allowing US to decide how much time we want to spend playing per day/week.

  11. Okay, Legacy Storage is a great start, I like that I can pool all companion gifts, crafting supplies, etc. in one storage now.


    But the most important thing is still missing: One credit account for the entire Legacy. Sure, every once in a while it's annoying to have to send crafting mats or companion gifts around, but credits are almost ALWAYS a problem. Every time I want to do something on an Alt, I have to login, see if he/she has enough money, and if not, log back out, log into the main, send the money, log back out, log back in on the Alt. Loading screens, no matter how pretty, are not fun gameplay.


    One global credit balance for the entire Legacy would simplify that so much...

    Make me buy an item for my stronghold for it, I don't care, but give me that option pretty please!

  12. I put the "Mako" decoration in one of the rooms on the first level of the Sky Palace. While she's my active companion, or while I'm on non-Bounty Hunter characters, she is shown in a holographic version. This version is visible through parts of the wall out in the entrance hallway if you're far enough away.

    You can see the holo through the wall close to the center of this image: http://imgur.com/PXC4Tuz

    Here you can see where I positioned her inside the room: http://imgur.com/uEzsqYM

    And here you can see that, if I get a little closer to the room, she is no longer visible through the wall: http://imgur.com/3OqfBoo


    Just thought I'd report it. Love the Strongholds so far! :)

  13. There is actually another option: Make bosses only drop mods and non-visible equipment (ie: implants/relics/whatever) anymore.


    Let us acquire armor/weapons through crafting, exploration, etc.


    Thus, you boost crafting and you eliminate the need of having to come up with some "even more epic" armor sets every new tier of content. (ie: 6 new armor sets per class per year at the current rate)


    This would let you release new looks whenever they are ready, not when a content deadline is up, while still allowing people to get better gear and have all that progression stuff going on. Looking at what obviously is your inspiration for the way you handle content/gear progression, ever since Transmog hit, a lot of people don't even want to wear the new sets anymore.


    In order to allow those hardcore rai... I mean operators to still show off just how hardcore they are, give them titles, pets, mounts or maybe some small-but-significant visual upgrade like a slightly different helmet/chest, or a color variant not available to others.


    If you're afraid that might take away the incentive for people to run operations, why not introduce a new slot on all orange items? The mods for that slot can only drop in operations, are bop and thus people who don't run OPs will never have that slot filled.


    tl;dr: There's no law saying a new tier of content needs to have a new item set for everybody. There has to be a stat progression, yes, but you could choose not to link the way a character looks to the content that character has cleared.

  14. Contrary to another popular MMO, Star Wars has a highly limited franchise. We have very strong ideas of what a Jedi Knight, a Bounty Hunter or a Republic Trooper should look like. Move too far from that and "it doesn't look like Star Wars" anymore. Add to that the fact that there's not a lot of "heroic armor", and certainly no fancy, over-the-top-ornamented armor, in any of the original movies. You can't just make a Norse expansion, an Asian expansion or a fragmented-space-crystal-expansion and have tons of themed armor sets. At least not if you want to stay close to the original Star Wars look and away from "WoW with Lightsabers".

    The only example of different armor types in the original movies I can think of is the different Stormtrooper armors. Standard, Heavy/Leader(Orange shoulder guard), Snowtrooper(Hoth), Sandtrooper(Tatooine), Recon Trooper(Endor). Neither of those looks very "endgame" in an MMO sense. Which is fine for a lot of people.


    But, just as there will always be people who would prefer to look "more like the movies", there will also be people who enjoy a more over-the-top kind of armor design, be it only to show off their achievements. And they pay the same subscription as everyone else.


    Since looks are very subjective, I'm glad there's custom items that let us choose which look we prefer. Matching color to chest will only help that. For example, perhaps my favourite armor set on the Sorcerer is the level 20 PvP one. That one has a blue headpiece. The orange headpiece you get later is a different color and doesn't look nearly as good on my character. Come 1.2, I'll (hopefully) be able to look like the level-20 set while wearing all oranges.


    I think we, as the players, need to stay aware of the tough spot the devs are in. Kinda between a rock and a hard place.


    I hope the devs remember that not everybody wants spiky, glowing, flashy, fancy armor and will continue to provide us with alternatives, even if they look "less epic". Maybe make 1.2 flashy armors, 1.3 "classic" ones, then 1.4 more flashy again. Or something.


    Oh, and for the love of god: give us more orange belts, please. :)

  15. My suggestion: Give us more opportunities for PvP than just a) Warzones and b) dedicated world-PvP zones. Maybe even rethink your design philosophy for planets/zones/missions, because that is at the core of why PvP feels so out-of-place in SWTOR.


    My longish explanation:


    In every single other MMO I've played, PvP felt like it was part of the entire game. In SWTOR, it's like it's something that's been glued on because it had to be. Instanced Warzones and dedicated open-PvP areas are okay. No, they're great! But if they're more or less the only places where PvP CAN happen, let alone where it DOES happen, then something's weird.


    I think the main reason is how separated the planets are. It's like Imperials and Republic are playing two different games altogether. Out of 17 planets:

    6 cannot ever possibly be entered by players of the opposing faction. Ever. (Starting worlds, capital worlds)

    2 more are shared, but only on paper. They share the same artwork and name, but you will never run into players of the opposing faction since the areas are not connected. (Taris, Balmorra)

    The other 9 are at least connected, but the mission areas are still usually far apart and you rarely meet enemy players.


    Up to Belsavis (as far as I've got so far), there was not a single neutral mission hub. Not one. I spend all my time travelling between Imperial mission hubs and Imperial mission areas. Every now and again I'll see one of those odd instance portals that says "Jedi Knight Mission - You are not eligible to enter" or something. And sometimes, very, very rarely, when I'm exploring a map, I'll find an area with Imperial troops that look like they're just standing around, waiting to get shot. Then I think "Oh, right, this game has two factions, and THIS must be where these other guys, the ones I see every 2 or so Warzones, come to do missions. Funny."


    (It's yet another reason, I believe, why people complain that the planets of SWTOR feel "empty")


    In other games, while there might be areas that only hold missions for one faction, you would still be able to enter them for exploration or world PvP. And the vast majority of areas would be interesting for all factions, leading to world PvP opportunities (even if it's just you trying to finish your quests without getting ganked).


    Of course that can't be fixed for the worlds that already exist. You'd have to redo the entire planet and at least half the missions on it, that's not realistic. But I'd appreciate it if future content would feel more like I'm playing an MMO, and less like I'm playing a single-player-RPG which happens to be one of a pair of single-player-RPGs, which use the same engine, just different levels, and which are connected through the (optional and physically separated) multiplayer-mode.


  16. I also had to reroll my character on another server because the original one was dead. I'm now on the fullest I can find, but even that's pretty empty in most areas most of the time. At least the GTN isn't entirely a wasteland. Less but bigger servers would be greatly appreciated. After Taris, finding people for Heroic missions is almost impossible. And World bosses are absolutely impossible.


    Are there any plans to fix these population issues?

  17. any reason you can't look at the weapon(s) of the target to tell you this?

    if i have 1 blaster I can only be 1 class on any side

    2 blasters ... easy

    double-saber ... easy

    2 sabers ... easy

    1 saber ... take two guesses. the one in front and not in the back is the juggernaut

    rifle ... easy





    If they're in combat, everything is shiney. Bright, glowy sticks makes it all clear.


    But if they're out of combat, distinguising the thing at their hip as a blaster or a saber hilt is simply not possible at the distance of their charges, pulls and other important ranged abilities.


    If something looking like an Agent is coming towards me with the Huttball, I don't normally need to jump off a ledge/hide to prevent them from charging me. But if they're out of combat and their weapon is holstered, I just can't see it fast enough.

    Recognizing what you're up against before they start using abilities is important, and if there's nothing done about this, I feel forced to "dress up" myself if I want to be fighting on an even battlefield. And I kinda want to look like the class I play, you know?


    I'm not saying forbid "crossdressing", I'd just like some tools to make sure I have the information I believe I should have. In WoW, Unitframe Addons display the healthbar of the target in the color associated with their class, for example. That way you're at least aware of the class of your target right off the bat.


    I mean, I'm not even getting into how this kinda kills the whole iconic nature of the classes... I see the value of "crossdressing" for roleplaying, for example. But gaining a PvP advantage from it? Come on...

  18. Yes. :)


    So we'll have even more Juggernauts who suddenly grapple us, Smugglers who suddenly Force Charge us and Marauders who suddenly vanish into stealth just as we approach them? Yay. :(


    Are there any UI changes planned, then, to make it at least clear what the class of your current target is, if you can't see it on them in the game world? I mean, that's horribad in itself, having to refer to the UI to figure out what the person coming at me actually IS, but it's better than not having a chance to know until it's too late.


    Perhaps that bothers not many others because it's most important in Huttball, and nobody but me seems to like that?

  19. Since the amazing 1.2 preview video from the Guild Summit is now available as a high-res download, I went through and did a little summary for those who wonder what's all shown in the video but are too lazy to check it out themselves.

    Note that this doesn't mean all of these features will be in 1.2 or that no other features will be. I'm just noting down what the video shows (especially in terms of details and also to make the flashy bit at the end more accessable)


    Patch 1.2: Legacy

    New Warzone: Novare Coast

    Operation: Explosive conflict

    Flashpoint: The Lost Island


    Legacy System

    -Legacy Family Tree

    -Legacy Abilities (shown: BH Flame Thrower used by Sith Warrior and Sith Warrior Force Choke used by Smuggler)

    -Legacy Unlocks (shown: mailbox and training dummy on ship)

    -Legacy Species Unlocks (shown: Sith Pureblood Jedi Knight, Chiss Smuggler)


    Advanced Options

    -UI Customization (shown: move, scale, alpha, hide and flip individual elements; global scaling; save and edit UI layout profiles)

    -Improved character textures

    -Appearance customization (match color to chest)

    -Mission Tracker usables (mission items that require you to use it now appear in mission tracker)


    Additional Features

    -Warzone Rankings (shown: solo/party, includes some statistics)

    -New Corellia daily missions

    -New Mini Pets (shown sickly Tauntaun baby with cawing animation and greenish running bird)

    -Guild Banks (shown: 8 nameable tabs with 90 spaces each, guild credit account and withdrawal limits, permission management for each guild member rank)

    -New Gear (one set shown for each base class)


    Plus (text only)

    -New vehicles

    -New crafting schematics

    -New lightsaber colors

    -Reverse engineer random drops

    -Extractable tier 2 mods

    -Stackable companion gifts

    -Companion gift cooldown removed

    -Crystal formations on Alderaan

    -Ship droids gain affection

    -Craftable augments

    -Increased chance of researching schematics

    -Cybertech vehicles no longer bind on pickup

    -Augments in craftable orange gear

    -Combat log

    -Legacy item drops

    -New roleplay emotes

    -Learnable tier 2 item crafting


    And a feature of the trailer, not necessarily patch 1.2: kickass music.

    Does it solve all your problems? No. Does it turn SWTOR into the perfect game for you? Probably not. Do I love every bit of it and want to hug the entire dev team? You betcha, buddy!

  20. It was said during the Guild Summit Livestream that queueing for specific Warzones is something that is planned. It was also said that the faction restrictions for Voidstar and Alderaan will be lifted.

    With that, it's only a matter of time (and not a lot, most likely) before somebody maths out which of them is the most effective for farming commendations and a matter of (a little more) time before the vast majority of people only queues for that anymore. (eg: Alterac)


    Are there any steps planned to incentivise people to queue for random Warzones, or at least for different zones on different days/in different weeks? (eg: BG holidays?)


    I'd hate for PvP to become a grindfest on one single map. I also like Huttball. Please make them play Huttball with me! Uh... I mean: Please give them a reason to WANT to play Huttball with me. Yep, that sounds better.

  21. I found a teeny-tiny thing: in the conversation with the Twi'lek Jedi you get 1,1 not just 1.

    So this here is for light side, when the Captain lives:

    3,3,1 | 3,2,1,1 | 3,1 | 2,3,2,3,3,3 | 3,2,1,3,1,2 | 3,3 | 1,1 | 3,2,2,1 | 3 | 1,1,2,2

    +200 Light Side Points, +299 Khem Val affection


    If somebody else kills the Captain, use this one instead:

    3,3,1 | 3,2,1,1 | 3,1 | 2,3,2,2,2,3 | 3,2,1,3,1,2,3 | 3,3 | 1,1 | 3,2,2,1 | 3 | 3,2,2,2,2

    +200 Light Side Points, +304 Khem Val affection


    Both of these assume the General lives. There's potentially two more trees, if somebody else kills the General. I'll do them next time I'm not sick of BT, and then update this post.

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