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Posts posted by LegendaryQuan

  1. i was just legitimately asking what the origins of the guild name midian was as the name of an album by a band I dont see anyone in midian listening to is the only other time i have heard the word before. Though "aussie word for farmed" would be fitting, i obviously know that that is not the case and was just throwing out a "friendly" jab. So what does midian mean? Who created that guild and where did he get the word midian?
  2. terrible idea posed by a 900 rated player who has played 300+ games and believes it is "bad luck" why he continues to lose. he gets farmed by other tanks because he is an inferior player. all of the good players who have played a reasonable amount of games have high ratings. all of them. faction imbalance is the only excuse for being under 1k rating after 200+ games. otherwise i assure you that you are not getting unlucky. you are bad. admit it to yourself and make appropriate changes...or go play huttball.
  3. is very easy to 1500+ with dps and tank...is pretty hard to do as heals imo (though leaderboards on other servers seem to go against this theory). You can tank stupid and you can dps for stupid but you cant heal stupid. A cure is yet to be found. I might be wrong though and under certain conditions of who happens to be queueing at the time im sure it can be farmed up in a day or two by anyone decent...dunno...i was probably just very unlucky over a small sample size and would probably be 2k+ once the odds evened out over a couple hundred games.


    I think dumbwhitegirl is at the very least "better than average" in solo ranked so i assume he would be able to get to 1500+ if played enough games. (queue dodge Kand)

  4. Quick, close the thread before Aciddropper and Elizabeth show up


    Im pretty sure Elizabeth was nice to everyone and never asked for attention or posted any pics of herself...even though she was both much better looking and much more skilled than any other female that plays on this server...just saying...drama came looking for her not the other way around.


    Obviously every time a female starts a "picture thread" on an mmo forum its "look at me im a real life girl" but whatever. A lot of the nerds that play this game enjoy this kind of stuff and it strengthens their hopes of not dying a virgin...so i say carry on with the pictures and the purple and any other festivities she has planned. (though i think the "warm welcome" has probably steered her more towards the wildstar forums at this point)

  5. I have 7 toons at 1500+ (1506-1914) about to be 9. Somewhat related to topic but more so just randomly posting on how godlike I am at this game.


    Me > Reckful

  6. so many mean (albeit funny) things i could say about so many of the people who have posted but ill refrain since none of it affects me in any way.


    canada sucks and all those tanks you play with suck too though...


    and im prettier than any of the girls who play on this server (except scope).

  7. Lol I don't know who you are, but literally every single person who has mentioned name you calls you a complete degenerate...


    0 ****s given mate, only read the first line and got bored.


    youre the one who said all of the good players have left. who are you referring to? is this just something you have heard others say and are repeating? or are you referring to certain individuals that you can name? my guess is the former.

  8. Rank one for each class on each server (for both solo and group) should get something. Whether it be a title or piece of armor or weapor or whatever...A lot of people are well over 1500 and have nothing to work towards now that the tiers have been announced. Rank ones on the leaderboards should get something. (other than that i think its fine. but without that i think its very disappointing and bad)
  9. Realistically all the real good teams have left. Us that remain are average with bloated egos or bads.


    who are the good teams that left besides mvp? breakfast and dont panic queue up almost every night. who else on this server left that was good? og core or whatever the **** guild youre in isnt relevant and never was and if you all left the game it would have 0 effect on anything and no one would even know. the people who have bloated egos have them because they beat everyone at the highest level on a consistent basis. those who have bloated egos from facerolling regs are simply delusional. so please tell us who all these good players are that left the game and/or server (besides hey im mvp).

  10. Fessonia isnt bad. Fessonia has just been very unlucky.......


    If getting Fessonia on your team is unlucky then getting good players on your team is lucky right?


    It sure is some coincidence that basically all of these good players have been so "lucky" to have a high rating.


    You would think that maybe one of these good players would have gotten unlucky and have a low rating. But nope. Skill = luck in swtor solo ranked. The matchmaking detects it I guess.


    Any good player who plays alot of solo ranked will have a high rating. Any bad player who plays alot will have a low rating. And the average players will have average ratings as their teammates will usually determine whether they win or lose and they will get the "good team" apporx. half the time and the "bad team" approx half the time.

  11. Umm i speak for a majority of other players when I say this, I do like to think its based on luck no...It IS based on luck depending which team gets the artards and nobody's against a team who has the players who have know how what they are doing, have ranked experience and yes most importantly have 30khp+, because a majority of the games turn out this way and if you're sitting there telling me you have a chance of winning with Fessonia on your team...you are sadly mistaken


    Everyone gets Fessonia close to the same amount of time. A rating after 5 games played is mostly based on luck. A rating after 200 games played is very little to do with luck. The past few nights the team who got bangers, joov, or me would most likely win. So there is a flip side to the Fessonia argument. If getting Fessonia on your team increases the chance of a loss...getting the best players on your team increases the chance of winning. Not because they are lucky. Because they are the most skilled. And their ratings reflect this.

  12. "We come from behind" << is this gay stuff? :confused:


    and also



    and also



    There are those who are gay and open. There are those who are gay and in the closet. And then there are those who are gay and fail to either accept or even realize this about themselves. They search to fill this void in their lives with many different things when there is only one real answer to what they are searching for...


    Not that making guild names with gay innuendos proves any kind of homosexual tendencies...but the point is still relevant to the threads OP.

  13. Shush Kikstyo. Be nice or I will show everyone your girlfriend.



    lol go ahead. if you have the pics then you have my blessing to show them. none of these kids will believe its me, or her or whatever anyway and we will both get a laugh out of reading the jealous hatred and denial from the lonely children of the bastion. so go ahead...idgaf...


    on second thought id rather you not for a few different reasons...


    but either way...yawn and meh.

  14. I'll be there. Please don't make me pay 300$ if Iose...


    dont bet it and you wont have to pay it...even if you do bet it, if you dont use a third party to hold the money, then you can be a ***** and still not pay if you really wanted to.


    something mosh wouldnt do.

    something i would never do.

    something scold would certainly do.

  15. uhhhhhh hellooooooooooooooo time ?!?!?!


    i think my girlfriend said in another thread that it was 9pm on ilum.


    But I dont know...log on then and duel if want to...Mosh and his metal militia always down to duel so if they on can duel alot of people just for the helluva it...or for the tournament...or for $300...or for an xbox one....or for entertainment...or.......

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