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10 Good

1 Follower

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  • Location
    The middle of nowhere. Morris, Oklahoma
  • Interests
    Gaming of course
  • Occupation
    Deep Fork Community Action / Weatherization Technition
  1. Not a productive reply but good on yah
  2. Yeah this is an Option. My biggest issue here is i feel the packs, and most of everything on the market is so over priced is. Just a suggestion for the suggestion box. Thanks for the feedback i will try these suggestions you have given me
  3. yeah sorry about that i fail at sentence structure i guess. Hope that is better..Thanks for the feed back
  4. The Cartel Market seems a bit expensive does it not to anyone else? Please lower the coin requirement for everything across the board by like hmm i don't know.. 75% ..i mean a full year sub gets you one Warp-crate of x24 packs with some change left over? really? Now obviously this is without spending any more money other than a sub. But it is hard to throw money at a "maybe" chance at getting what you want... bottom line is i feel that most..no ..ALL ..of the items on the market are so over priced. It's almost a requirement for you to constantly throw your wallet in for some GC. I would like to know what i am going to get not just willy nilly. I have been back and fourth with this game over the years..the market always frustrates me to no end. With the F2P model you don't hinder anyone from getting the story..which i am surprised cause you put restrictions on everything else, but i wont get into that right now...what about the player who enjoys the cosmetic side of the end game such as myself? why do the cosmetic items cost an arm and a leg? I don't mean to complain or be negative this is just my opinion. oh and can we please make mounts and cartel gear account wide. Without the nickel and dimming model.. just a thought. It works for other games just saying.. Anyway that is my thoughts on the matter. I am glad i have re-subscribed as always i am really enjoying leveling my alts and the game play/story is always a 10! Thanks Bio-ware.
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